Source code for snudda.init.init

# Rewriting the create network config file to make it more general

# !!! Currently writing full path for the files in the snudda data directory
#     this makes moving between computers difficult. Fix...

import collections
import glob
import json
import os.path
import sys

import numexpr
# Add a function so that $SNUDDADATA refers to the base datapath for snudda
import numpy as np

from import create_cube_mesh
from import create_slice_mesh
from snudda.utils.numpy_encoder import NumpyEncoder
from snudda.utils.snudda_path import snudda_isdir
from snudda.utils.snudda_path import snudda_isfile
from snudda.utils.snudda_path import snudda_parse_path, snudda_simplify_path
from snudda.utils.snudda_path import snudda_path_exists

[docs]class SnuddaInit(object): """ Creates network-config.json in network_path. """ def __init__(self, network_path=None, struct_def=None, snudda_data=None, neurons_dir=None, config_file=None, random_seed=None, connection_override_file=None): """Constructor Args: network_path (str): location of network files struct_def (dict, optional): definition of struct to create snudda_data (str, optional): Path to SNUDDA_DATA neurons_dir (str, optional): path to neurons, default is $SNUDDA_DATA/neurons (DEPRECATED) config_file (str, optional): name of network config file, default network-config.json random_seed (int, optional): random seed""" # print("CreateConfig") self.network_data = collections.OrderedDict([]) if snudda_data: self.snudda_data = snudda_data elif neurons_dir: self.snudda_data = os.path.dirname(neurons_dir) else: self.snudda_data = None if self.snudda_data is not None: self.network_data["SnuddaData"] = self.snudda_data self.network_data["RandomSeed"], self.init_rng = SnuddaInit.setup_random_seeds(random_seed) self.network_data["Volume"] = collections.OrderedDict([]) self.num_neurons_total = 0 if config_file: self.config_file = config_file elif network_path: self.config_file = os.path.join(network_path, "network-config.json") else: self.config_file = None if network_path: self.network_path = network_path elif config_file: self.network_path = os.path.dirname(config_file) else: self.network_path = "" if self.config_file and self.network_path: assert self.network_path == os.path.dirname(self.config_file), \ f"network_path {self.network_path} and config_file path {self.config_file} must match" self.network_data["Connectivity"] = dict([]) self.network_data["Neurons"] = dict([]) struct_func = {"Striatum": self.define_striatum, "GPe": self.define_GPe, "GPi": self.define_GPi, "STN": self.define_STN, "SNr": self.define_SNr, "Cortex": self.define_cortex, "Thalamus": self.define_thalamus} if struct_def: for sn in struct_def: print("Adding " + sn + " with " + str(struct_def[sn]) + " neurons") struct_func[sn](num_neurons=struct_def[sn], neurons_dir=neurons_dir) if connection_override_file: self.replace_connectivity(connection_file=connection_override_file) # Only write JSON file if the structDef was not empty self.write_json(self.config_file) else: if connection_override_file: self.replace_connectivity(connection_file=connection_override_file) # print("No structDef defined, not writing JSON file in init") ############################################################################ # meshBinWidth is used when voxelising the mesh to determine which part of # space is inside the mesh. For smaller structures we might need to use # a smaller meshBinWidth than the default 1e-4
