Source code for snudda.detect.detect

# Johannes Hjorth, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
# Human Brain Project 2019
# Requires Python version 3+
# This open source software code was developed in part or in whole in
# the Human Brain Project, funded from the European Union’s Horizon
# 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Specific
# Grant Agreements No. 720270 and No. 785907 (Human Brain Project SGA1
# and SGA2).
import itertools
import json
import os
import sys
import time
import timeit
from collections import OrderedDict

import h5py
import numexpr
import numpy as np
from numba import jit

import snudda.utils.memory
from snudda.utils.snudda_path import get_snudda_data
from snudda.detect.projection_detection import ProjectionDetection
from snudda.neurons.neuron_prototype import NeuronPrototype
from snudda.utils.load import SnuddaLoad

# TODO: Exclude neurons without synapses or gap junctions from touch detection (ie if no pre/post connections possible)

[docs]class SnuddaDetect(object): """ SnuddaDetect places synapses in the network based on touch detection. """ def __init__(self, config_file=None, network_path=None, snudda_data=None, position_file=None, voxel_size=3e-6, # 2e-6, hyper_voxel_size=100, # 250, #100, verbose=False, logfile_name=None, logfile=None, save_file=None, work_history_file=None, slurm_id=0, volume_id=None, role=None, # Default: "master" rc=None, axon_stump_id_flag=False, simulation_origo = None, # Auto detect h5libver=None, # Default: "latest" random_seed=None, debug_flag=False): """ Constructor. Args: network_path (str): Network directory snudda_data (str, optional): Path to SNUDDA_DATA (if not specified will try to read from config file) config_file (str, optional): Network config file (default network-config.json in network_path) position_file (str, optional): Network position file (default network-neuron-positions in network_path) voxel_size (float, optional): Width of voxel (default 3e-6m) hyper_voxel_size (int, optional): Number of voxels per side (default: 100, ie 100x100x100 voxels total) verbose (bool, optional): Verbose mode (default False) logfile_name (str, optional): Name of log file logfile (_io.TextIOWrapper, optional): Pointer to already open log file save_file (str, optional): Name of output file (default voxels/network-putative-synapses.hdf5 in network_path) work_history_file (str, optional): Work log file (default network-detect-worklog.hdf5 in network_path) slurm_id (int, optional): SlurmID of job volume_id (str, optional): Volume ID to do touch detection on role (str, optional): Parallel role, i.e. "master" or "worker" rc (ipyparallel.Client, optional): iPyParallel client, if given program will run in parallel axon_stump_id_flag (bool, optional): Recalculate segment IDs to account for axon stump? (default False) simulation_origo (np.array, optional): Origo for touch detection hypervoxels and voxels, voxel coordinates must always positive. h5libver (string, optional): h5py library version (default "latest") random_seed (int, optional): Random seed debug_flag (bool, optional): Save additional information for debugging (Default: False) """ self.rc = rc if not role: self.role = "master" else: self.role = role assert self.role in ["master", "worker"], \ "SnuddaDetect: Role must be master or worker" self.verbose = verbose if not h5libver: self.h5libver = "latest" else: self.h5libver = h5libver self.debug_flag = debug_flag self.random_seed = random_seed if config_file and not network_path: network_path = os.path.dirname(config_file) if network_path: self.network_path = network_path # Setting default config, position, save and log file if not user provided if not config_file: config_file = os.path.join(network_path, "network-config.json") if not position_file: position_file = os.path.join(network_path, "network-neuron-positions.hdf5") if not save_file: save_file = os.path.join(network_path, "voxels", "network-putative-synapses.hdf5") if not logfile and not logfile_name: log_filename = os.path.join(network_path, "log", "touch-detection.txt") self.work_history_file = work_history_file # Name of work history file self.work_history = None # File pointer for actual file if logfile_name: self.logfile_name = logfile_name elif logfile is not None: self.logfile_name = else: self.logfile_name = os.path.join(self.network_path, "log", "touch-detection.txt") self.logfile = logfile self.setup_log() self.config_file = config_file self.position_file = position_file self.save_file = save_file self.snudda_data = get_snudda_data(snudda_data=snudda_data, config_file=self.config_file, network_path=self.network_path) self.write_log(f"Using hdf5 driver version: {self.h5libver}") mem = self.memory() self.write_log(f"{mem}") self.slurm_id = int(slurm_id) # Make sure integer self.workers_initialised = False self.voxel_size = voxel_size self.hyper_voxel_size = hyper_voxel_size # = N, N x N x N voxels in a hyper voxel self.hyper_voxel_origo = np.zeros((3,)) self.voxel_overflow_counter = 0 self.step_multiplier = 2 self.hyper_voxel_offset = None self.hyper_voxel_id = 0 self.hyper_voxel_rng = None self.num_bins = hyper_voxel_size * np.ones((3,), dtype=int) self.write_log("Each hyper voxel has %d x %d x %d voxels" % tuple(self.num_bins)) # These are voxels that axons/dend occupy self.axon_voxels = None self.dend_voxels = None self.volume_id = volume_id if volume_id is not None: self.write_log(f"Touch detection only {volume_id}") else: self.write_log("Touch detecting all volumes") # These are counters, how many different axons/dend in the voxel self.axon_voxel_ctr = None self.dend_voxel_ctr = None self.max_axon_voxel_ctr = None self.max_dend_voxel_ctr = None self.axon_soma_dist = None self.dend_sec_id = None self.dend_sec_x = None self.dend_soma_dist = None self.axon_stump_id_flag = axon_stump_id_flag self.neurons = None self.neuron_positions = None self.population_unit = None self.hyper_voxels = None self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup = None self.num_hyper_voxels = None self.hyper_voxel_width = self.hyper_voxel_size * self.voxel_size self.simulation_origo = np.array(simulation_origo) if simulation_origo is not None else None self.config = None # Columns in hyperVoxelSynapses: # 0: sourceCellID, 1: destCellID, 2: voxelX, 3: voxelY, 4: voxelZ, # 5: hyperVoxelID, 6: channelModelID, # 7: sourceAxonSomaDist (not SI scaled 1e6, micrometers), # 8: destDendSomaDist (not SI scaled 1e6, micrometers) # 9: destSecID, 10: destSecX (int 0 - 1000, SONATA wants float 0.0-1.0) # 11: conductance (int, not SI scaled 1e12, in pS) # 12: parameterID # # Note on parameterID: # If there are n parameter sets for the particular synapse type, then # the ID to use is parameterID % n, this way we can reuse connectivity # if we add more synapse parameter sets later. self.hyper_voxel_synapses = None # Columns in hyperVoxelGapJunctions # 0: sourceCellID, 1: destCellID, 2: sourceSecID, 3: destSecID, # 4: sourceSegX, 5: destSegX, 6: voxelX, 7: voxelY, 8: voxelZ, # 9: hyperVoxelID, 10: conductance (integer, in pS) self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions = None self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr = 0 self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr = 0 self.hyper_voxel_coords = dict([]) # This is used by the heap sort, when merging hdf5 files for the different # hyper voxels self.hyper_voxel_synapse_lookup = None self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_lookup = None # Parameters for the HDF5 writing, this affects write speed self.synapse_chunk_size = 10000 self.gap_junction_chunk_size = 10000 self.h5compression = "lzf" # This is an upper limit how many axon/dend we allow in each voxel max # 10 overflowed self.max_axon = 45 self.max_dend = 20 self.max_neurons = 10000 self.max_synapses = 2000000 self.max_gap_junctions = 100000 self.connectivity_distributions = dict([]) # self.connectivityDistributionsGJ = dict([]) self.next_channel_model_id = 10 self.prototype_neurons = dict([]) self.axon_cum_density_cache = dict([]) self.delete_old_merge() # Rather than load all neuron morphologies, we only load prototypes self.read_prototypes(config_file=config_file, axon_stump_id_flag=axon_stump_id_flag) # Read positions self.read_neuron_positions(position_file) self.projection_detection = None # Helper class for handling projections between structures
[docs] def detect(self, restart_detection_flag=True, rc=None): """ Synapse placement based on touch detection. Space is divided into hyper voxels, containing 100x100x100 voxels. Each hyper voxel is processed separately. Args: restart_detection_flag (bool, optional): Restart detection or resume previous partial run. rc (ipyparallel.Client, optional): Remote Client, used for parallel execution """ # Normally rc is assigned in init, but let's have option to get it here also if rc is not None: self.rc = rc # We need to setup the workers if self.rc is not None: d_view = self.rc.direct_view(targets='all') else: d_view = None if self.role == "master": # Make sure path exists if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.save_file)): self.write_log(f"Creating directory {os.path.dirname(self.save_file)}") os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(self.save_file)) self.setup_parallel(d_view=d_view) if self.work_history_file is None: log_dir = os.path.join(self.network_path, "log") self.work_history_file = os.path.join(log_dir, "network-detect-worklog.hdf5") if restart_detection_flag: if os.path.isfile(self.work_history_file): self.write_log("Removing old work history file") os.remove(self.work_history_file) # Setup new work history self.setup_work_history(self.work_history_file) else: # Open old file with work history self.write_log(f"Reusing old work history file {self.work_history_file}") self.work_history = h5py.File(self.work_history_file, "r+", libver=self.h5libver) # For each neuron we need to find which hyper voxel it belongs to # (can be more than one) self.distribute_neurons_parallel(d_view=d_view) # We also need to start the projection code self.projection_detection = ProjectionDetection(snudda_detect=self, role=self.role, rc=self.rc) self.projection_detection.find_neurons_projections_in_hyper_voxels() if d_view is not None: self.parallel_process_hyper_voxels(rc=self.rc, d_view=d_view) else: # We are running it in serial (all_hyper_id, n_completed, remaining, self.voxel_overflow_counter) = \ self.setup_process_hyper_voxel_state_history() for hyper_id in remaining: # self.hyperVoxels: (hyper_id, n_syn, n_gj, exec_time, voxel_overflow_ctr) = \ self.process_hyper_voxel(hyper_id) if voxel_overflow_ctr > 0: self.write_log(f"!!! HyperID {hyper_id} OVERFLOWED {voxel_overflow_ctr} TIMES" f"{exec_time}s)") self.voxel_overflow_counter += voxel_overflow_ctr else: self.write_log(f"HyperID {hyper_id} completed - {n_syn} synapses and " f"{n_gj} gap junctions found (in {exec_time} s)") self.update_process_hyper_voxel_state(hyper_id=hyper_id, num_syn=n_syn, num_gj=n_gj, exec_time=exec_time, voxel_overflow_counter=voxel_overflow_ctr)
# We need to gather data from all the HDF5 files -- that is done in prune ############################################################################ def __del__(self): if self.work_history is not None: try: self.work_history.close() except: print("Work history already closed") if self.logfile is not None: try: self.logfile.close() except: print("Log file already closed") if self.rc: # Clean up memory on workers from snudda.utils import cleanup cleanup(self.rc, "detect") ############################################################################
[docs] def parallel_process_hyper_voxels(self, rc=None, d_view=None): """ Distributes touch detection in hyper voxels to workers. Args: rc (ipyparallel.Client, optional): Remote client, for parallel execution """ self.write_log("Starting parallelProcessHyperVoxels") start_time = timeit.default_timer() # Loads state if previously existed, otherwise creates new fresh history (all_hyper_id_list, num_completed, remaining, self.voxel_overflow_counter) = \ self.setup_process_hyper_voxel_state_history() n_workers = len(rc.ids) worker_status = [None for x in rc.ids] worker_idx = 0 job_idx = 0 busy_ctr = 0 no_change_ctr = 0 num_syn = 1 # If nSyn is zero delay in loop is shorter self.write_log(f"parallel_process_hyper_voxels: Using {n_workers} worker") info_msg_written = False while job_idx < len(remaining) or busy_ctr > 0: if worker_status[worker_idx] is not None: # We have an async result, check status of it if worker_status[worker_idx].ready(): # Result is ready, get it hyper_voxel_data = rc[worker_idx]["result"] hyper_id = hyper_voxel_data[0] num_syn = hyper_voxel_data[1] n_gj = hyper_voxel_data[2] exec_time = hyper_voxel_data[3] voxel_overflow_ctr = hyper_voxel_data[4] self.update_process_hyper_voxel_state(hyper_id=hyper_id, num_syn=num_syn, num_gj=n_gj, exec_time=exec_time, voxel_overflow_counter=voxel_overflow_ctr) worker_status[worker_idx] = None rc[worker_idx]["result"] = None # Clear to be safe busy_ctr -= 1 if voxel_overflow_ctr > 0: self.write_log(f"!!! HyperID {hyper_id} OVERFLOWED {voxel_overflow_ctr} TIMES" f"(execution time {exec_time} s)", is_error=True) self.voxel_overflow_counter += voxel_overflow_ctr else: if exec_time > 100 or self.verbose: # Only print the long running hyper voxels self.write_log(f"HyperID {hyper_id} completed " f"- {num_syn} synapses found ({np.around(exec_time, 1)} s)", force_print=True) elif not info_msg_written: self.write_log(f"Suppressing printouts for hyper voxels that complete in < 100 seconds.", force_print=True) info_msg_written = True # Check that there are neurons in the hyper voxel, otherwise skip it. if worker_status[worker_idx] is None and job_idx < len(remaining): self.write_log(f"{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())}" f" Starting hyper voxel {remaining[job_idx]} on worker {worker_idx}") cmd_str = f"result = sd.process_hyper_voxel({remaining[job_idx]})" worker_status[worker_idx] = rc[worker_idx].execute(cmd_str, block=False) job_idx += 1 busy_ctr += 1 no_change_ctr = 0 else: no_change_ctr += 1 worker_idx = (worker_idx + 1) % n_workers if no_change_ctr >= n_workers: # If all workers were working, sleep for a bit, then reset counter if num_syn > 0: time.sleep(0.010) else: # If previous hyper voxel had no synapses, be faster time.sleep(1e-6) no_change_ctr = 0 end_time = timeit.default_timer() self.write_log(f"Voxel overflows: {self.voxel_overflow_counter}", is_error=(self.voxel_overflow_counter > 0)) self.write_log(f"Total number of synapses: {np.sum(self.work_history['nHypervoxelSynapses'][:])}") self.write_log(f"parallelProcessHyperVoxels: {end_time - start_time:.1f} s") self.work_history.close()