[docs] def define_structure(self, struct_name, struct_mesh, d_min=None, struct_centre=None, side_len=None, slice_depth=None, mesh_bin_width=None): """ Sets up definition for a brain structure (e.g. Cortex, Striatum, ...). Args: struct_name (str): Name of brain structure struct_mesh (str): Path to wavefront obj file with 3D mesh of structure or 'cube' or 'slice' d_min (float): Minimum distance between somas (puts upper limit on neuron density) struct_centre ((float, float, float)): Location of brain structure (centre) side_len (float, optional): side of cube, or slice slice_depth (float, optional): depth of slice mesh_bin_width (float): discretisation of 3D mesh during cell placement """ if d_min is None: d_min = 15e-6 if struct_mesh == "cube": assert slice_depth is None, "define_structure: slice_depth is not used for cubes, please set to None" assert side_len is not None, "define_structure: cube needs sideLen specified" assert struct_centre is not None, "define_structure: cube needs a struct_centre" struct_mesh = os.path.join(self.network_path, "mesh", f"{struct_name}-cube-mesh-{side_len}.obj") if mesh_bin_width is None: mesh_bin_width = side_len / 3.0 print(f"Setting mesh_bin_width to {mesh_bin_width}") create_cube_mesh(file_name=struct_mesh, centre_point=struct_centre, side_len=side_len, description=f"{struct_name} cube mesh, centre: {struct_centre}, side: {side_len}") elif struct_mesh == "slice": struct_mesh = os.path.join(self.network_path, "mesh", f"{struct_name}-slice-mesh-150mum-depth.obj") # 2019-11-26 : Anya said that her sagital striatal slices # were 2.36 x 2.36 mm. So that can be an upper limit if side_len is None: side_len = 200e-6 if slice_depth is None: slice_depth = 150e-6 print("Using slice depth: " + str(slice_depth)) if mesh_bin_width is None: mesh_bin_width = np.minimum(side_len, slice_depth) / 3.0 print("Setting meshBinWidth to " + str(mesh_bin_width)) create_slice_mesh(file_name=struct_mesh, centre_point=np.array([0, 0, 0]), x_len=side_len, y_len=side_len, z_len=slice_depth, description=struct_name + " slice mesh") if not snudda_path_exists(struct_mesh, self.snudda_data): print(f"Warning struct mesh {struct_mesh} is missing!") assert struct_name not in self.network_data["Volume"], \ "defineStruct: Volume " + struct_name + " is already defined." self.network_data["Volume"][struct_name] = \ self.define_volume(d_min=d_min, mesh_file=struct_mesh, mesh_bin_width=mesh_bin_width)
############################################################################ @staticmethod def define_volume(mesh_file=None, d_min=15e-6, mesh_bin_width=1e-4): vol = dict([]) vol["type"] = "mesh" vol["dMin"] = d_min vol["meshFile"] = mesh_file vol["meshBinWidth"] = mesh_bin_width return vol ############################################################################ # This allows the user to specify a rotation field for neurons, # see examples/notebooks/example_of_neuronrotations.ipynb def define_rotation(self, volume_id, neuron_type, rotation_mode, rotation_field_file=None): if "neuronOrientation" not in self.network_data["Volume"][volume_id]: self.network_data["Volume"][volume_id]["neuronOrientation"] = collections.OrderedDict() self.network_data["Volume"][volume_id]["neuronOrientation"][neuron_type] = collections.OrderedDict() self.network_data["Volume"][volume_id]["neuronOrientation"][neuron_type]["rotationMode"] = rotation_mode if rotation_field_file: self.network_data["Volume"][volume_id]["neuronOrientation"][neuron_type]["rotationFieldFile"] \ = rotation_field_file ############################################################################ # conductance and conductanceStd -- allow variation of conductances # # channelParamDictionary = dictionary specifying other parameters, such as # fascilitation and depression of AMPA/NMDA channels etc def add_neuron_target(self, neuron_name, target_name, connection_type, dist_pruning, f1, soft_max, mu2, a3, dist_pruning_other=None, f1_other=None, soft_max_other=None, mu2_other=None, a3_other=None, conductance=None, cluster_synapses=False, cluster_size=1, cluster_spread=None, mod_file=None, parameter_file=None, channel_param_dictionary=None, projection_file=None, projection_name=None): # OBS, projection file is only needed if you want to create a projection between structures. # For normal touch detection within a volume it is not needed. if conductance is None: conductance = [1.0e-9, 0] # if(connectionType == "GapJunction"): # assert f1 is None and softMax is None and mu2 is None and a3 is None\ # and f1_other is None and softMax_other is None and mu2_other is None \ # and a3_other is None, \ # "addNeuronTarget: " + str(neuronName) \ # + ", pruning not currently available for gap junctions" if parameter_file is not None: if channel_param_dictionary is None: channel_param_dictionary = dict([]) channel_param_dictionary["parameterFile"] = parameter_file if mod_file is not None: if channel_param_dictionary is None: channel_param_dictionary = dict([]) channel_param_dictionary["modFile"] = mod_file if type(conductance) == list: cond = conductance[0] cond_std = conductance[1] else: cond = conductance cond_std = 0 con_info = dict([]) con_info["conductance"] = [cond, cond_std] # Mean, Std con_info["channelParameters"] = channel_param_dictionary con_info["clusterSize"] = cluster_size con_info["clusterSpread"] = cluster_spread pruning_info = dict([]) pruning_info["f1"] = f1 pruning_info["softMax"] = soft_max pruning_info["mu2"] = mu2 pruning_info["a3"] = a3 pruning_info["distPruning"] = dist_pruning pruning_info["cluster"] = cluster_synapses con_info["pruning"] = pruning_info # pruneInfo = (distPruning,f1,softMax,mu2,a3) if (dist_pruning_other is not None or f1_other is not None or soft_max_other is not None or mu2_other is not None or a3_other is not None): # If any of the other varibles is set, # then all other "other" variables that are # not set assume default values if dist_pruning_other is None: dist_pruning_other = dist_pruning if f1_other is None: f1_other = f1 if soft_max_other is None: soft_max_other = soft_max if mu2_other is None: mu2_other = mu2 if a3_other is None: a3_other = a3 pruning_info_other = dict([]) pruning_info_other["f1"] = f1_other pruning_info_other["softMax"] = soft_max_other pruning_info_other["mu2"] = mu2_other pruning_info_other["a3"] = a3_other pruning_info_other["distPruning"] = dist_pruning_other pruning_info_other["cluster"] = cluster_synapses # Different pruning rules for within and between neuron units con_info["pruningOther"] = pruning_info_other if projection_file: con_info["projectionConfigFile"] = projection_file if projection_name: con_info["projectionName"] = projection_name # JSON did not like tuples in keys, so we separate by comma nt_key = f"{neuron_name},{target_name}" if nt_key not in self.network_data["Connectivity"]: self.network_data["Connectivity"][nt_key] = dict([]) self.network_data["Connectivity"][nt_key][connection_type] = con_info ############################################################################
[docs] def replace_connectivity(self, connection_file=None, connection_dict=None): """ Replaces the default connectivity. Args: connection_file : Path to JSON file with connection block connection_dict : OrderedDict (or dict) with connection block """ assert (connection_file is not None) + (connection_dict is not None) == 1, \ f"replace_connectivity: One of connection_file and connection_dict should be given" if connection_file: connection_file = snudda_parse_path(connection_file, self.snudda_data) print(f"Reading connectivity from {connection_file}") assert os.path.isfile(connection_file), f"Connection JSON file {connection_file} does not exist." with open(connection_file, "r") as f: connection_dict = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) assert type(connection_dict) in [collections.OrderedDict, dict] assert "Connectivity" in connection_dict, \ f"replace_connectivity: Missing the Connectivity key in dictionary:\n{connection_dict}" self.network_data["Connectivity"] = connection_dict["Connectivity"]