[docs] def generate_hyper_voxel_random_seeds(self): """ Generates a seed sequence for each hyper voxel based on the master seed for touch detection. """ # ss = np.random.SeedSequence(self.random_seed) all_seeds = ss.generate_state(len(self.hyper_voxels)) all_hid = sorted(self.hyper_voxels.keys()) for hi, s in zip(all_hid, all_seeds): self.hyper_voxels[hi]["randomSeed"] = s
[docs] def generate_neuron_distribution_random_seeds(self): """ Generate seed sequence for neuron distribution from master seed. """ # Need different master seed than hyper voxel seed sequence ss = np.random.SeedSequence(self.random_seed + 1337) distribution_seeds = ss.generate_state(len(self.neurons)) return distribution_seeds
[docs] def setup_work_history(self, work_history_file=None): """ Sets up work history. By logging progress we are able to restart an earlier partial touch detection run. Args: work_history_file (str, optional): Path to work history file """ if self.role != "master": return if work_history_file is None: work_history_file = self.work_history_file else: # Update internal state self.work_history_file = work_history_file dir_name = os.path.dirname(self.work_history_file) if not os.path.exists(dir_name): self.write_log(f"Creating directory {dir_name}") os.mkdir(dir_name) self.write_log(f"Work history file: {self.work_history_file}") self.work_history = h5py.File(work_history_file, "w", libver=self.h5libver) # We need to encode the connectivityDistributions tuple as a string # before saving it in json # we also need to parse this string and recreate a tuple afterwards tmp_con_dist = dict([]) for keys in self.connectivity_distributions: tmp_con_dist["$$".join(keys)] = self.connectivity_distributions[keys] save_meta_data = [(self.snudda_data, "snuddaData"), (self.slurm_id, "SlurmID"), (self.config_file, "configFile"), (self.position_file, "positionFile"), (self.voxel_size, "voxelSize"), (self.hyper_voxel_size, "hyperVoxelSize"), (self.hyper_voxel_width, "hyperVoxelWidth"), (self.axon_stump_id_flag, "axonStumpIDFlag"), (json.dumps(self.config), "config"), (json.dumps(tmp_con_dist), "connectivityDistributions")] if "meta" not in self.work_history: self.write_log("Writing metadata to work history file") meta = self.work_history.create_group("meta") for data, data_name in save_meta_data: meta.create_dataset(data_name, data=data) else: self.write_log("Work history file found, checking meta data") # Make sure config file etc match for data, data_name in save_meta_data: assert data == self.work_history["meta/" + data_name][()], \ (f"Mismatch in workhistory file: {data_name} mismatch {data} " f"vs {self.work_history['meta/' + data_name][()]}" f"\nPlease delete old work history file.") self.write_log("Write neuron data to file") network_group = self.work_history.create_group("network") # Finally the neuron information neuron_group = network_group.create_group("neurons") # If the name list is longer than 20 chars, increase S20 name_list = [n["name"].encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in self.neurons] str_type = 'S' + str(max(1, max([len(x) for x in name_list]))) neuron_group.create_dataset("name", (len(name_list),), str_type, name_list, compression=self.h5compression) neuron_id_list = [n["neuronID"] for n in self.neurons] neuron_group.create_dataset("neuronID", (len(neuron_id_list),), 'int', neuron_id_list) neuron_path = [n["neuronPath"] for n in self.neurons] max_np_len = max([len(x) for x in neuron_path]) neuron_group.create_dataset("neuronPath", (len(neuron_path),), f"S{max_np_len}", neuron_path) # Just make sure there is at least one neuron in volumeIDlist # that is inside volumeID volume_set = set([n["volumeID"] for n in self.neurons]) assert self.volume_id is None or self.volume_id in volume_set, "VolumeID contains no neurons: " + str( self.volume_id) volume_id_list = [n["volumeID"].encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in self.neurons] str_type_vid = 'S' + str(max(1, max([len(x) for x in volume_id_list]))) neuron_group.create_dataset("volumeID", (len(volume_id_list),), str_type_vid, volume_id_list, compression=self.h5compression) hoc_list = [n["hoc"].encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in self.neurons] neuron_group.create_dataset("hoc", (len(hoc_list),), 'S100', hoc_list, compression=self.h5compression) virtual_neuron_list = np.array([n["virtualNeuron"] for n in self.neurons], dtype=bool) virtual_neuron = neuron_group.create_dataset("virtualNeuron", data=virtual_neuron_list, compression=self.h5compression) swc_list = [n["morphology"].encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in self.neurons] max_swc_len = max([len(x) for x in swc_list]) neuron_group.create_dataset("morphology", (len(swc_list),), 'S' + str(max_swc_len), swc_list, compression=self.h5compression) neuron_position = neuron_group.create_dataset("position", (len(self.neurons), 3), "float", compression=self.h5compression) neuron_rotation = neuron_group.create_dataset("rotation", (len(self.neurons), 9), "float", compression=self.h5compression) neuron_dend_radius = neuron_group.create_dataset("maxDendRadius", (len(self.neurons),), "float", compression=self.h5compression) neuron_axon_radius = neuron_group.create_dataset("maxAxonRadius", (len(self.neurons),), "float", compression=self.h5compression) neuron_param_id = neuron_group.create_dataset("parameterID", (len(self.neurons),), "int", compression=self.h5compression) neuron_morphology_id = neuron_group.create_dataset("morphologyID", (len(self.neurons),), "int", compression=self.h5compression) neuron_modulation_id = neuron_group.create_dataset("modulationID", (len(self.neurons),), "int", compression=self.h5compression) pk_list = [n["parameterKey"].encode("ascii", "ignore") if "parameterKey" in n and n["parameterKey"] is not None else "" for n in self.neurons] pk_str_type = 'S' + str(max(1, max([len(x) for x in pk_list]))) mk_list = [n["morphologyKey"].encode("ascii", "ignore") if "morphologyKey" in n and n["morphologyKey"] is not None else "" for n in self.neurons] mk_str_type = 'S' + str(max(1, max([len(x) for x in mk_list]))) mok_list = [n["modulationKey"].encode("ascii", "ignore") if "modulationKey" in n and n["modulationKey"] is not None else "" for n in self.neurons] mok_str_type = 'S' + str(max(1, max([len(x) for x in mok_list]))) neuron_param_key = neuron_group.create_dataset("parameterKey", (len(self.neurons),), pk_str_type, compression="gzip") neuron_morph_key = neuron_group.create_dataset("morphologyKey", (len(self.neurons),), mk_str_type, compression="gzip") neuron_modulation_key = neuron_group.create_dataset("modulationKey", (len(self.neurons),), mok_str_type, compression="gzip") for (i, n) in enumerate(self.neurons): neuron_position[i] = n["position"] neuron_rotation[i] = n["rotation"].reshape(1, 9) neuron_dend_radius[i] = n["maxDendRadius"] neuron_axon_radius[i] = n["maxAxonRadius"] neuron_param_id[i] = -1 if n["parameterID"] is None else n["parameterID"] neuron_morphology_id[i] = -1 if n["morphologyID"] is None else n["morphologyID"] neuron_modulation_id[i] = -1 if n["modulationID"] is None else n["modulationID"] if "parameterKey" in n: neuron_param_key[i] = n["parameterKey"] if "morphologyKey" in n: neuron_morph_key[i] = n["morphologyKey"] if "modulationKey" in n: neuron_modulation_key[i] = n["modulationKey"] # Store input information neuron_group.create_dataset("populationUnitID", data=self.population_unit, compression=self.h5compression, dtype=int) # Variable for axon density "r", "xyz" or "" (No axon density) axon_density_type = [n["axonDensityType"].encode("ascii", "ignore") if n["axonDensityType"] is not None else b"" for n in self.neurons] ad_str_type2 = "S" + str(max(1, max([len(x) if x is not None else 1 for x in axon_density_type]))) neuron_group.create_dataset("axonDensityType", (len(axon_density_type),), ad_str_type2, data=axon_density_type, compression=self.h5compression) axon_density = [n["axonDensity"].encode("ascii", "ignore") if n["axonDensity"] is not None else b"" for n in self.neurons] ad_str_type = "S" + str(max(1, max([len(x) if x is not None else 1 for x in axon_density]))) neuron_group.create_dataset("axonDensity", (len(axon_density),), ad_str_type, data=axon_density, compression=self.h5compression) axon_density_radius = [n["axonDensityRadius"] if n["axonDensity"] is not None and n["axonDensityType"] == "r" else np.nan for n in self.neurons] neuron_group.create_dataset("axonDensityRadius", data=axon_density_radius) # This is for the density function where it uses x,y,z axon_density_bounds_xyz = np.nan * np.zeros((len(self.neurons), 6)) for ni, n in enumerate(self.neurons): if n["axonDensity"] is None: # No axon density specified, skip continue if n["axonDensityType"] == "xyz": axon_density_bounds_xyz[ni, :] = n["axonDensityBoundsXYZ"] neuron_group.create_dataset("axonDensityBoundsXYZ", data=axon_density_bounds_xyz)
############################################################################ # Reading work
[docs] def setup_process_hyper_voxel_state_history(self): """ Initialises the variables for tracking progress of touch detection. Returns: progress_data (list, int, list, int) : The items returned are (all_hyper_id_list, num_completed, remaining, voxel_overflow_counter). The remaining hypervoxel id list is sorted descending by size. """ if "completed" in self.work_history: self.write_log("setup_process_hyper_voxel_state_history: Resuming from old state") # We already have a run in progress, load the state all_hyper_id_list = set(self.work_history["allHyperIDs"]) num_completed = int(self.work_history["nCompleted"][0]) completed = set(self.work_history["completed"][:num_completed]) remaining = self.sort_remaining_by_size(all_hyper_id_list - completed) voxel_overflow_counter = self.work_history["voxelOverflowCounter"][0] else: self.write_log("setup_process_hyper_voxel_state_history: Creating new work history.") # No history, add it to work history file num_hyper_voxels = len(self.hyper_voxels) minus_one = -1 * np.ones((num_hyper_voxels,), dtype=np.int32) self.work_history.create_dataset("completed", data=minus_one) num_completed = 0 voxel_overflow_counter = 0 # Could not rewrite scalars, so saving nCompleted as a vector of length 1 self.work_history.create_dataset("nCompleted", data=np.zeros(1, )) all_hyper_id_list = np.array([x for x in self.hyper_voxels.keys()], dtype=np.int32) # Remove the empty hyper IDs (valid_hyper_id, empty_hyper_id) = self.remove_empty(all_hyper_id_list) all_hyper_id_list = valid_hyper_id remaining = self.sort_remaining_by_size(all_hyper_id_list) if len(self.connectivity_distributions) == 0: # We have no possible connections specified -- mark all voxels as done self.write_log("No connections specified in connectivity_distribution.", is_error=True) remaining = [] else: assert (np.array([self.hyper_voxels[x]["neuronCtr"] for x in empty_hyper_id]) == 0).all(), "All hyperIDs marked as empty are not empty!" self.write_log(f"Skipping {len(empty_hyper_id)} empty hyper voxels") self.work_history.create_dataset("allHyperIDs", data=all_hyper_id_list) self.work_history.create_dataset("nHypervoxelSynapses", data=np.zeros(num_hyper_voxels, ), dtype=np.int64) self.work_history.create_dataset("nHypervoxelGapJunctions", data=np.zeros(num_hyper_voxels, ), dtype=np.int64) self.work_history.create_dataset("voxelOverflowCounter", data=np.zeros(num_hyper_voxels, ), dtype=np.int64) return all_hyper_id_list, num_completed, remaining, voxel_overflow_counter
############################################################################ # We want to do the hyper voxels with most neurons first, to minimize # the time waiting for lone cpu worker stragglers at the end.
[docs] def sort_remaining_by_size(self, remaining): """ Sorts the remaining hypervoxel ID list by descending size (number of neurons in hypervoxel) Args: remaining (list): List of hypervoxels Returns: sorted_remaining (list): Sorted list of hypervoxels """ remaining = np.array(list(remaining), dtype=int) # Minus since we want them in descending order num_neurons = [-self.hyper_voxels[x]["neuronCtr"] for x in remaining] sort_idx = np.argsort(num_neurons) return remaining[sort_idx]
[docs] def remove_empty(self, hyper_id): """ Removes empty hypervoxels from the list Args: hyper_id (list): List of hyper voxel IDs Returns: hyper_id_kept, hyper_id_removed (list, list) : List of remaining, and removed, hyper voxel ID """ num_neurons = np.array([self.hyper_voxels[x]["neuronCtr"] for x in hyper_id]) keep_idx = np.where(num_neurons > 0)[0] remove_idx = np.where(num_neurons == 0)[0] return hyper_id[keep_idx], hyper_id[remove_idx]
[docs] def get_neuron_distribution_history(self): """ Returns info about what neurons each hyper voxel contains etc. Returns: (tuple) : containing hyper_voxels (dictionary): dictionary with keys 'neurons', 'neuronCtr', 'origo', 'randomSeed' hyper_voxel_id_lookup (3D matrix with int): hypervoxel ID, spatially arranged n_hyper_voxels (int): number of hypervoxels simulation_origo (float, float, float): origo of entire simulation """ if "hyperVoxels" in self.work_history: self.write_log("Using neuron distribution from work history.") # We have hyper voxel information, load it hyper_voxels = dict([]) for h_id_str in self.work_history["hyperVoxels"]: h_id = int(h_id_str) hyper_voxels[h_id] = dict([]) hyper_voxels[h_id]["neurons"] = self.work_history["hyperVoxels"][h_id_str]["neurons"][()] hyper_voxels[h_id]["neuronCtr"] = self.work_history["hyperVoxels"][h_id_str]["neuronCtr"][()] hyper_voxels[h_id]["origo"] = self.work_history["hyperVoxels"][h_id_str]["origo"][()] hyper_voxels[h_id]["randomSeed"] = self.work_history["hyperVoxels"][h_id_str]["randomSeed"][()] hyper_voxel_id_lookup = self.work_history["meta/hyperVoxelIDs"][()] n_hyper_voxels = self.work_history["meta/nHyperVoxels"][()] simulation_origo = self.work_history["meta/simulationOrigo"][()] return hyper_voxels, hyper_voxel_id_lookup, n_hyper_voxels, simulation_origo else: # No information stored return None, None, None, None
[docs] def save_neuron_distribution_history(self, hyper_voxels, min_coord, max_coord): """ Save neuron distribution history to file. Args: hyper_voxels (3D matrix with int): Hypervoxel IDs, spatially arranged min_coord (float,float,float): minimal coordinate for all neurons/neurites in simulation max_coord (float,float,float): maximal coordinate for all neurons/neurites in simulation """ self.write_log("Writing neuron distribution history to file") assert "hyper_voxels" not in self.work_history, "saveNeuronDistributionHistory should only be called once" self.work_history.create_dataset("meta/hyperVoxelIDs", data=self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup) self.work_history.create_dataset("meta/nHyperVoxels", data=self.num_hyper_voxels) self.work_history.create_dataset("meta/simulationOrigo", data=self.simulation_origo) hv = self.work_history.create_group("hyperVoxels") for hID in hyper_voxels: h_data = hv.create_group(str(hID)) neurons = hyper_voxels[hID]["neurons"] neuron_ctr = hyper_voxels[hID]["neuronCtr"] origo = hyper_voxels[hID]["origo"] random_seed = hyper_voxels[hID]["randomSeed"] h_data.create_dataset("neurons", data=neurons[:neuron_ctr]) h_data.create_dataset("neuronCtr", data=neuron_ctr) h_data.create_dataset("origo", data=origo) h_data.create_dataset("randomSeed", data=random_seed)
[docs] def update_process_hyper_voxel_state(self, hyper_id, num_syn, num_gj, exec_time, voxel_overflow_counter): """Updates the process log with new hypervoxel state Args: hyper_id (int) : Hypervoxel id completed num_syn (int) : Number of synapses detected in hyper voxel num_gj (int) : Number of gap junctions detected in hyper voxel exec_time : Execution time (currently not used!) voxel_overflow_counter : How many synapses/gap junctions did we miss due to memory overflow? (Should be 0) """ num_completed = int(self.work_history["nCompleted"][0]) self.work_history["completed"][num_completed] = hyper_id self.work_history["nHypervoxelSynapses"][num_completed] = num_syn self.work_history["nHypervoxelGapJunctions"][num_completed] = num_gj self.work_history["voxelOverflowCounter"][num_completed] = voxel_overflow_counter num_completed += 1 self.work_history["nCompleted"][0] = num_completed
[docs] def setup_hyper_voxel(self, hyper_voxel_origo, hyper_voxel_id): """ Initialise all variables for a hypervoxel (containing NxNxN voxels) before touch detection. Args: hyper_voxel_origo (float,float,float): Origo of new hyper voxel hyper_voxel_id (int): ID of hypervoxel to process """ # Each hyper voxel has its own seed random_seed = self.hyper_voxels[hyper_voxel_id]["randomSeed"] self.hyper_voxel_rng = np.random.default_rng(random_seed) self.hyper_voxel_coords[hyper_voxel_id] = hyper_voxel_origo self.hyper_voxel_origo = hyper_voxel_origo self.hyper_voxel_id = hyper_voxel_id if self.hyper_voxel_synapses is None: self.hyper_voxel_synapses = np.zeros((self.max_synapses, 13), dtype=np.int32) self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr = 0 else: self.hyper_voxel_synapses[:] = 0 self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr = 0 if self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions is None: self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions = np.zeros((self.max_synapses, 11), dtype=np.int32) self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr = 0 else: self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions[:] = 0 self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr = 0 # Clear lookup tables, just to be safe self.hyper_voxel_synapse_lookup = None self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_lookup = None # Used by plotHyperVoxel to make sure synapses are displayed correctly self.hyper_voxel_offset = None # Which axons populate the different voxels if self.axon_voxels is None: self.axon_voxels = np.zeros((self.num_bins[0], self.num_bins[1], self.num_bins[2], self.max_axon), dtype=np.int32) self.axon_voxel_ctr = np.zeros(self.num_bins, dtype=np.int32) # How far from the soma is this point self.axon_soma_dist = np.zeros((self.num_bins[0], self.num_bins[1], self.num_bins[2], self.max_axon), dtype=np.int16) else: # Already allocated, just clear it self.axon_voxels[:] = 0 self.axon_voxel_ctr[:] = 0 self.axon_soma_dist[:] = 0 # Which dendrites populate the different voxels if self.dend_voxels is None: self.dend_voxels = np.zeros((self.num_bins[0], self.num_bins[1], self.num_bins[2], self.max_dend), dtype=np.int32) self.dend_voxel_ctr = np.zeros(self.num_bins, dtype=np.int32) # Which segment ID does the point belong to, and what segX self.dend_sec_id = np.zeros((self.num_bins[0], self.num_bins[1], self.num_bins[2], self.max_dend), dtype=np.int16) self.dend_sec_x = np.zeros((self.num_bins[0], self.num_bins[1], self.num_bins[2], self.max_dend), dtype=np.float64) # 0 - 1.0, low pres # float16 -> float64, numba requirement # How far from the soma is this point self.dend_soma_dist = np.zeros((self.num_bins[0], self.num_bins[1], self.num_bins[2], self.max_dend), dtype=np.int16) else: # Already allocated, just clear it self.dend_voxels[:] = 0 self.dend_voxel_ctr[:] = 0 self.dend_sec_id[:] = 0 self.dend_sec_x[:] = 0 self.dend_soma_dist[:] = 0 self.voxel_overflow_counter = 0
############################################################################ # hyperID is only needed if we have neurons without axons, ie we use # axon density
[docs] def detect_synapses(self): """ Helper function, triggers detection of synapses. Called by process_hyper_voxel. """ start_time = timeit.default_timer() # assert self.hyperVoxelSynapseCtr == 0 \ # and self.hyperVoxelSynapses is not None, \ # "setupHyperVoxel must be called before detecting synapses" # Find all voxels that contain axon and dendrites [x_syn, y_syn, z_syn] = np.where(np.bitwise_and(self.dend_voxel_ctr > 0, self.axon_voxel_ctr > 0)) if True: # This gives us some statistics, turn off later for speed self.max_axon_voxel_ctr = np.amax(self.axon_voxel_ctr) self.max_dend_voxel_ctr = np.amax(self.dend_voxel_ctr) for x, y, z in zip(x_syn, y_syn, z_syn): axon_id_list = self.axon_voxels[x, y, z, :self.axon_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]] dend_id_list = self.dend_voxels[x, y, z, :self.dend_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]] axon_dist = self.axon_soma_dist[x, y, z, :self.axon_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]] dend_dist = self.dend_soma_dist[x, y, z, :self.dend_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]] dend_sec_id = self.dend_sec_id[x, y, z, :self.dend_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]] dend_sec_x = self.dend_sec_x[x, y, z, :self.dend_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]] # Maybe make dendrite loop outer, since it has more variables? # speedup?? for (ax_id, ax_dist) in zip(axon_id_list, axon_dist): for (d_id, d_sec_id, d_sec_x, d_dist) \ in zip(dend_id_list, dend_sec_id, dend_sec_x, dend_dist): if ax_id == d_id: # Avoid self connections continue pre_type = self.neurons[ax_id]["type"] post_type = self.neurons[d_id]["type"] if (pre_type, post_type) in self.connectivity_distributions: con_dict = self.connectivity_distributions[pre_type, post_type] # We need to loop over conDict in case there are multiple # types of synapses from this neuron for con_type in con_dict: if con_type == "GapJunction": # This part detects only axon-dend synapses, skip gap junctions continue synapse_mu, synapse_sigma = con_dict[con_type]["lognormal_mu_sigma"] mean_synapse_cond, std_synapse_cond = con_dict[con_type]["conductance"] channel_model_id = con_dict[con_type]["channelModelID"] # Should we add just one synapse, or a cluster of synapses cluster_size = con_dict[con_type]["clusterSize"] if isinstance(cluster_size, (np.ndarray, list)): cluster_size = round(self.hyper_voxel_rng.normal(loc = cluster_size[0], scale = cluster_size[1])) if cluster_size > 1: cluster_spread = con_dict[con_type]["clusterSpread"] if isinstance(cluster_spread, (np.ndarray, list)): cluster_spread = np.maximum(np.abs(self.hyper_voxel_rng.normal(loc = cluster_spread[0], scale = cluster_spread[1])),5e-6) # This uses clone in neuron_prototype which should be cached neuron = self.load_neuron(self.neurons[d_id]) try: cluster_sec_x, syn_coords, soma_dist \ = neuron.cluster_synapses(sec_id=d_sec_id, sec_x=d_sec_x, count=cluster_size, distance=cluster_spread, rng=self.hyper_voxel_rng) except: import traceback tstr = traceback.format_exc() print(tstr) import pdb pdb.set_trace() if self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr + cluster_size >= self.max_synapses: self.resize_hyper_voxel_synapses_matrix() cluster_cond = self.hyper_voxel_rng.lognormal(synapse_mu, synapse_sigma, cluster_size) cluster_cond = np.maximum(cluster_cond, mean_synapse_cond * 0.1) cluster_param_id = self.hyper_voxel_rng.integers(1000000, size=cluster_size) # We need to convert coords to hyper voxel coords, to fit with other coords coords_all = np.round((syn_coords - self.hyper_voxel_origo)/self.voxel_size).astype(int) for d_sec_x, x, y, z, d_dist, cond, param_id \ in zip(cluster_sec_x, coords_all[:, 0], coords_all[:, 1], coords_all[:, 2], soma_dist * 1e6, cluster_cond, cluster_param_id): assert cond > 0, f"Conductance should be larger than 0. cond = {cond}" self.hyper_voxel_synapses[self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr, :] = \ [ax_id, d_id, x, y, z, self.hyper_voxel_id, channel_model_id, ax_dist, d_dist, d_sec_id, d_sec_x * 1000, cond * 1e12, param_id] # !!! OBS, dSegX is a value between 0 and 1, multiplied by 1000 # need to divide by 1000 later self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr += 1 else: # We can not do pruning at this stage, since we only see # synapses within hyper voxel, and pruning depends on # all synapses between two connected cells. # Do we have enough space allocated? if self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr >= self.max_synapses: self.resize_hyper_voxel_synapses_matrix() # Synapse conductance varies between synapses # cond = self.hyper_voxel_rng.normal(mean_synapse_cond, std_synapse_cond) # lognormal distribution -- # cond = self.hyper_voxel_rng.lognormal(synapse_mu, synapse_sigma) # Need to make sure the conductance is not negative, # set lower cap at 10% of mean value cond = np.maximum(cond, mean_synapse_cond * 0.1) assert cond > 0, f"Conductance should be larger than 0. cond = {cond}" param_id = self.hyper_voxel_rng.integers(1000000) # Add synapse self.hyper_voxel_synapses[self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr, :] = \ [ax_id, d_id, x, y, z, self.hyper_voxel_id, channel_model_id, ax_dist, d_dist, d_sec_id, d_sec_x * 1000, cond * 1e12, param_id] # !!! OBS, dSegX is a value between 0 and 1, multiplied by 1000 # need to divide by 1000 later self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr += 1 # Sort the synapses (note sortIdx will not contain the empty rows # at the end. self.sort_synapses() # Convert from hyper voxel local coordinates to simulation coordinates # basically how many voxel steps do we need to take to go from # simulationOrigo to hyperVoxelOrigo (those were not included, so add them) hyper_voxel_offset = np.round((self.hyper_voxel_origo - self.simulation_origo) / self.hyper_voxel_width).astype(int) * self.hyper_voxel_size # Just a double check... assert self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup[int(np.round(hyper_voxel_offset[0] / self.hyper_voxel_size))][ int(np.round(hyper_voxel_offset[1] / self.hyper_voxel_size))][ int(np.round(hyper_voxel_offset[2] / self.hyper_voxel_size))] == self.hyper_voxel_id, \ "Internal inconsistency, have hyper voxel numbering or coordinates been changed?" self.hyper_voxel_synapses[:self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr, :][:, range(2, 5)] \ += hyper_voxel_offset # We need this in case plotHyperVoxel is called self.hyper_voxel_offset = hyper_voxel_offset # These are used when doing the heap sort of the hyper voxels self.hyper_voxel_synapse_lookup \ = self.create_lookup_table(data=self.hyper_voxel_synapses, n_rows=self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr, data_type="synapses", num_neurons=len(self.neurons), max_synapse_type=self.next_channel_model_id) # if(self.hyperVoxelSynapseCtr > 0 and self.hyperVoxelSynapseCtr < 10): # self.plotHyperVoxel() # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() end_time = timeit.default_timer() self.write_log(f"detect_synapses: {self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr} took {end_time - start_time:.1f} s") if False and self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr > 0: print("First plot shows dendrites, and the voxels that were marked") print("Second plot same, but for axons") self.plot_hyper_voxel(plot_neurons=True, draw_axons=False) self.plot_hyper_voxel(plot_neurons=True, draw_dendrites=False) # This is for debug purposes import pdb pdb.set_trace() return self.hyper_voxel_synapses[:self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr, :]