############################################################################ # modelType is "neuron" or "virtual" (= just provides input to network) # For axonDensity when it is "xyz" we assume that soma is at 0,0,0 # neuronDir contains all the neurons in separate directories # Each of those directories have a config and morphology subdirectory def add_neurons(self, name, neuron_dir, num_neurons, axon_density=None, model_type="neuron", volume_id=None, rotation_mode="random"): if num_neurons <= 0: return if axon_density is not None: if axon_density[0] == "r": # Verify axon density function r = np.linspace(0, axon_density[2], 10) # r is used in eval try: numexpr.evaluate(axon_density[1]) except: print("!!! Axon density failed test: " + str(axon_density)) print("Inparameter: r = 1-D array of radius in meter") import traceback tstr = traceback.format_exc() print(tstr) sys.exit(-1) elif axon_density[0] == "xyz": x = np.linspace(axon_density[2][0], axon_density[2][1], 10) # x,y,z used in eval below y = np.linspace(axon_density[2][2], axon_density[2][3], 10) z = np.linspace(axon_density[2][4], axon_density[2][5], 10) try: numexpr.evaluate(axon_density[1]) except: print("!!! Axon density failed test: " + str(axon_density)) print("Inparameters: x,y,z three 1-D arrays (units in meter)") import traceback tstr = traceback.format_exc() print(tstr) sys.exit(-1) print("Checking boundaries, to make sure P is not too high") x = np.zeros((8, 1)) y = np.zeros((8, 1)) z = np.zeros((8, 1)) ctr = 0 for xx in axon_density[2][0:2]: for yy in axon_density[2][2:4]: for zz in axon_density[2][4:6]: x[ctr] = xx y[ctr] = yy z[ctr] = zz ctr += 1 # axon_density function of x,y,z defined above p_corner = numexpr.evaluate(axon_density[1]) * (3e-6 ** 3) for P, xx, yy, zz in zip(p_corner, x, y, z): print(f"{name} axon density P({xx}, {yy}, {zz}) = {P}") if (p_corner > 0.01).any(): print("Axon density too high at boundary!!") print("Please increase bounding box") sys.exit(-1) # print(str(axonDensity[3]) + " " + str(name) \ # + " axon points to place") print(f"Adding neurons: {name} from dir {snudda_parse_path(neuron_dir, self.snudda_data)}") # TODO: We should force users to use same name as the directory name # ie, fs/FS_0 directory should be named FS_0 # Find which neurons are available in neuron_dir # OBS, we need to sort the list of neuron directories, so every computer gets the same order dir_list = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(snudda_parse_path(neuron_dir, self.snudda_data), "*"))) neuron_file_list = [] assert len(dir_list) > 0, f"Neuron dir {snudda_parse_path(neuron_dir, self.snudda_data)} is empty!" for fd in dir_list: d = snudda_simplify_path(fd, self.snudda_data) if snudda_isdir(d, self.snudda_data): # We want to maintain the $SNUDDA_DATA keyword in the path so that the user can move # the config file between systems and still run it. par_file = os.path.join(d, "parameters.json") mech_file = os.path.join(d, "mechanisms.json") modulation_file = os.path.join(d, "modulation.json") if not snudda_path_exists(modulation_file, self.snudda_data): modulation_file = None sd = snudda_parse_path(d, self.snudda_data) swc_file = self.get_morphologies(sd) hoc_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(sd, "*hoc")) hoc_file = [snudda_simplify_path(hf, self.snudda_data) for hf in hoc_file] assert len(hoc_file) <= 1, f"Morph dir {sd} contains more than one hoc file" if len(hoc_file) == 0: hoc_file = [None] neuron_file_list.append((d, swc_file, par_file, mech_file, modulation_file, hoc_file[0])) # First check how many unique cells we hava available, then we # calculate how many of each to use in simulation n_ind = len(neuron_file_list) assert n_ind > 0, \ f"No swc morphologies found in {neuron_dir}.\nObs, each morphology should have its own subdirectory." n_of_each_ind = np.zeros((n_ind,)) n_of_each_ind[:] = int(num_neurons / n_ind) still_to_add = int(num_neurons - np.sum(n_of_each_ind)) add_idx = self.init_rng.permutation(n_ind)[0:still_to_add] n_of_each_ind[add_idx] += 1 # Add the neurons to config for ctr, ((nrnDir, swc_file, par_file, mech_file, modulation_file, hoc_file), num) \ in enumerate(zip(neuron_file_list, n_of_each_ind)): if int(num) == 0: continue unique_name = name + "_" + str(ctr) cell_data = dict([]) if not snudda_isfile(par_file, self.snudda_data) and model_type != "virtual": print(f"Parameter file not found: {snudda_parse_path(par_file, self.snudda_data)}") if not snudda_isfile(mech_file, self.snudda_data) and model_type != "virtual": print(f"Mechanism file not found: {snudda_parse_path(mech_file, self.snudda_data)}") if hoc_file is not None and not snudda_isfile(hoc_file, self.snudda_data): print(f"Hoc file not found: {snudda_parse_path(hoc_file, self.snudda_data)}") cell_data["morphology"] = swc_file cell_data["parameters"] = par_file cell_data["mechanisms"] = mech_file if modulation_file is not None: # Modulation is optional cell_data["modulation"] = modulation_file cell_data["num"] = int(num) cell_data["hoc"] = hoc_file cell_data["neuronType"] = model_type cell_data["rotationMode"] = rotation_mode cell_data["volumeID"] = volume_id if axon_density is not None: cell_data["axonDensity"] = axon_density self.network_data["Neurons"][unique_name] = cell_data
[docs] def get_morphologies(self, neuron_dir): """ Returns SWC morphology(s) path or file, depending on 'morphology' if specified in parameters.json or not. If 'morphology' in parameters.json exists then the path where these morphologies are stored is returned. If it does not exist it is assumed that there is exactly one SWC file present in the neuron_dir, and that is then returned. Args: neuron_dir (str): Path to neuron directory, may contain $SNUDDA_DATA, shorthand for SNUDDA_DATA directory """ parameter_file = os.path.join(neuron_dir, "parameters.json") if os.path.isfile(parameter_file): # First check if the morphologies are listed in the parameter file with open(parameter_file, "r") as f: par_data = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) # We now expect a dictionary of parameter sets. If it is a list, we convert it to a dictionary if type(par_data) == list: par_data = {"default": par_data} meta_file = os.path.join(neuron_dir, "meta.json") if os.path.isfile(meta_file): with open(meta_file, "r") as mf: meta_data = json.load(mf, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) has_meta = True else: has_meta = False else: print("No parameter.json file.") has_meta = False if has_meta: morph_dir = os.path.join(neuron_dir, "morphology") morph_dir_full = snudda_parse_path(morph_dir, self.snudda_data) assert os.path.exists(morph_dir_full), \ f"Morphology directory missing: {morph_dir_full}" # Also check that all morphologies listed exists missing_par_key = [] missing_morphology_tag = [] missing_morph = [] for par_key in par_data.keys(): if par_key not in meta_data: missing_par_key.append(par_key) else: for morph_key in meta_data[par_key].keys(): if "morphology" not in meta_data[par_key][morph_key]: missing_morphology_tag.append((par_key, morph_key)) elif not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(morph_dir_full, meta_data[par_key][morph_key]["morphology"])): missing_morph.append(meta_data[par_key][morph_key]["morphology"]) assert len(missing_par_key) == 0, \ f"Missing parameter key(s) {', '.join(missing_par_key)} in {meta_file}" assert len(missing_morphology_tag) == 0, \ f"Missing morphology tag(s) for {', '.join(missing_morphology_tag)} in {meta_file}" assert len(missing_morph) == 0, \ f"The following morphologies in {meta_file} are missing: {', '.join(missing_morph)}" return snudda_simplify_path(morph_dir, self.snudda_data) else: swc_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(snudda_parse_path(neuron_dir, self.snudda_data), "*swc")) assert len(swc_file) == 1, \ (f"If no morphology is given in parameter.json then " f"{snudda_parse_path(neuron_dir, self.snudda_data)} should contain exactly one swc file") swc_file = snudda_simplify_path(swc_file[0], self.snudda_data) return swc_file