[docs] def place_synapses_no_axon(self, hyper_id, voxel_space, voxel_space_ctr, voxel_axon_dist): """ Places fake axon segments for neurons without axons. Args: hyper_id (int): Hypervoxel ID voxel_space: Axon voxel space (n_bins x n_bins x n_bins x max_syn, voxel space matrix) voxel_space_ctr: Synapse counter (int) for voxels (n_bins x n_bins x n_bins) voxel_axon_dist: Axonal distance from soma to synapses (n_bins x n_bins x n_bins) """ start_time = timeit.default_timer() # 1. Find neurons within hyper voxel that have no axon num_neurons = self.hyper_voxels[hyper_id]["neuronCtr"] hyp_neurons = self.hyper_voxels[hyper_id]["neurons"][:num_neurons] no_axon_neurons = [self.neurons[x] for x in hyp_neurons if self.neurons[x]["axonDensity"] is not None] if len(no_axon_neurons) == 0: # No neurons without axons return # TODO: We need to update the code here to handle projection touch detection also # for neurons with "probability cloud axons" that should not be rotated # with the neuron rotation. for na_neuron in no_axon_neurons: # There are two types of axon density specified # - Spherically symmetric # - f(x,y,z) in SWC coordinates if na_neuron["axonDensityType"] == "r": # 2. Check that we have cumulative probability distribution for # radial distance, if not compute and cache if na_neuron["type"] in self.axon_cum_density_cache: (na_cum_density, na_points) = self.axon_cum_density_cache[na_neuron["type"]] self.write_log(f"Placing {na_points} random axon points for {na_neuron['name']} (cached)") else: # r is used in numexpr.evaluate below r = radius = np.arange(0, na_neuron["axonDensityRadius"] + self.voxel_size, self.voxel_size) # old way using eval, replaced with numpexpr.evaluate (safer, faster?) # density_as_func = eval('lambda r: ' + na_neuron["axonDensity"]) # na_p_density = np.array([density_as_func(r) for r in radius]) na_p_density = numexpr.evaluate(na_neuron["axonDensity"]) # We need to scale by distance squared, since in the shell at distance # d further from the soma has more voxels in it than a shell closer # This cumulative distribution is only used to determine how far # from the soma a synapse is located (not the direction) # !!! Plot and verify this !!! na_cum_density = np.cumsum(np.multiply(na_p_density, radius ** 2)) na_cum_density /= na_cum_density[-1] # Normalise # 3. Calculate how many points there should be within volume # based on (unscaled raw) probability density # Volume at each distance is 4*pi*(r**2) * voxelSize na_points = int(np.round(np.sum(4 * np.pi * self.voxel_size * np.multiply(radius ** 2, na_p_density)))) self.write_log(f"Placing {na_points} random axon points for {na_neuron['name']}") self.axon_cum_density_cache[na_neuron["type"]] = (na_cum_density, na_points) # 4. Randomize the points (na_voxel_coords, na_axon_dist) = self.no_axon_points_sphere(na_neuron["position"], na_cum_density, na_points) elif na_neuron["axonDensityType"] == "xyz": (na_voxel_coords, na_axon_dist) = self.no_axon_points_xyz(na_neuron["position"], na_neuron["rotation"], na_neuron["axonDensity"], na_neuron["axonDensityBoundsXYZ"]) else: self.write_log(f"Unknown axonDensityType: {na_neuron['axonDensityType']}\n{na_neuron}", is_error=True) na_voxel_coords = np.zeros((0, 3)) na_axon_dist = [] neuron_id = na_neuron["neuronID"] for idx in range(0, na_voxel_coords.shape[0]): x_idx = na_voxel_coords[idx, 0] y_idx = na_voxel_coords[idx, 1] z_idx = na_voxel_coords[idx, 2] axon_dist = na_axon_dist[idx] v_ctr = voxel_space_ctr[x_idx, y_idx, z_idx] if v_ctr > 0 and voxel_space[x_idx, y_idx, z_idx, v_ctr - 1] == neuron_id: # Voxel already has neuronID, skip continue try: voxel_space[x_idx, y_idx, z_idx, v_ctr] = neuron_id voxel_axon_dist[x_idx, y_idx, z_idx, v_ctr] = axon_dist voxel_space_ctr[x_idx, y_idx, z_idx] += 1 except: self.voxel_overflow_counter += 1 self.write_log(f"!!! Axon voxel space overflow: {voxel_space_ctr[x_idx, y_idx, z_idx]}", is_error=True) # if(True): # # Debug plot # self.plotHyperVoxel() # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() end_time = timeit.default_timer() self.write_log(f"place_synapses_no_axon: {end_time - start_time:.1f} s, hyper_id: {hyper_id}")
[docs] def no_axon_points_sphere(self, soma_centre, r_cum_distribution, num_points): """ Helper function placing axon segments with spherical probability distribution. This picks points around soma centre. num_points are randomized, points outside the hyper sphere are rejected, so fewer than nPoints might be returned. Args: soma_centre (float,float,float): x,y,z coordinates of soma centre r_cum_distribution: cumulative distribution num_points: number of points to place Returns: voxel_coordinates synapse_distance_to_soma """ uvr = self.hyper_voxel_rng.random((num_points, 3)) theta = 2 * np.pi * uvr[:, 0] phi = np.arccos(2 * uvr[:, 1] - 1) # Double check these are sorted # We want to sample from the supplied distance distribution r_p = np.sort(uvr[:, 2] * r_cum_distribution[-1], axis=0) next_idx = 0 self.write_log(f"num_points = {num_points}") r = np.zeros((num_points,)) for posIdx, rP1 in enumerate(r_p): while rP1 > r_cum_distribution[next_idx + 1]: next_idx += 1 r[posIdx] = next_idx # Rescale index to radie r = r * self.voxel_size xyz = np.array([r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi), r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), r * np.cos(theta)]).transpose() + soma_centre # Check which points are inside this hyper voxel vox_idx = np.floor((xyz - self.hyper_voxel_origo) / self.voxel_size).astype(int) inside_idx = np.where(np.sum(np.bitwise_and(0 <= vox_idx, vox_idx < self.hyper_voxel_size), axis=1) == 3)[0] return vox_idx[inside_idx, :], r[inside_idx]
[docs] def get_hyper_voxel_axon_points(self, neuron_position, rotation, axon_density_bounds_xyz, num_points=1000): """ Helper function to give points inside axon bounding box, that are inside hyper voxel Args: neuron_position (float,float,float): coordinates of neuron rotation: rotation matrix axon_density_bounds_xyz: boundary box for axon num_points: number of points to place """ # Randomly place nPoints inside bounding box (SWC coordinates, soma (0,0,0)) x_min = axon_density_bounds_xyz[0] x_width = axon_density_bounds_xyz[1] - axon_density_bounds_xyz[0] y_min = axon_density_bounds_xyz[2] y_width = axon_density_bounds_xyz[3] - axon_density_bounds_xyz[2] z_min = axon_density_bounds_xyz[4] z_width = axon_density_bounds_xyz[5] - axon_density_bounds_xyz[4] xyz = self.hyper_voxel_rng.random((num_points, 3)) xyz[:, 0] = x_min + x_width * xyz[:, 0] xyz[:, 1] = y_min + y_width * xyz[:, 1] xyz[:, 2] = z_min + z_width * xyz[:, 2] # Check which of the points are inside hyper voxel (rotate+translate) vox_idx = ((np.matmul(rotation, xyz.transpose()).transpose() + neuron_position - self.hyper_voxel_origo) / self.voxel_size).astype(int) inside_idx = np.where(np.sum(np.bitwise_and(0 <= vox_idx, vox_idx < self.hyper_voxel_size), axis=1) == 3)[0] return xyz[inside_idx, :], vox_idx[inside_idx, :]
############################################################################ # somaCentre and rotation of neuron # axonDensityFunc should be written so that it can handle x,y,z (SWC coords) # as vectors # axonDensityBoundsXYZ = [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax] in SWC coordinates # axonDensityFunc = eval("lambda x,y,z: " + axonPstr)
[docs] def no_axon_points_xyz(self, neuron_position, rotation, axon_density_func, axon_density_bounds_xyz): """ Placing fake axon segments based on probability distribution speicified with x,y,z. Args: neuron_position (float,float,float): location of neuron soma rotation (3x3 rotation matrix): rotation of neuron axon_density_func: axon density function in x,y,z coordinates (SWC coords), must handle x,y,z as vectors e.g. axon_density_func = eval("lambda x,y,z: " + axonPstr) axon_density_bounds_xyz: [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax] using the coordinates in the SWC file """ # Points for initial sample n_points = 5000 (xyz_inside, voxIdx) = self.get_hyper_voxel_axon_points(neuron_position, rotation, axon_density_bounds_xyz, n_points) x_width = axon_density_bounds_xyz[1] - axon_density_bounds_xyz[0] y_width = axon_density_bounds_xyz[3] - axon_density_bounds_xyz[2] z_width = axon_density_bounds_xyz[5] - axon_density_bounds_xyz[4] point_volume = x_width * y_width * z_width / n_points voxel_volume = self.voxel_size ** 3 # If no points were inside HV, then the intersection must be small # so we assume no voxels should be filled if xyz_inside.shape[0] == 0: # Double check correct data-types self.write_log("Bounding box appears to be outside hyper voxel") return np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=int), np.zeros((0, 1)) # Calculate density at each of the points inside HV x, y, z = xyz_inside[:, 0], xyz_inside[:, 1], xyz_inside[:, 2] density_inside = numexpr.evaluate(axon_density_func) # OLD: density_inside = axon_density_func(xyz_inside[:, 0], xyz_inside[:, 1], xyz_inside[:, 2]) # Estimate number of synapses from density, in this case we use a volume # equal to bounding box volume / nPoints for each point. # OBS that we only want to know how many synapses to place inside HV n_points_to_place = np.round(np.sum(density_inside * point_volume)) if n_points_to_place <= 0: # To little probability mass inside self.write_log("Too little of axon appears to be inside hyper voxel") return np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=int), np.zeros((0, 1)) # Calculate max density inside HV, divide all densities by that to # get Pkeep. max_density = np.max(density_inside) # We know that n out of N points placed were inside volume, so volume # acceptance rate is n/N. # In order to get about nPointsToPlace points placed we need to account # for how many outside volume, and also account for how many of those # inside volume gets accepted (Pkeep = density / maxDensity) n_tries = np.round(n_points_to_place * n_points / np.sum(density_inside / max_density)).astype(int) if n_tries > 1e6: self.write_log(f"!!! noAxonPointsXYZ: Warning trying to place {n_tries} points. " "Bounds: {axon_density_bounds_xyz}") # Only print this in verbose mode if self.verbose: self.write_log(f"Trying to place {n_tries} points to get {n_points_to_place} axon voxels filled") if n_points >= n_tries: # We already have enough points, use a subset use_num = np.round(voxIdx.shape[0] * n_tries / n_points).astype(int) picked_idx = np.where(self.hyper_voxel_rng.random(use_num) < density_inside[:use_num] / max_density)[0] axon_dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((xyz_inside[picked_idx, :]) ** 2, axis=1)) return voxIdx[picked_idx, :], axon_dist else: # Not enough points, use the ones we have, then get more picked_idx = np.where(self.hyper_voxel_rng.random(voxIdx.shape[0]) < density_inside / max_density)[0] axon_dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((xyz_inside[picked_idx, :]) ** 2, axis=1)) # Get more points (xyz_inside_b, voxIdxB) = \ self.get_hyper_voxel_axon_points(neuron_position, rotation, axon_density_bounds_xyz, n_tries - n_points) # OLD: density_inside_b = axon_density_func(xyz_inside_b[:, 0], xyz_inside_b[:, 1], xyz_inside_b[:, 2]) # x,y,z used in axon_density_func below x, y, z = xyz_inside_b[:, 0], xyz_inside_b[:, 1], xyz_inside_b[:, 2] density_inside_b = numexpr.evaluate(axon_density_func) picked_idx_b = np.where(self.hyper_voxel_rng.random(voxIdxB.shape[0]) < density_inside_b / max_density)[0] axon_dist_b = np.sqrt(np.sum((xyz_inside_b[picked_idx_b, :]) ** 2, axis=1)) return (np.concatenate([voxIdx[picked_idx, :], voxIdxB[picked_idx_b, :]]), np.concatenate([axon_dist, axon_dist_b]))
[docs] def resize_hyper_voxel_synapses_matrix(self, new_size=None): """ Increase the maximal size of the synapse matrix used for the hypervoxel. Args: new_size (int): Number of rows in synapse matrix """ if new_size is None: new_size = int(np.ceil(1.5 * self.max_synapses)) assert new_size >= self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr, " Cannot shrink below existing number of synapses" # We need to increase matrix size old = self.hyper_voxel_synapses self.max_synapses = new_size self.write_log(f"Increasing max synapses to {self.max_synapses}") self.hyper_voxel_synapses = np.zeros((self.max_synapses, 13), dtype=np.int32) self.hyper_voxel_synapses[:old.shape[0], :] = old del old
############################################################################ # This truncates and sorts the hyper voxel synapse matrix
[docs] def sort_synapses(self): """ Sort synapses stored in self.hyper_voxel_synapses. New sort order is columns 1 (dest), 0 (src), 6 (synapse type). """ sort_idx = np.lexsort(self.hyper_voxel_synapses[:self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr, [6, 0, 1]].transpose()) # Sort order: columns 1 (dest), 0 (src), 6 (synapse type) self.hyper_voxel_synapses[:self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr, :] = \ self.hyper_voxel_synapses[sort_idx, :]
[docs] def sort_gap_junctions(self): """ Sort gap junctions in self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions. New sort order is columns 1 (dest), 0 (src). """ sort_idx = \ np.lexsort(self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions[:self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr, [0, 1]].transpose()) self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions[:self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr, :] = \ self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions[sort_idx, :]
############################################################################ # First and second column specify the source and destination ID of a synapse # or a gap junction. # # This creates a lookup table where all synapses in the hyper voxel # between the same pair of neurons are grouped together # returns a matrix where first column is a UID = srcID*nNeurons + destID # and the following two columns are start row and end row (-1) in matrix # Turned the method into static so can use it also
[docs] @staticmethod def create_lookup_table(data, n_rows, data_type, num_neurons, max_synapse_type): """ This creates a lookup table where all synapses in the hyper voxel between the same pair of neurons are grouped together in the synapse matrix. Returns a matrix where first column is a UID = srcID*nNeurons + destID and the following two columns are start row and end row (-1) in matrix Args: data : either synapse matrix, or gap junction matrix n_rows : number of rows in matrix that are used (matrix itself can be larger) data_type : "synapses" or "gap_junctions" num_neurons : number of neurons max_synapse_type : the synapse types are numbered, this number must not be too small. Returns a matrix where first column is a UID = src_ID*num_neurons + dest_ID and the following two columns are start row and end row (-1) in matrix """ # self.write_log("Create lookup table") # nRows = data.shape[0] -- zero padded, cant use shape lookup_table = np.zeros((data.shape[0], 3), dtype=int) next_idx = 0 start_idx = 0 lookup_idx = 0 # num_neurons = len(self.neurons) if data_type == "synapses": hardcoded_synapse_type = None elif data_type == "gap_junctions": hardcoded_synapse_type = 3 # Hardcoded for gap junctions else: assert False, f"Unknown data_type {data_type}, should be 'synapses' or ' gap_junctions'" # max_synapse_type = self.next_channel_model_id # This needs to be saved in HDF5 file while next_idx < n_rows: src_id = data[next_idx, 0] dest_id = data[next_idx, 1] if hardcoded_synapse_type: synapse_type = hardcoded_synapse_type else: synapse_type = data[next_idx, 6] next_idx += 1 while (next_idx < n_rows and data[next_idx, 0] == src_id and data[next_idx, 1] == dest_id): next_idx += 1 lookup_table[lookup_idx, :] = [(dest_id * num_neurons + src_id) * max_synapse_type + synapse_type, start_idx, next_idx] start_idx = next_idx lookup_idx += 1 return lookup_table[:lookup_idx, :]
[docs] def includes_gap_junctions(self): """ Checks if any gap junctions are defined in self.connectivity_distribution. Returns True or False. """ has_gap_junctions = False for key in self.connectivity_distributions: if "GapJunction" in self.connectivity_distributions[key]: has_gap_junctions = True return has_gap_junctions
############################################################################ # Gap junctions are stored in self.hyperVoxelGapJunctions