def add_neuron_density(self, volume_id, neuron_type, density_func=None, density_file=None): assert volume_id in self.network_data["Volume"], f"Volume {volume_id} not defined" assert (density_func is None) + (density_file is None) == 1, \ f"Volume {volume_id}, neuron type {neuron_type}: Only one of density_func and density_file should be set" if "density" not in self.network_data["Volume"][volume_id]: self.network_data["Volume"][volume_id]["density"] = dict() self.network_data["Volume"][volume_id]["density"][neuron_type] = dict() if density_func: self.network_data["Volume"][volume_id]["density"][neuron_type]["densityFunction"] = density_func if density_file: self.network_data["Volume"][volume_id]["density"][neuron_type]["densityFile"] = density_file ############################################################################ def write_json(self, filename=None): if not filename: filename = self.config_file assert filename is not None, f"You must specify network_path or config_file when creating SnuddaInit" # Create directory if it does not already exist dir_name = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.makedirs(dir_name) print(f"Writing {filename}") import json with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.network_data, f, indent=4, cls=NumpyEncoder) ########################################################################################################### def neuron_projection(self, neuron_name, target_name, projection_name, projection_file, source_volume, dest_volume, projection_radius, number_of_targets, number_of_synapses, dendrite_synapse_density, connection_type, dist_pruning=None, f1=None, soft_max=None, mu2=None, a3=None, cluster_synapses=False, dist_pruning_other=None, f1_other=None, soft_max_other=None, mu2_other=None, a3_other=None, conductance=None, mod_file=None, parameter_file=None, channel_param_dictionary=None): self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name, target_name, connection_type, dist_pruning, f1, soft_max, mu2, a3, cluster_synapses=cluster_synapses, dist_pruning_other=None, f1_other=None, soft_max_other=None, mu2_other=None, a3_other=None, conductance=None, mod_file=None, parameter_file=None, channel_param_dictionary=channel_param_dictionary) # Next we need to add the connection mapping specific parameters nt_key = f"{neuron_name},{target_name}" con_info = self.network_data["Connectivity"][nt_key][connection_type] con_info["projectionFile"] = projection_file con_info["projectionName"] = projection_name con_info["source"] = source_volume con_info["destination"] = dest_volume con_info["projectionRadius"] = projection_radius con_info["numberOfTargets"] = number_of_targets con_info["numberOfSynapses"] = number_of_synapses con_info["dendriteSynapseDensity"] = dendrite_synapse_density ############################################################################ # Population Units here refer to processing units, where the neurons within a Population Unit # might have different connectivity than neurons belonging to different population Units # Centre of striatum mesh is [3540e-6,4645e-6,5081e-6] # Radius is now in SI units also (meters) def add_population_unit_density(self, structure_name, neuron_types, unit_centre, probability_function, # Function of d (distance to centre) as string num_neurons=None, unit_id=None): if type(neuron_types) != list: neuron_types = list(neuron_types) unit_id = self.setup_population_unit(unit_id) if structure_name not in self.network_data["PopulationUnits"]: self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name] = collections.OrderedDict() self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["method"] = "radialDensity" self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["centres"] = [unit_centre] self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["ProbabilityFunctions"] = [probability_function] self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["unitID"] = [unit_id] self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["neuronTypes"] = [neuron_types] self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["numNeurons"] = [num_neurons] else: self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["centres"].append(unit_centre) self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["ProbabilityFunctions"].append(probability_function) self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["unitID"].append(unit_id) self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["neuronTypes"].append(neuron_types) self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["numNeurons"].append(num_neurons) def add_population_unit_random(self, structure_name, neuron_types, fraction_of_neurons, unit_id=None): if type(neuron_types) != list: neuron_types = list(neuron_types) unit_id = self.setup_population_unit(unit_id) if structure_name not in self.network_data["PopulationUnits"]: self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name] = collections.OrderedDict() self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["method"] = "random" self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["fractionOfNeurons"] = [fraction_of_neurons] self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["unitID"] = [unit_id] self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["neuronTypes"] = [neuron_types] self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["structure"] = structure_name else: self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["fractionOfNeurons"].append(fraction_of_neurons) self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["unitID"].append(unit_id) self.network_data["PopulationUnits"][structure_name]["neuronTypes"].append(neuron_types) # Helper function, returns next free unit_id and sets up data structures (user can also choose own unit_id # but it must be unique and not already used def setup_population_unit(self, unit_id=None): if "PopulationUnits" not in self.network_data: self.network_data["PopulationUnits"] = collections.OrderedDict([]) self.network_data["PopulationUnits"]["AllUnitID"] = [] if not unit_id: if self.network_data["PopulationUnits"]["AllUnitID"]: unit_id = np.max(self.network_data["PopulationUnits"]["AllUnitID"]) + 1 else: unit_id = 1 assert unit_id not in self.network_data["PopulationUnits"]["AllUnitID"], f"Unit id {unit_id} already in use" self.network_data["PopulationUnits"]["AllUnitID"].append(unit_id) return unit_id ############################################################################ # Normally: nNeurons = number of neurons set, then the fractions specified # fMSD1, fMSD2, fFS, fChIN, fLTS are used to calculate the number of neurons # of each type. # # If nNeurons is set to None, then we use nMSD1, nMSD2, nFS, nChIN, nLTS # to set the number of neurons. This is useful if you want to create a small # test network. # Divide by fTot since we are not including all neurons and we want the # proportions to sum to 1.0 (f means fraction) # mesh_file can be used to override default mesh file def define_striatum(self, num_neurons=None, f_dSPN=0.475, f_iSPN=0.475, f_FS=0.013, f_ChIN=0.011, f_LTS=0.007, num_dSPN=None, num_iSPN=None, num_FS=None, num_ChIN=None, num_LTS=None, volume_type=None, side_len=None, slice_depth=None, neurons_dir=None, neuron_density=80500, within_population_unit_SPN_modifier=1, between_population_unit_SPN_modifier=1, mesh_file=None, mesh_bin_width=None, d_min=None, cluster_FS_synapses=False, cluster_SPN_synapses=False): get_val = lambda x: 0 if x is None else x if num_neurons is None: self.num_dSPN = get_val(num_dSPN) self.num_iSPN = get_val(num_iSPN) self.num_FS = get_val(num_FS) self.num_ChIN = get_val(num_ChIN) self.num_LTS = get_val(num_LTS) self.num_neurons_total += self.num_FS + self.num_dSPN + self.num_iSPN + self.num_ChIN + self.num_LTS num_neurons = self.num_neurons_total if self.num_neurons_total <= 0: # No neurons specified, skipping structure return else: if num_neurons <= 0: # No neurons specified, skipping structure return f_tot = f_dSPN + f_iSPN + f_FS + f_ChIN + f_LTS self.num_FS = np.round(f_FS * num_neurons / f_tot) self.num_dSPN = np.round(f_dSPN * num_neurons / f_tot) self.num_iSPN = np.round(f_iSPN * num_neurons / f_tot) self.num_ChIN = np.round(f_ChIN * num_neurons / f_tot) self.num_LTS = np.round(f_LTS * num_neurons / f_tot) self.num_neurons_total += self.num_FS + self.num_dSPN + self.num_iSPN + self.num_ChIN + self.num_LTS if abs(num_neurons - self.num_neurons_total) > 5: print("Striatum should have " + str(num_neurons) + " but " + str(self.num_neurons_total) \ + " are being requested, check fractions set for defineStriatum.") assert