[docs] def detect_gap_junctions(self): """ Helper function, triggers detection of gap junctions. Called by process_hyper_voxel. """ if not self.includes_gap_junctions(): self.write_log("detect_gap_junctions: No gap junctions defined in connectivity rules") return start_time = timeit.default_timer() assert self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr == 0 and self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions is not None, \ "setup_hyper_voxel must be called before detecting gap junctions" [x_dv, y_dv, z_dv] = np.where(self.dend_voxel_ctr > 0) for x, y, z in zip(x_dv, y_dv, z_dv): neuron_id_list = self.dend_voxels[x, y, z, :self.dend_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]] seg_id = self.dend_sec_id[x, y, z, :self.dend_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]] seg_x = self.dend_sec_x[x, y, z, :self.dend_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]] # All possible pairs for pairs in itertools.combinations(np.arange(0, self.dend_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]), 2): neuron_id1 = self.dend_voxels[x, y, z, pairs[0]] neuron_id2 = self.dend_voxels[x, y, z, pairs[1]] # !!! Check no self connections?? # Add type field, derived from name field MSD1_45 --> MSD1 pre_type = self.neurons[neuron_id1]["type"] post_type = self.neurons[neuron_id2]["type"] if (pre_type, post_type) in self.connectivity_distributions: if "GapJunction" in self.connectivity_distributions[pre_type, post_type]: con_info = self.connectivity_distributions[pre_type, post_type]["GapJunction"] seg_id1 = self.dend_sec_id[x, y, z, pairs[0]] seg_id2 = self.dend_sec_id[x, y, z, pairs[1]] seg_x1 = self.dend_sec_x[x, y, z, pairs[0]] seg_x2 = self.dend_sec_x[x, y, z, pairs[1]] mean_gj_cond, std_gj_cond = con_info["conductance"] gj_mu, gj_sigma = con_info["lognormal_mu_sigma"] # !!! Currently not using channelParamDict for GJ # gj_cond = self.hyper_voxel_rng.normal(mean_gj_cond, std_gj_cond) # lognormal distribution gj_cond = self.hyper_voxel_rng.lognormal(gj_mu, gj_sigma) gj_cond = np.maximum(gj_cond, mean_gj_cond * 0.1) # Avoid negative cond self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions[self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr, :] = \ [neuron_id1, neuron_id2, seg_id1, seg_id2, seg_x1 * 1e3, seg_x2 * 1e3, x, y, z, self.hyper_voxel_id, gj_cond * 1e12] self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr += 1 self.sort_gap_junctions() # We also translate from local hyper voxel coordinates to simulation # voxel coordinates hyper_voxel_offset = np.round((self.hyper_voxel_origo - self.simulation_origo) / self.hyper_voxel_width).astype(int) * self.hyper_voxel_size self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions[:self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr, :][:, range(6, 9)] += hyper_voxel_offset self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_lookup = self.create_lookup_table(data=self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions, n_rows=self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr, data_type="gap_junctions", num_neurons=len(self.neurons), max_synapse_type=self.next_channel_model_id) end_time = timeit.default_timer() self.write_log(f"detectGapJunctions: {end_time - start_time:.1f} s") return self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions[:self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr, :]
[docs] def setup_log(self, logfile_name=None): """ Initiates log file. Args: logfile_name (str) : Path to log file """ if logfile_name is None: logfile_name = self.logfile_name if logfile_name is None or len(logfile_name) == 0: # Not a valid log file name return if self.logfile is not None: self.write_log("Already have a log file setup, ignoring") return # If directory does not exist, create dir_name = os.path.dirname(logfile_name) if not os.path.exists(dir_name): self.write_log(f"Creating directory {dir_name}") os.makedirs(dir_name) self.logfile = open(logfile_name, 'wt')
[docs] def write_log(self, text, flush=True, is_error=False, force_print=False): # Change flush to False in future, debug """ Writes to log file. Use setup_log first. Text is only written to screen if self.verbose=True, or is_error = True, or force_print = True. test (str) : Text to write flush (bool) : Should all writes be flushed to disk directly? is_error (bool) : Is this an error, always written. force_print (bool) : Force printing, even if self.verbose=False. """ if self.logfile is not None: self.logfile.write(f"{text}\n") if flush: self.logfile.flush() if self.verbose or is_error or force_print: print(text, flush=True)
[docs] def read_prototypes(self, config_file=None, axon_stump_id_flag=False): """ Read in neuron prototypes. A neuron prototype can have multiple parameters, and morphology variations. Args: config_file (str): path to network config file axon_stump_id_flag (bool): Should segments be renumbered as if axon is replaced by axon stump """ if config_file is None: config_file = self.config_file self.axon_stump_id_flag = axon_stump_id_flag self.write_log(f"Loading from {config_file}") cfg_file = open(str(config_file), 'r') try: self.config = json.load(cfg_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) finally: cfg_file.close() # This also loads random seed from config file while we have it open if self.random_seed is None: if "RandomSeed" in self.config and "detect" in self.config["RandomSeed"]: self.random_seed = self.config["RandomSeed"]["detect"] self.write_log(f"Reading random seed from config file: {self.random_seed}") else: # No random seed given, invent one self.random_seed = 1002 self.write_log(f"No random seed provided, using: {self.random_seed}") else: self.write_log(f"Using random seed provided by command line: {self.random_seed}") self.prototype_neurons = dict() for name, definition in self.config["Neurons"].items(): self.write_log(f"Reading prototype for: {name}") morph = definition["morphology"] param = definition["parameters"] mech = definition["mechanisms"] if "modulation" in definition: modulation = definition["modulation"] else: modulation = "" if "neuronType" in definition: neuron_type = definition["neuronType"] else: neuron_type = "neuron" if neuron_type == "virtual": virtual_neuron = True else: virtual_neuron = False if 'hoc' in definition: hoc = definition["hoc"] assert "hoc no longer passed to NeuronPrototype / NeuronMorphology -- need to add it later " else: hoc = None self.prototype_neurons[name] = NeuronPrototype(neuron_name=name, neuron_path=None, snudda_data=self.snudda_data, morphology_path=morph, parameter_path=param, mechanism_path=mech, # hoc=hoc, virtual_neuron=virtual_neuron, axon_stump_id_flag=axon_stump_id_flag) if "axonDensity" in definition: # We need to do this so we can apply the axon densities below self.prototype_neurons[name].instantiate() self.write_log("Setting axon density for neuron without axon") axon_density_type = definition["axonDensity"][0] if axon_density_type == "r": density = definition["axonDensity"][1] max_radius = definition["axonDensity"][2] self.prototype_neurons[name].apply("set_axon_voxel_radial_density", [density, max_radius]) elif axon_density_type == "xyz": density = definition["axonDensity"][1] axon_density_bounds_xyz = np.array(definition["axonDensity"][2]) self.prototype_neurons[name].apply("set_axon_voxel_xyz_density", [density, axon_density_bounds_xyz]) else: self.write_log(f"{name}: Unknown axon density type : {axon_density_type}\n" f"{definition['axonDensity']}", is_error=True) else: # If no axon density specified, then axon must be present in morphology assert self.prototype_neurons[name].all_have_axon(), f"File: {morph} does not have an axon" assert self.prototype_neurons[name].all_have_dend() or self.prototype_neurons[name].virtual_neuron, \ f"File: {morph} does not have a dendrite" # Since we already have the config file open, let's read connectivity # distributions also self.write_log("Loading connectivity information") self.next_channel_model_id = 10 # Reset counter for name, definition in self.config["Connectivity"].items(): pre_type, post_type = name.split(",") con_def = definition.copy() for key in con_def: if key == "GapJunction": con_def[key]["channelModelID"] = 3 else: con_def[key]["channelModelID"] = self.next_channel_model_id self.next_channel_model_id += 1 # Also if conductance is just a number, add std 0 if type(con_def[key]["conductance"]) not in [list, tuple]: con_def[key]["conductance"] = [con_def[key]["conductance"], 0] # Precompute lognormal parameters # mean_cond = con_def[key]["conductance"][0] std_cond = con_def[key]["conductance"][1] mu = np.log(mean_cond ** 2 / np.sqrt(mean_cond ** 2 + std_cond ** 2)) sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(1 + std_cond ** 2 / mean_cond ** 2)) con_def[key]["lognormal_mu_sigma"] = [mu, sigma] if "clusterSize" not in con_def[key]: con_def[key]["clusterSize"] = 1 if "clusterSpread" not in con_def[key]: con_def[key]["clusterSpread"] = 20e-3 self.connectivity_distributions[pre_type, post_type] = con_def
[docs] def read_neuron_positions(self, position_file): """ Loads neuron positions from network's position_file. Args: position_file : path to network position file (network-neuron-positions.hdf5) """ if position_file is None: position_file = self.position_file mem = self.memory() self.write_log(f"{mem}") self.write_log(f"Reading positions from file: {position_file}") pos_info = SnuddaLoad(position_file).data mem = self.memory() self.write_log(f"{mem}") # Make sure we do not change config file unintentionally assert pos_info["configFile"] == self.config_file, \ f"Not using original config file: {pos_info['configFile']} \nvs\n{self.config_file}" self.neurons = pos_info["neurons"] num_neurons = len(self.neurons) self.neuron_positions = np.zeros((num_neurons, 3)) for ni, neuron in enumerate(pos_info["neurons"]): self.neuron_positions[ni, :] = neuron["position"] # Add a few sanity checks assert ni == neuron["neuronID"], f"NeuronID={neuron['neuronID']} and ni={ni} not equal, corruption?" assert neuron["name"] in self.prototype_neurons, \ f"Neuron type {neuron['name']} not in prototype_neurons: {self.prototype_neurons}" # Also load population_unit data self.population_unit = pos_info["populationUnit"] self.write_log("Position file read.") del pos_info
############################################################################ # If the detect is rerun we need to make sure there are not old MERGE # files left that might remember old run accidentally
[docs] def delete_old_merge(self): """ Cleans up data files from previous detection run. """ if self.role == "master": del_files = [os.path.join(self.network_path, "network-putative-synapses-MERGED.hdf5"), os.path.join(self.network_path, "network-putative-synapses-MERGED.hdf5-cache"), os.path.join(self.network_path, "network-synapses.hdf5"), os.path.join(self.network_path, "network-synapses.hdf5-cache"), os.path.join(self.network_path, "network-projection-synapses.hdf5"), os.path.join(self.network_path, "pruning_merge_info.json"), os.path.join(self.network_path, "input-spikes.hdf5") ] for f in del_files: if os.path.exists(f): self.write_log(f"Removing old files {f}") os.remove(f)
[docs] def write_hyper_voxel_to_hdf5(self): """ Saves hyper voxel synapses to data file. """ start_time = timeit.default_timer() output_name = self.save_file.replace(".hdf5", f"-{self.hyper_voxel_id}.hdf5") with h5py.File(output_name, "w", libver=self.h5libver) as out_file: out_file.create_dataset("config", data=json.dumps(self.config)) meta_data = out_file.create_group("meta") meta_data.create_dataset("hyperVoxelID", data=self.hyper_voxel_id) meta_data.create_dataset("hyperVoxelOrigo", data=self.hyper_voxel_origo) meta_data.create_dataset("simulationOrigo", data=self.simulation_origo) meta_data.create_dataset("snuddaData", data=self.snudda_data) meta_data.create_dataset("SlurmID", data=self.slurm_id) meta_data.create_dataset("voxelSize", data=self.voxel_size) meta_data.create_dataset("hyperVoxelSize", data=self.hyper_voxel_size) meta_data.create_dataset("nBins", data=self.num_bins) meta_data.create_dataset("voxelOverflowCounter", data=self.voxel_overflow_counter) meta_data.create_dataset("configFile", data=self.config_file) meta_data.create_dataset("positionFile", data=self.position_file) meta_data.create_dataset("axonStumpIDFlag", data=self.axon_stump_id_flag) # These may or may not exist, if they do, write them to file if self.max_axon_voxel_ctr is not None: meta_data.create_dataset("maxAxonVoxelCtr", data=self.max_axon_voxel_ctr) if self.max_dend_voxel_ctr is not None: meta_data.create_dataset("maxDendVoxelCtr", data=self.max_dend_voxel_ctr) if self.voxel_overflow_counter > 0: self.write_log("!!! Voxel overflow detected, please increase maxAxon and maxDend", is_error=True) network_group = out_file.create_group("network") network_group.create_dataset("synapses", data=self.hyper_voxel_synapses[:self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr, :], dtype=np.int32, chunks=(self.synapse_chunk_size, 13), maxshape=(None, 13), compression=self.h5compression) network_group.create_dataset("gapJunctions", data=self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions[:self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr, :], dtype=np.int32, chunks=(self.gap_junction_chunk_size, 11), maxshape=(None, 11), compression=self.h5compression) network_group.create_dataset("synapseLookup", data=self.hyper_voxel_synapse_lookup, dtype=int) network_group.create_dataset("gapJunctionLookup", data=self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_lookup, dtype=int) network_group.create_dataset("maxChannelTypeID", data=self.next_channel_model_id, dtype=int) # Additional information useful for debugging if self.debug_flag: debug_group = out_file.create_group("debug") debug_group.create_dataset("dendVoxels", data=self.dend_voxels) debug_group.create_dataset("axonVoxels", data=self.axon_voxels) debug_group.create_dataset("dendVoxelCtr", data=self.dend_voxel_ctr) debug_group.create_dataset("axonVoxelCtr", data=self.axon_voxel_ctr) end_time = timeit.default_timer() out_file.close() self.write_log(f"Wrote hyper voxel {self.hyper_voxel_id}" f" ({self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr} synapses, " f"{self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr} gap junctions)")
[docs] def load_neuron(self, neuron_info): """ Load neuron. Args: neuron_info : dictionary with neuron information, i.e. 'name', 'parameterID', 'morphologyID', 'modulationID', 'rotation', 'position' """ # Clone prototype neuron (it is centred, and not rotated) neuron = self.prototype_neurons[neuron_info["name"]].clone(parameter_id=neuron_info["parameterID"], morphology_id=neuron_info["morphologyID"], modulation_id=neuron_info["modulationID"], parameter_key=neuron_info["parameterKey"], morphology_key=neuron_info["morphologyKey"], modulation_key=neuron_info["modulationKey"], rotation=neuron_info["rotation"], position=neuron_info["position"]) return neuron
[docs] def distribute_neurons_parallel(self, d_view=None): """ Locates which hyper voxel each neuron is present in.""" if self.role != "master": # Only run this as master return (hyper_voxels, hyper_voxel_id_lookup, num_hyper_voxels, simulation_origo) = \ self.get_neuron_distribution_history() # Do we have old data that we can reuse? if hyper_voxels is not None: self.write_log("distribute_neurons_parallel: Reusing old neuron allocation") self.hyper_voxels = hyper_voxels self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup = hyper_voxel_id_lookup self.num_hyper_voxels = num_hyper_voxels self.simulation_origo = simulation_origo if d_view: # We need to push the data to the workers also d_view.push({"sd.simulation_origo": simulation_origo, "sd.hyper_voxels": hyper_voxels, "sd.hyper_voxel_id_lookup": hyper_voxel_id_lookup, "sd.num_hyper_voxels": num_hyper_voxels}, block=True) return # No old data, we need to calculate it distribution_seeds = self.generate_neuron_distribution_random_seeds() if d_view is None: self.write_log("No d_view specified, running distribute neurons in serial", force_print=True) (min_coord, max_coord) = self.distribute_neurons(distribution_seeds=distribution_seeds) self.generate_hyper_voxel_random_seeds() self.save_neuron_distribution_history(hyper_voxels=self.hyper_voxels, min_coord=min_coord, max_coord=max_coord) return (min_coord, max_coord) = self.find_min_max_coord_parallel(d_view=d_view, volume_id=self.volume_id) # The order here should not affect reproducibility, each neuron has its own seed for distribution part # but only those with probabilistic axon clouds will use it. neuron_idx = np.random.permutation(np.arange(0, len(self.neurons), dtype=np.int32)) # Split the neuronIdx between the workers d_view.scatter("neuron_idx", neuron_idx, block=True) d_view.scatter("distribution_seeds", distribution_seeds[neuron_idx], block=True) # Need to preserve order d_view.push({"min_coord": min_coord, "max_coord": max_coord}, block=True) self.write_log("Distributing neurons, parallel.") # For the master node, run with empty list # This sets up internal state of master self.distribute_neurons(neuron_idx=[], min_coord=min_coord, max_coord=max_coord, distribution_seeds=[]) cmd_str = ("sd.distribute_neurons(neuron_idx=neuron_idx, distribution_seeds=distribution_seeds, " "min_coord=min_coord, max_coord=max_coord)") d_view.execute(cmd_str, block=True) self.write_log("Gathering neuron distribution from workers") # Collect all the neurons in the list from the workers # For each neuron we found out which hyper voxels it occupies, # now we want for each hyper voxel to know which neurons are in there hyper_voxel_list = d_view.gather("sd.hyper_voxels", block=True) self.write_log("Distributions received.") for hv in hyper_voxel_list: for hID in hv: assert (hv[hID]["origo"] == self.hyper_voxels[hID]["origo"]).all(), \ "Origo for hyper voxels do not match --- should never happen" num_neurons = int(hv[hID]["neuronCtr"]) start_idx = int(self.hyper_voxels[hID]["neuronCtr"]) end_idx = start_idx + num_neurons if end_idx >= len(self.hyper_voxels[hID]["neurons"]): # Not enough space, reallocating old = self.hyper_voxels[hID]["neurons"] new_max = end_idx + self.max_neurons self.hyper_voxels[hID]["neurons"] = np.zeros((new_max,), dtype=np.int32) # Copying back the old data to new vector if len(old) > 0: self.hyper_voxels[hID]["neurons"][:len(old)] = old del old # Adding the new neurons self.hyper_voxels[hID]["neurons"][start_idx:end_idx] = \ hv[hID]["neurons"][:num_neurons] # Increment counter self.hyper_voxels[hID]["neuronCtr"] += num_neurons # Sorting the list of neurons (needed for reproducibility when axon is probability cloud and we sample them) for hID in self.hyper_voxels: n_ctr = self.hyper_voxels[hID]["neuronCtr"] self.hyper_voxels[hID]["neurons"] = \ np.sort(self.hyper_voxels[hID]["neurons"][:n_ctr]) self.generate_hyper_voxel_random_seeds() # Distribute the new list to all neurons d_view.push({"sd.hyper_voxels": self.hyper_voxels}, block=True) self.save_neuron_distribution_history(hyper_voxels=self.hyper_voxels, min_coord=min_coord, max_coord=max_coord)
############################################################################ # This creates a list for each hyper voxel for the neurons that # has any neurites within its border (here defined as vertices inside region)
[docs] def distribute_neurons(self, neuron_idx=None, distribution_seeds=None, min_coord=None, max_coord=None): """ This creates a list for each hyper voxel of the neurons that has any neurites within its border (here defined as vertices inside region) Args: neuron_idx : NeuronIDs to process distribution_seeds : Random seed (used for neurons without axon) min_coord (float, float, float) : Minimum x,y,z coordinates max_coord (float, float, float) : Maximum x,y,z coordinates Updates self.hyper_voxels. Also returns min_coord, max_coord """ try: if neuron_idx is None: neuron_idx = np.arange(0, len(self.neurons), dtype=np.int32) assert distribution_seeds is not None and len(neuron_idx) == len(distribution_seeds), \ "distribute_neurons - distribution seeds needed for reproducability" self.write_log(f"distribute_neurons: neuronIdx = {neuron_idx} (n={len(neuron_idx)})") start_time = timeit.default_timer() if max_coord is None or min_coord is None: self.write_log("distribute_neurons: calculating min and max coords") (min_coord, max_coord) = self.find_min_max_coord() # Simulation origo is in meters if self.simulation_origo is None: self.simulation_origo = min_coord else: assert (self.simulation_origo <= min_coord).all(), \ ( f"Simulation origo ({self.simulation_origo}) must be smaller than {min_coord}. " f"This since all voxel and hyper voxel coordinates must be positive." ) assert ((self.num_bins - self.num_bins[0]) == 0).all(), "Hyper voxels should be cubes" self.num_hyper_voxels = np.ceil((max_coord - min_coord) / self.hyper_voxel_width).astype(int) + 1 self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup = np.zeros(self.num_hyper_voxels, dtype=int) self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup[:] = \ np.arange(0, self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.size).reshape(self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.shape) self.write_log(f"{self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.size} hyper voxels in total") # First assign hyperVoxelID to the space self.hyper_voxels = dict([]) for ix in range(0, self.num_hyper_voxels[0]): for iy in range(0, self.num_hyper_voxels[1]): for iz in range(0, self.num_hyper_voxels[2]): h_id = self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup[ix, iy, iz] self.hyper_voxels[h_id] = dict([]) self.hyper_voxels[h_id]["origo"] = (self.simulation_origo + self.hyper_voxel_width * np.array([ix, iy, iz])) # Changed so we preallocate only empty, to preserve memory self.hyper_voxels[h_id]["neurons"] = np.zeros((0,), dtype=np.int32) self.hyper_voxels[h_id]["neuronCtr"] = 0 self.write_log("Pre allocation done.") ctr = 0 if neuron_idx is None: neurons = self.neurons elif len(neuron_idx) == 0: neurons = [] else: neurons = [self.neurons[idx] for idx in neuron_idx] for n, d_seed in zip(neurons, distribution_seeds): ctr = ctr + 1 if ctr % 10000 == 0: self.write_log(f"Assignment counter: {ctr}") neuron = self.load_neuron(n) neuron_id = n["neuronID"] if neuron.dend.shape[0] > 0: dend_loc = np.floor((neuron.dend[:, :3] - self.simulation_origo)/self.hyper_voxel_width).astype(int) else: dend_loc = np.zeros((0, 3)) if neuron.axon.shape[0] > 0: # We have an axon, use it axon_loc = np.floor((neuron.axon[:, :3] - self.simulation_origo)/self.hyper_voxel_width).astype(int) elif neuron.axon_density_type == "r": rng = np.random.default_rng(d_seed) # We create a set of points corresponding approximately to the # extent of the axonal density, and check which hyper voxels # they occupy # Radius of sphere in hyper voxels, rounded up rad = np.ceil(neuron.max_axon_radius / (self.hyper_voxel_size * self.voxel_size)) # Approximately how many hyper voxels will the dendritic tree occupy n_hv = (2 * rad) ** 3 # Over sample num_points = int(30 * n_hv) # Randomly place these many points within a sphere of the given radius # and then check which hyper voxels these points belong to theta = 2 * np.pi * rng.random(num_points) phi = np.arccos(2 * rng.random(num_points) - 1) r = neuron.max_axon_radius * (rng.random(num_points) ** (1 / 3)) x = np.multiply(r, np.multiply(np.sin(phi), np.cos(theta))) y = np.multiply(r, np.multiply(np.sin(phi), np.sin(theta))) z = np.multiply(r, np.cos(phi)) axon_cloud = np.zeros((len(x), 3)) axon_cloud[:, 0] = x + neuron.soma[0, 0] axon_cloud[:, 1] = y + neuron.soma[0, 1] axon_cloud[:, 2] = z + neuron.soma[0, 2] axon_loc = np.floor((axon_cloud[:, :3] - self.simulation_origo)/self.hyper_voxel_width).astype(int) axon_inside_flag = [0 <= xa < self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.shape[0] and 0 <= ya < self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.shape[1] and 0 <= za < self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.shape[2] for xa, ya, za in axon_loc] axon_loc = axon_loc[axon_inside_flag, :] elif neuron.axon_density_type == "xyz": # TODO: Maybe replace random points by a grid for this test step? rng = np.random.default_rng(d_seed) # Estimate how many points we need to randomly place num_points = 100 *[1:6:2] - neuron.axon_density_bounds_xyz[0:6:2]) \ / ((self.hyper_voxel_size * self.voxel_size) ** 3) num_points = int(np.ceil(num_points)) if num_points > 1e4: self.write_log(f"!!! Many many points placed for axon density of {} : {num_points}") xmin = neuron.axon_density_bounds_xyz[0] xwidth = neuron.axon_density_bounds_xyz[1] - neuron.axon_density_bounds_xyz[0] ymin = neuron.axon_density_bounds_xyz[2] ywidth = neuron.axon_density_bounds_xyz[3] - neuron.axon_density_bounds_xyz[2] zmin = neuron.axon_density_bounds_xyz[4] zwidth = neuron.axon_density_bounds_xyz[5] - neuron.axon_density_bounds_xyz[4] # The purpose of this is to find out the range of the axon bounding box axon_cloud = rng.random((num_points, 3)) axon_cloud[:, 0] = axon_cloud[:, 0] * xwidth + xmin axon_cloud[:, 1] = axon_cloud[:, 1] * ywidth + ymin axon_cloud[:, 2] = axon_cloud[:, 2] * zwidth + zmin # Don't forget to rotate axon_cloud = np.matmul(neuron.rotation, axon_cloud.transpose()).transpose() + neuron.position axon_loc = np.floor((axon_cloud[:, :3] - self.simulation_origo)/self.hyper_voxel_width).astype(int) axon_inside_flag = [0 <= x < self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.shape[0] and 0 <= y < self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.shape[1] and 0 <= z < self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.shape[2] for x, y, z in axon_loc] axon_loc = axon_loc[axon_inside_flag, :] else: self.write_log(f"{}: No axon and unknown axon density type: " f"{neuron.axon_density_type}", is_error=True) assert False, f"No axon for {}" # TODO: We need to add the neurons that have touch detection projection also here # to the list of hyper voxels the neuron belongs to # Find unique hyper voxel coordinates h_loc = np.unique(np.concatenate([axon_loc, dend_loc]), axis=0).astype(int) if n["virtualNeuron"]: # Range check since we have neurons coming in from outside the volume # the parts outside should be ignored hyper_id = [self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup[x, y, z] for x, y, z in h_loc if 0 <= x < self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.shape[0] and 0 <= y < self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.shape[1] and 0 <= z < self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.shape[2]] else: # Not a virtual neuron, should all be inside volume hyper_id = [self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup[x, y, z] for x, y, z in h_loc] # Add the neuron to the hyper voxel's list over neurons for h_id in hyper_id: next_pos = self.hyper_voxels[h_id]["neuronCtr"] if next_pos >= len(self.hyper_voxels[h_id]["neurons"]): old = self.hyper_voxels[h_id]["neurons"] new_max = next_pos + self.max_neurons self.hyper_voxels[h_id]["neurons"] = np.zeros((new_max,), dtype=np.int32) if next_pos > 0: self.hyper_voxels[h_id]["neurons"][:len(old)] = old del old self.hyper_voxels[h_id]["neurons"][next_pos] = neuron_id self.hyper_voxels[h_id]["neuronCtr"] += 1 end_time = timeit.default_timer() if len(neurons) > 0: self.write_log(f"Calculated distribution of neurons: {end_time - start_time:.1f} seconds") except Exception as e: # Write error to log file to help trace it. import traceback t_str = traceback.format_exc() self.write_log(t_str, is_error=True) sys.exit(-1) # For serial version of code, we need to return this, so we # can save work history return min_coord, max_coord
[docs] def setup_parallel(self, d_view=None): """ Prepares workers for parallel execution if d_view is not None. """ assert self.role == "master", \ "setup_parallel: Should only be called by master node" if d_view is None: self.write_log("setup_parallel called without dView, aborting.") return if self.workers_initialised: self.write_log("Workers already initialised.") return with d_view.sync_imports(): from snudda.detect.detect import SnuddaDetect self.write_log(f"Setting up workers: {time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())}") # Create unique log file names for the workers if self.logfile_name is not None: engine_logfile = [f"{self.logfile_name}-{x}" for x in range(0, len(d_view))] else: engine_logfile = [[] for x in range(0, len(d_view))] self.write_log(f"Scattering engine_logfile = {engine_logfile}") d_view.scatter('logfile_name', engine_logfile, block=True) self.write_log("Scatter done.") d_view.push({"position_file": self.position_file, "config_file": self.config_file, "snudda_data": self.snudda_data, "voxel_size": self.voxel_size, "hyper_voxel_size": self.hyper_voxel_size, "verbose": self.verbose, "slurm_id": self.slurm_id, "save_file": self.save_file, "random_seed": self.random_seed}, block=True) self.write_log("Init values pushed to workers") cmd_str = ("sd = SnuddaDetect(config_file=config_file, position_file=position_file,voxel_size=voxel_size," "snudda_data=snudda_data," "hyper_voxel_size=hyper_voxel_size,verbose=verbose,logfile_name=logfile_name[0]," "save_file=save_file,slurm_id=slurm_id,role='worker', random_seed=random_seed)") d_view.execute(cmd_str, block=True) self.write_log(f"Workers setup: {time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())}") self.workers_initialised = True
[docs] def find_min_max_coord_parallel(self, volume_id=None, d_view=None): """ Finds the minimum and maximum coordinates in entire model for all neuron components. Args: volume_id : Volume ID to check, None means all d_view : Direct view object Returns: min_coord, max_coord """ if d_view is None: self.write_log("find_min_max_coord_parallel: dView is None") return self.find_min_max_coord(volume_id=volume_id) self.write_log("Finding min/max coords parallel") neuron_idx = np.random.permutation(np.arange(0, len(self.neurons), dtype=np.int32)) d_view.scatter("neuron_idx_find", neuron_idx, block=True) d_view.push({"volume_id": volume_id}, block=True) cmd_str = "min_max = sd.find_min_max_coord(volume_id=volume_id,neuron_idx=neuron_idx_find)" d_view.execute(cmd_str, block=True) self.write_log("Execution of min/max complete") all_min_max = d_view["min_max"] self.write_log("Gathered min/max - complete.") max_coord = -1e6 * np.ones((3,)) min_coord = 1e6 * np.ones((3,)) for (minC, maxC) in all_min_max: max_coord = np.maximum(max_coord, maxC) min_coord = np.minimum(min_coord, minC) return min_coord, max_coord
[docs] def find_min_max_coord(self, volume_id=None, neuron_idx=None): """ Finds the minimum and maximum coordinates in entire model for all neuron components. Args: volume_id : Volume ID to check, None means all Returns: min_coord, max_coord """ try: if volume_id is None: volume_id = self.volume_id self.write_log(f"Finding minMax coord in volumeID = {volume_id}") max_coord = -1e6 * np.ones((3,)) min_coord = 1e6 * np.ones((3,)) if neuron_idx is None: neurons = self.neurons else: neurons = [self.neurons[idx] for idx in neuron_idx] for n in neurons: # By using "in" for comparison, we can pass a list of volumeID also if volume_id is not None and n["volumeID"] not in volume_id: self.write_log(f"Skipping {n['name']} when calculating hyper voxel size") # Only include neurons belonging to the volume ID # we are looking at now continue neuron = self.load_neuron(n) if len(neuron.dend) > 0: max_coord = np.maximum(max_coord, np.max(neuron.dend[:, :3], axis=0)) min_coord = np.minimum(min_coord, np.min(neuron.dend[:, :3], axis=0)) if len(neuron.axon) > 0: max_coord = np.maximum(max_coord, np.max(neuron.axon[:, :3], axis=0)) min_coord = np.minimum(min_coord, np.min(neuron.axon[:, :3], axis=0)) max_coord = np.maximum(max_coord, np.max(neuron.soma[:, :3], axis=0)) min_coord = np.minimum(min_coord, np.min(neuron.soma[:, :3], axis=0)) except Exception as e: # Write error to log file to help trace it. import traceback t_str = traceback.format_exc() self.write_log(t_str, is_error=True) sys.exit(-1) return min_coord, max_coord
[docs] def fill_voxels_soma(self, voxel_space, voxel_space_ctr, voxel_sec_id, voxel_sec_x, soma_coord, neuron_id, verbose=False): """ Marks all the dendrite voxels that all the somas in the hyper voxel occupy. voxel_space : n x n x n x k matrix holding the voxel content, normally self.dend_voxels (neuron IDs) voxel_space_ctr : n x n x n matrix holding count of how many items each voxel holds voxel_sec_id : n x n x n x k matrix, holding section ID of each item voxel_sec_x : n x n x n x k matrix, holding section X of each item soma_coord : (x,y,z,r) location of soma to place, and radius neuron_id : ID of the neurons verbose (bool) : how much to print out """ v_coords = np.floor((soma_coord[0, :3] - self.hyper_voxel_origo) / self.voxel_size).astype(int) radius2 = soma_coord[0, 3] ** 2 v_radius = np.ceil(soma_coord[0, 3] / self.voxel_size).astype(int) assert v_radius < 1000, \ f"fill_voxels_soma: v_radius={v_radius} soma coords = {soma_coord} (BIG SOMA, not SI units?)" # Range check, so we stay within hypervoxel vx_min = max(0, v_coords[0] - v_radius) vx_max = min(self.hyper_voxel_size, v_coords[0] + v_radius + 1) vy_min = max(0, v_coords[1] - v_radius) vy_max = min(self.hyper_voxel_size, v_coords[1] + v_radius + 1) vz_min = max(0, v_coords[2] - v_radius) vz_max = min(self.hyper_voxel_size, v_coords[2] + v_radius + 1) # self.write_log(f"Soma check x: {vx_min} - {vx_max} y: {vy_min} - {vy_max} z: {vz_min} - {vz_max}") for vx in range(vx_min, vx_max): for vy in range(vy_min, vy_max): for vz in range(vz_min, vz_max): d2 = (((vx + 0.5) * self.voxel_size + self.hyper_voxel_origo[0] - soma_coord[0, 0]) ** 2 + ((vy + 0.5) * self.voxel_size + self.hyper_voxel_origo[1] - soma_coord[0, 1]) ** 2 + ((vz + 0.5) * self.voxel_size + self.hyper_voxel_origo[2] - soma_coord[0, 2]) ** 2) if d2 < radius2: # Mark the point try: v_ctr = voxel_space_ctr[vx, vy, vz] if (v_ctr > 0 and voxel_space[vx, vy, vz, v_ctr - 1] == neuron_id): # Voxel already has neuronID, skip continue voxel_space[vx, vy, vz, v_ctr] = neuron_id voxel_sec_id[vx, vy, vz, v_ctr] = 0 # Soma is 0 voxel_sec_x[vx, vy, vz, v_ctr] = 0.5 voxel_space_ctr[vx, vy, vz] += 1 except: self.voxel_overflow_counter += 1 self.write_log("!!! If you see this you need to increase max_dend above " f"{voxel_space_ctr[vx, vy, vz]}", is_error=True) continue
[docs] def fill_voxels_dend(self, voxel_space, voxel_space_ctr, voxel_sec_id, voxel_sec_x, voxel_soma_dist, coords, links, seg_id, seg_x, neuron_id): """ Mark all voxels containing dendrites. voxel_space : n x n x n x k matrix holding the voxel content, normally self.dend_voxels (neuron IDs) voxel_space_ctr : n x n x n matrix holding count of how many items each voxel holds voxel_sec_id : n x n x n x k matrix, holding section ID of each item voxel_sec_x : n x n x n x k matrix, holding section X of each item voxel_soma_dist : n x n x n x k matrix, holding distance to soma along dendrite coords : neuron vertices, n x 3 matrix links : how do vertices link up to for dendrite segments n x 2 matrix seg_id : segment ID of the links end points seg_x : segment X of the links end points neuron_id : ID of the neurons """ voxel_overflow_ctr = SnuddaDetect.fill_voxels_dend_helper(voxel_space=voxel_space, voxel_space_ctr=voxel_space_ctr, voxel_sec_id=voxel_sec_id, voxel_sec_x=voxel_sec_x, voxel_soma_dist=voxel_soma_dist, coords=coords, links=links, seg_id=seg_id, seg_x=seg_x, neuron_id=neuron_id, self_hyper_voxel_origo=self.hyper_voxel_origo, self_voxel_size=self.voxel_size, self_num_bins=self.num_bins, self_max_dend=self.max_dend, self_step_multiplier=self.step_multiplier) self.voxel_overflow_counter += voxel_overflow_ctr
# This uses self.hyperVoxelOrigo, self.voxelSize, self.nBins # !!! OBS segX must be an integer here, so to get true segX divide by 10000 @staticmethod @jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def fill_voxels_dend_helper(voxel_space, voxel_space_ctr, voxel_sec_id, voxel_sec_x, voxel_soma_dist, coords, links, seg_id, seg_x, neuron_id, self_hyper_voxel_origo, self_voxel_size, self_num_bins, self_max_dend, self_step_multiplier): """ Helper function for fill_voxels_dend, static method needed for NUMBA. """ # segID gives segment ID for each link # segX gives segmentX for each link self_voxel_overflow_counter = 0 for line, segmentID, segmentX in zip(links, seg_id, seg_x): p1 = coords[line[0], :3] p2 = coords[line[1], :3] p1_dist = coords[line[0], 4] * 1e6 # Dist to soma p2_dist = coords[line[1], 4] * 1e6 vp1 = np.floor((p1 - self_hyper_voxel_origo) / self_voxel_size).astype(np.int64) vp2 = np.floor((p2 - self_hyper_voxel_origo) / self_voxel_size).astype(np.int64) vp1_inside = ((vp1 >= 0).all() and (vp1 < self_num_bins).all()) vp2_inside = ((vp2 >= 0).all() and (vp2 < self_num_bins).all()) # Four cases, if neither inside, skip line # If one inside but not the other, start at inside point and # continue until outside # If both inside, add all points without checking if they are inside if not vp1_inside and not vp2_inside: # No points inside, skip continue if (vp1 == vp2).all(): # Line is only one voxel, steps will be 0, so treat it separately # We know it is inside, since they are same and both not outside v_ctr = voxel_space_ctr[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2]] if v_ctr > 0 and voxel_space[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2], v_ctr - 1] == neuron_id: # Voxel already has neuronID, skip continue if v_ctr < self_max_dend: voxel_space[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2], v_ctr] = neuron_id voxel_sec_id[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2], v_ctr] = segmentID voxel_sec_x[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2], v_ctr] = segmentX[0] voxel_soma_dist[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2], v_ctr] = p1_dist voxel_space_ctr[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2]] += 1 else: self_voxel_overflow_counter += 1 # self.write_log("!!! If you see this you need to increase max_dend above " # + f"{voxel_space_ctr[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2]]}", is_error=True) continue # Done, next voxel continue if not vp1_inside: if not vp2_inside: # No point inside, skip continue else: # Start with vp2 continue until outside cube steps = max(np.abs(vp2 - vp1)) * self_step_multiplier dv = (vp1 - vp2) / steps ds = (segmentX[0] - segmentX[1]) / steps dd = (p1_dist - p2_dist) / steps # We want the end element "steps" also, hence +1 for i in range(0, steps + 1): vp = (vp2 + dv * i).astype(np.int64) s_x = segmentX[1] + ds * i # float soma_dist = int(p2_dist + dd * i) if (vp < 0).any() or (vp >= self_num_bins).any(): # Rest of line outside break v_ctr = voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] if v_ctr > 0 and voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr - 1] == neuron_id: # Voxel already contains neuronID, skip continue if v_ctr < self_max_dend: voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = neuron_id voxel_sec_id[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = segmentID voxel_sec_x[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = s_x voxel_soma_dist[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = soma_dist voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] += 1 else: # Increase maxAxon and maxDend # self.write_log(f"!!! If you see this you need to increase max_dend above " # + f"{voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]]}", is_error=True) self_voxel_overflow_counter += 1 continue elif not vp2_inside: # Start with vp1 continue until outside cube steps = max(np.abs(vp2 - vp1)) * self_step_multiplier dv = (vp2 - vp1) / steps ds = (segmentX[1] - segmentX[0]) / steps dd = (p2_dist - p1_dist) / steps # We want the end element "steps" also, hence +1 for i in range(0, steps + 1): vp = (vp1 + dv * i).astype(np.int64) s_x = segmentX[0] + ds * i # float soma_dist = int(p1_dist + dd * i) if (vp < 0).any() or (vp >= self_num_bins).any(): # Rest of line outside break v_ctr = voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] if v_ctr > 0 and voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr - 1] == neuron_id: # Voxel already contains neuronID, skip continue if v_ctr < self_max_dend: voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = neuron_id voxel_sec_id[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = segmentID voxel_sec_x[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = s_x voxel_soma_dist[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = soma_dist voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] += 1 else: # self.write_log("!!! If you see this you need to increase max_dend above " # f"{voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]]}", is_error=True) self_voxel_overflow_counter += 1 continue else: # Entire line inside steps = max(np.abs(vp2 - vp1)) * self_step_multiplier dv = (vp2 - vp1) / steps ds = (segmentX[1] - segmentX[0]) / steps dd = (p2_dist - p1_dist) / steps for i in range(0, steps + 1): vp = (vp1 + dv * i).astype(np.int64) s_x = segmentX[0] + ds * i # float soma_dist = int(p1_dist + dd * i) v_ctr = voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] if v_ctr > 0 and voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr - 1] == neuron_id: # Voxel already has neuronID, skip continue if v_ctr < self_max_dend: voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = neuron_id voxel_sec_id[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = segmentID voxel_sec_x[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = s_x voxel_soma_dist[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = soma_dist voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] += 1 else: # self.write_log("!!! If you see this you need to increase max_dend above " # f"{voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]]}", is_error=True) self_voxel_overflow_counter += 1 continue # Potentially faster? # return self_voxel_overflow_counter ############################################################################
[docs] def fill_voxels_axon(self, voxel_space, voxel_space_ctr, voxel_axon_dist, coords, links, neuron_id): """ Mark all voxels containing axons. voxel_space : n x n x n x k matrix holding the voxel content, normally self.axon_voxels (neuron IDs) voxel_space_ctr : n x n x n matrix holding count of how many items each voxel holds coords : neuron vertices, n x 3 matrix links : how do vertices link up to for axon segments n x 2 matrix neuron_id : ID of the neurons """ voxel_overflow_ctr = SnuddaDetect.fill_voxels_axon_helper(voxel_space=voxel_space, voxel_space_ctr=voxel_space_ctr, voxel_axon_dist=voxel_axon_dist, coords=coords, links=links, neuron_id=neuron_id, self_hyper_voxel_origo=self.hyper_voxel_origo, self_voxel_size=self.voxel_size, self_num_bins=self.num_bins, self_max_axon=self.max_axon, self_step_multiplier=self.step_multiplier) self.voxel_overflow_counter += voxel_overflow_ctr
@staticmethod @jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def fill_voxels_axon_helper(voxel_space, voxel_space_ctr, voxel_axon_dist, coords, links, neuron_id, self_hyper_voxel_origo, self_voxel_size, self_num_bins, self_max_axon, self_step_multiplier): """ Helper function to mark axon voxels, needed for NUMBA. See fill_voxels_axon.""" # segID gives segment ID for each link # segX gives segmentX for each link self_voxel_overflow_counter = 0 for line in links: p1 = coords[line[0], :3] p2 = coords[line[1], :3] p1_dist = coords[line[0], 4] * 1e6 # Dist to soma p2_dist = coords[line[1], 4] * 1e6 vp1 = np.floor((p1 - self_hyper_voxel_origo) / self_voxel_size).astype(np.int64) vp2 = np.floor((p2 - self_hyper_voxel_origo) / self_voxel_size).astype(np.int64) vp1_inside = ((vp1 >= 0).all() and (vp1 < self_num_bins).all()) vp2_inside = ((vp2 >= 0).all() and (vp2 < self_num_bins).all()) # Four cases, if neither inside, skip line # If one inside but not the other, start at inside point and # continue until outside # If both inside, add all points without checking if they are inside if not vp1_inside and not vp2_inside: # No points inside, skip continue if (vp1 == vp2).all(): # Line is only one voxel, steps will be 0, so treat it separately # We know it is inside, since they are same and both not outside v_ctr = voxel_space_ctr[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2]] if v_ctr > 0 and voxel_space[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2], v_ctr - 1] == neuron_id: # Voxel already has neuronID, skip continue if v_ctr < self_max_axon: voxel_space[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2], v_ctr] = neuron_id voxel_axon_dist[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2], v_ctr] = p1_dist voxel_space_ctr[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2]] += 1 else: self_voxel_overflow_counter += 1 # self.write_log("!!! If you see this you need to increase max_axon above " # f"{voxel_space_ctr[vp1[0], vp1[1], vp1[2]]}", is_error=True) continue # Done, next voxel continue if not vp1_inside: if not vp2_inside: # No point inside, skip continue else: # Start with vp2 continue until outside cube steps = max(np.abs(vp2 - vp1)) * self_step_multiplier dv = (vp1 - vp2) / steps dd = (p1_dist - p2_dist) / steps # We want the end element "steps" also, hence +1 for i in range(0, steps + 1): vp = (vp2 + dv * i).astype(np.int64) ax_dist = int(p2_dist + dd * i) if (vp < 0).any() or (vp >= self_num_bins).any(): # Rest of line outside break v_ctr = voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] if v_ctr > 0 and voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr - 1] == neuron_id: # Voxel already has neuronID, skip continue if v_ctr < self_max_axon: voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = neuron_id voxel_axon_dist[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = ax_dist voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] += 1 else: # Increase maxAxon and maxDend # self.write_log("!!! If you see this you need to increase max_axon above " # f"{voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]]}", is_error=True) self_voxel_overflow_counter += 1 continue elif not vp2_inside: # Start with vp1 continue until outside cube steps = max(np.abs(vp2 - vp1)) * self_step_multiplier dv = (vp2 - vp1) / steps dd = (p2_dist - p1_dist) / steps # We want the end element "steps" also, hence +1 for i in range(0, steps + 1): vp = (vp1 + dv * i).astype(np.int64) ax_dist = int(p1_dist + dd * i) if (vp < 0).any() or (vp >= self_num_bins).any(): # Rest of line outside break v_ctr = voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] if v_ctr > 0 and voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr - 1] == neuron_id: # Voxel already has neuronID, skip continue if v_ctr < self_max_axon: voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = neuron_id voxel_axon_dist[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = ax_dist voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] += 1 else: # self.write_log("!!! If you see this you need to increase max_axon above " # f"{voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]]}", is_error=True) self_voxel_overflow_counter += 1 continue else: # Entire line inside steps = max(np.abs(vp2 - vp1)) * self_step_multiplier dv = (vp2 - vp1) / steps dd = (p2_dist - p1_dist) / steps for i in range(0, steps + 1): vp = (vp1 + dv * i).astype(np.int64) ax_dist = int(p1_dist + dd * i) v_ctr = voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] if v_ctr > 0 and voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr - 1] == neuron_id: # Voxel already has neuronID, skip continue if v_ctr < self_max_axon: voxel_space[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = neuron_id voxel_axon_dist[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], v_ctr] = ax_dist voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]] += 1 else: # self.write_log("!!! If you see this you need to increase max_axon above " # f"{voxel_space_ctr[vp[0], vp[1], vp[2]]}", is_error=True) self_voxel_overflow_counter += 1 continue # Potentially faster? # return self_voxel_overflow_counter ############################################################################ # TODO: Add a filter, neurons that are not included in connectivity definition as either # source or target are excluded. Also, if none of their sources/targets are in hypervoxel # then the neurons are also excluded.
[docs] def process_hyper_voxel(self, hyper_id): """ Process hyper voxel, ie do touch detection, and save results. Args: hyper_id : ID of hyper voxel to process """ start_time = timeit.default_timer() end_time = None try: if self.hyper_voxels[hyper_id]["neuronCtr"] == 0: # No neurons, return quickly - do not write hdf5 file end_time = timeit.default_timer() return hyper_id, 0, 0, end_time - start_time, 0 hyp_origo = self.hyper_voxels[hyper_id]["origo"] self.setup_hyper_voxel(hyp_origo, hyper_id) num_neurons = self.hyper_voxels[hyper_id]["neuronCtr"] # TODO: Should we not force print this? self.write_log(f"Processing hyper voxel : {hyper_id}/{self.hyper_voxel_id_lookup.size}" f" ({num_neurons} neurons)", force_print=True) # !!! Suggestion for optimisation. Place neurons with GJ first, then do # GJ touch detection, after that add rest of neurons (to get complete set) # and then do axon-dend synapse touch detection for neuron_id in self.hyper_voxels[hyper_id]["neurons"][:num_neurons]: neuron = self.load_neuron(self.neurons[neuron_id]) self.fill_voxels_axon(self.axon_voxels, self.axon_voxel_ctr, self.axon_soma_dist, neuron.axon, neuron.axon_links, neuron_id) self.fill_voxels_soma(self.dend_voxels, self.dend_voxel_ctr, self.dend_sec_id, self.dend_sec_x, neuron.soma, neuron_id) self.fill_voxels_dend(self.dend_voxels, self.dend_voxel_ctr, self.dend_sec_id, self.dend_sec_x, self.dend_soma_dist, neuron.dend, neuron.dend_links, neuron.dend_sec_id, neuron.dend_sec_x, neuron_id) # This should be outside the neuron loop # This places axon voxels for neurons without axon morphologies self.place_synapses_no_axon(hyper_id, self.axon_voxels, self.axon_voxel_ctr, self.axon_soma_dist) # This detects the synapses where we use a density distribution for axons # self.detectSynapsesNoAxonSLOW (hyperID) # --replaced by placeSynapseNoAxon # Finally this adds axon voxels for projections comming from other structures using projection maps try: self.projection_detection.voxelise_projections() except: # !!! TODO remove this bit of logging code import traceback t_str = traceback.format_exc() self.write_log(t_str, is_error=True) print(t_str) import pdb pdb.set_trace() # The normal voxel synapse detection self.detect_synapses() self.detect_gap_junctions() self.write_hyper_voxel_to_hdf5() end_time = timeit.default_timer() self.write_log(f"process_hyper_voxel: {hyper_id} took {end_time - start_time:.1f} s") except Exception as e: # Write error to log file to help trace it. import traceback t_str = traceback.format_exc() self.write_log(t_str, is_error=True) sys.exit(-1) return (hyper_id, self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr, self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr, end_time - start_time, self.voxel_overflow_counter)
############################################################################ # hyperID is just needed if we want to plotNeurons also
[docs] def plot_hyper_voxel(self, plot_neurons=False, draw_axons=True, draw_dendrites=True, draw_axon_voxels=True, draw_dendrite_voxels=True, detect_done=True, elev_azim=None, show_axis=True, title=None, fig_file_name=None, dpi=300): """ Plot hyper voxel. Args: plot_neurons : Should neurons be plotted draw_axons : Draw axons draw_dendrites : Draw dendrites draw_axon_voxels : Draw axon voxels marked draw_dendrite_voxels : Draw dendrite voxels marked detect_done : elev_azim : View angle show_axis : Show x,y,z axis? title : Title of plot fig_file_name : Fig name to save figure to dpi : Resolution """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D colors = np.zeros((self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[0], self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[1], self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[2], 4)) colors[:, :, :, 3] = 0.3 voxel_data = np.zeros((self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[0], self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[1], self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[2])) if draw_axon_voxels: colors[:, :, :, 0] = self.axon_voxel_ctr / max(np.max(self.axon_voxel_ctr), 1) voxel_data += self.axon_voxel_ctr if draw_dendrite_voxels: colors[:, :, :, 2] = self.dend_voxel_ctr / max(np.max(self.dend_voxel_ctr), 1) voxel_data += self.dend_voxel_ctr fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6.5)) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.voxels(voxel_data > 0, facecolors=colors, edgecolor=None) if self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr > 0: syn_coord = self.hyper_voxel_synapses[:self.hyper_voxel_synapse_ctr, 2:5] # In case hyperVoxelOffset has been applied, we need to subtract it # to draw within the hyper voxel if self.hyper_voxel_offset is not None: syn_coord -= self.hyper_voxel_offset ax.scatter(syn_coord[:, 0] + 0.5, syn_coord[:, 1] + 0.5, syn_coord[:, 2] + 0.5, c="green", s=64) if self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr > 0: gj_coord = self.hyper_voxel_gap_junctions[:self.hyper_voxel_gap_junction_ctr, 6:9] if self.hyper_voxel_offset is not None: gj_coord -= self.hyper_voxel_offset ax.scatter(gj_coord[:, 0] + 0.5, gj_coord[:, 1] + 0.5, gj_coord[:, 2] + 0.5, c="yellow", s=64) if elev_azim: ax.view_init(elev_azim[0], elev_azim[1]) if not show_axis: plt.axis("off") # If plot is empty then this might be problem (ie axis scaled wrong) ax.set_xlim3d(0, self.hyper_voxel_size) ax.set_ylim3d(0, self.hyper_voxel_size) ax.set_zlim3d(0, self.hyper_voxel_size) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=18) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=18) ax.zaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=18) plt.tight_layout() plt.ion() if plot_neurons: # Also plot the neurons overlayed, to verify num_neurons = self.hyper_voxels[self.hyper_voxel_id]["neuronCtr"] for neuronID in self.hyper_voxels[self.hyper_voxel_id]["neurons"][:num_neurons]: neuron = self.load_neuron(self.neurons[neuronID]) neuron.plot_neuron(axis=ax, plot_axon=draw_axons, plot_dendrite=draw_dendrites, plot_origo=self.hyper_voxel_origo, plot_scale=1 / self.voxel_size, soma_colour=(0, 0, 0), axon_colour=(1, 0, 0), dend_colour=(0, 0, 0)) if title is None: plt.title("Scale is in voxels, not micrometers") else: plt.title(title) if fig_file_name is None: fig_file_name = f"Hypervoxel-{self.slurm_id}-{self.hyper_voxel_id}.png" fig_name = os.path.join(self.network_path, "figures", fig_file_name) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fig_name)): print(f"plot_hyper_voxel: Creating directory : {os.path.dirname(fig_name)}") os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(fig_name)) plt.savefig(fig_name, dpi=dpi) plt.ion() plt.pause(0.001) return plt, ax
[docs] def export_voxel_visualisation_csv(self, neuron_id): """ Export CSV file with voxel data, used for visualisation.""" # x,y,z = coords # shape = "cube" or "sphere" # type = "axon", "dendrite", "synapse" # id = neuronID # x,y,z,shape,type,id header_str = "# x,y,z,shape,type,id\n" axon_str = "" dend_str = "" synapse_str = "" for x in range(0, self.axon_voxel_ctr.shape[0]): for y in range(0, self.axon_voxel_ctr.shape[1]): for z in range(0, self.axon_voxel_ctr.shape[2]): for c in range(0, self.axon_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]): n_id = self.axon_voxels[x, y, z, c] if n_id in neuron_id: axon_str += str(x) + "," + str(y) + "," + str(z) \ + ",cube,axon," + str(n_id) + "\n" for x in range(0, self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[0]): for y in range(0, self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[1]): for z in range(0, self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[2]): for c in range(0, self.dend_voxel_ctr[x, y, z]): n_id = self.dend_voxels[x, y, z, c] if n_id in neuron_id: dend_str += str(x) + "," + str(y) + "," + str(z) \ + ",cube,dend," + str(n_id) + "\n" syn_list = [] for ir, row in enumerate(self.hyper_voxel_synapses): if row[0] in neuron_id and row[1] in neuron_id: syn_list.append(ir) for i in syn_list: xyz = self.hyper_voxel_synapses[i, 2:5] synapse_str += str(xyz[0]) + "," + str(xyz[1]) + "," + str(xyz[2]) \ + ",sphere,synapse," + str(self.hyper_voxel_synapses[i, 1]) + "\n" f_name = "hypervoxel-" + str(self.slurm_id) + ".csv" with open(f_name, 'w') as f: f.write(header_str) f.write(axon_str) f.write(dend_str) f.write(synapse_str)
############################################################################ # Example usage: # sd.plot_neurons_in_hyperVoxel(neuron_id=[1,20], # neuron_colour=np.array([[0,0,1],[0,1,0]]), # axon_alpha=[1,0.3], dend_alpha=[0.3,1]) # each row in neuronColour is a colour for a neuron
[docs] def plot_neurons_in_hyper_voxel(self, neuron_id, neuron_colour, axon_alpha=None, dend_alpha=None, show_plot=True, dpi=300): """ Plot neurons in hyper voltage Args: neuron_id : ID of neurons to plot neuron_colour : Colur of neurons to plot axon_alpha : Alpha value of neuron axons dend_alpha : Alpha value of neuron dendrites show_plot : Should we dispaly the plot or keep it hidden dpi : Resolution of output file """ if axon_alpha is None: axon_alpha = np.ones((len(neuron_id),)) if dend_alpha is None: dend_alpha = np.ones((len(neuron_id),)) alpha_axon_lookup = dict([]) alpha_dend_lookup = dict([]) neuron_colour_lookup = dict([]) for ni, aa, da, nc in zip(neuron_id, axon_alpha, dend_alpha, neuron_colour): alpha_axon_lookup[ni] = aa alpha_dend_lookup[ni] = da neuron_colour_lookup[ni] = nc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D colours = np.zeros((self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[0], self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[1], self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[2], 4)) voxel_data = np.zeros((self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[0], self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[1], self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[2])) for ix in range(0, self.axon_voxel_ctr.shape[0]): for iy in range(0, self.axon_voxel_ctr.shape[1]): for iz in range(0, self.axon_voxel_ctr.shape[2]): for ic in range(0, self.axon_voxel_ctr[ix, iy, iz]): n_id = self.axon_voxels[ix, iy, iz, ic] if n_id in neuron_id: colours[ix, iy, iz, 0:3] = neuron_colour_lookup[n_id] colours[ix, iy, iz, 3] = alpha_axon_lookup[n_id] voxel_data[ix, iy, iz] = 1 for ix in range(0, self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[0]): for iy in range(0, self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[1]): for iz in range(0, self.dend_voxel_ctr.shape[2]): for ic in range(0, self.dend_voxel_ctr[ix, iy, iz]): n_id = self.dend_voxels[ix, iy, iz, ic] if n_id in neuron_id: colours[ix, iy, iz, 0:3] = neuron_colour_lookup[n_id] colours[ix, iy, iz, 3] = alpha_dend_lookup[n_id] voxel_data[ix, iy, iz] = 1 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.voxels(voxel_data > 0, facecolors=colours, edgecolor=None) print_list = [] for ir, row in enumerate(self.hyper_voxel_synapses): if row[0] in neuron_id and row[1] in neuron_id: print_list.append(ir) # This should really only plot those between the neurons indicated if len(print_list) > 0: s_coord = self.hyper_voxel_synapses[print_list, 2:5] ax.scatter(s_coord[:, 0] + 0.5, s_coord[:, 1] + 0.5, s_coord[:, 2] + 0.5, c="red", s=100) plt.axis("off") fig_name = os.path.join(self.network_path, "figures", f"Hypervoxel-{self.slurm_id}-{self.hyper_voxel_id}-someNeurons.png") if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fig_name)): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(fig_name)) plt.savefig(fig_name, dpi=dpi) # dpi = 900 if show_plot: plt.ion() plt.pause(0.001)
############################################################################ def test_voxel_draw(self): print("This changes internal state of the object, restart after test run.") self.hyper_voxel_id = -1 self.hyper_voxel_origo = np.zeros((3,)) self.voxel_size = 2 self.num_bins = np.ones((3, 1)) * 10 voxels = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 10), dtype=int) voxel_ctr = np.zeros((10, 10, 10), dtype=int) voxel_sec_id = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 10), dtype=int) voxel_sec_x = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 10), dtype=float) voxel_soma_dist = np.zeros((10, 10, 10, 10), dtype=int) coords = np.array([[2, 2, 2, 1.1, 40], [8, 10, 8, 1.2, 50], [0, 23, 22, 1.3, 60]]) links = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 2], [2, 1]], dtype=int) seg_id = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=int) seg_x = np.array([[0.1, 0.2], [0.3, 0.4], [0.5, 0.6]], dtype=float) if True: self.fill_voxels_dend(voxel_space=voxels, voxel_space_ctr=voxel_ctr, voxel_sec_id=voxel_sec_id, voxel_sec_x=voxel_sec_x, voxel_soma_dist=voxel_soma_dist, coords=coords, links=links, seg_id=seg_id, seg_x=seg_x, neuron_id=13) if True: self.fill_voxels_soma(voxel_space=voxels, voxel_space_ctr=voxel_ctr, voxel_sec_id=voxel_sec_id, voxel_sec_x=voxel_sec_x, soma_coord=np.array([[10, 10, 10, 8]]), neuron_id=14) # We also need to check axon filling voxels[:] = 0 voxel_ctr[:] = 0 voxel_soma_dist[:] = 0 self.fill_voxels_axon(voxel_space=voxels, voxel_space_ctr=voxel_ctr, voxel_axon_dist=voxel_soma_dist, coords=coords, links=links, neuron_id=13) ############################################################################ # Memory check code taken from # # @staticmethod def memory(): memory_available, memory_total = snudda.utils.memory.memory_status() res = f"Memory: {memory_available} free, {memory_total} total" return res
############################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": print("Please do not call this file directly, use") sys.exit(-1)