volume_type is None or mesh_file is None, "You should not specify both volume_type and mesh_file" if mesh_file: assert mesh_bin_width, "If you specify mesh_file you need to specify mesh_bin_width (e.g 1e-4)" self.define_structure(struct_name="Striatum", struct_mesh=mesh_file, mesh_bin_width=mesh_bin_width, d_min=d_min) elif volume_type == "mouseStriatum": if mesh_bin_width is None: mesh_bin_width = 1e-4 self.define_structure(struct_name="Striatum", struct_mesh=os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "mesh", "Striatum-d.obj"), mesh_bin_width=mesh_bin_width, d_min=d_min) density_file = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "density", "dorsal_striatum_density.json") self.add_neuron_density(volume_id="Striatum", neuron_type="dSPN", density_file=density_file) self.add_neuron_density(volume_id="Striatum", neuron_type="iSPN", density_file=density_file) self.add_neuron_density(volume_id="Striatum", neuron_type="FS", density_file=density_file) self.add_neuron_density(volume_id="Striatum", neuron_type="LTS", density_file=density_file) self.add_neuron_density(volume_id="Striatum", neuron_type="ChIN", density_file=density_file) elif volume_type == "slice": self.define_structure(struct_name="Striatum", struct_mesh="slice", side_len=side_len, slice_depth=slice_depth, d_min=d_min) elif num_neurons <= 1e6: # 1e6 print("Using cube for striatum") # 1.73 million neurons, volume of allen striatal mesh is 21.5mm3 striatum_volume = 1e-9 * num_neurons / neuron_density # 80.5e3 striatum_side_len = striatum_volume ** (1. / 3) striatum_centre = np.array([4750e-6, 4000e-6, 7750e-6]) if num_neurons < 500: mesh_bin_width = striatum_side_len elif num_neurons < 5000: mesh_bin_width = striatum_side_len / 5 else: mesh_bin_width = striatum_side_len / 10 # mesh_bin_width = striatum_side_len / 20 # Reduced striatum, due to few neurons self.define_structure(struct_name="Striatum", struct_mesh="cube", struct_centre=striatum_centre, side_len=striatum_side_len, mesh_bin_width=mesh_bin_width, d_min=d_min) else: # Default, full size striatum self.define_structure(struct_name="Striatum", struct_mesh=os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "mesh", "Striatum-d.obj"), mesh_bin_width=1e-4, d_min=d_min) density_file = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "density", "dorsal_striatum_density.json") self.add_neuron_density(volume_id="Striatum", neuron_type="dSPN", density_file=density_file) self.add_neuron_density(volume_id="Striatum", neuron_type="iSPN", density_file=density_file) self.add_neuron_density(volume_id="Striatum", neuron_type="FS", density_file=density_file) self.add_neuron_density(volume_id="Striatum", neuron_type="LTS", density_file=density_file) self.add_neuron_density(volume_id="Striatum", neuron_type="ChIN", density_file=density_file) if neurons_dir is None: neurons_dir = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "neurons") print(f"Neurons for striatum read from {snudda_parse_path(neurons_dir, self.snudda_data)}/striatum") FS_dir = os.path.join(neurons_dir, "striatum", "fs") dSPN_dir = os.path.join(neurons_dir, "striatum", "dspn") iSPN_dir = os.path.join(neurons_dir, "striatum", "ispn") ChIN_dir = os.path.join(neurons_dir, "striatum", "chin") LTS_dir = os.path.join(neurons_dir, "striatum", "lts") # Add the neurons self.add_neurons(name="FS", neuron_dir=FS_dir, num_neurons=self.num_FS, volume_id="Striatum") self.add_neurons(name="dSPN", neuron_dir=dSPN_dir, num_neurons=self.num_dSPN, volume_id="Striatum") self.add_neurons(name="iSPN", neuron_dir=iSPN_dir, num_neurons=self.num_iSPN, volume_id="Striatum") # ChIN axon density, # We start with the axon length per unit volume, then we scale it # to synapses per unit volume # This will then be used to precompute a lookup table # Guestimated density from Suzuki 2001, J Neurosci, figure 1bb # see directory morphology/ChINdensityEstimate # "I Janickova et al. 2017 så har de 2018 varicosities i en area på 655 um², # deras slices är 70 um tjocka och om man antar att det inte är några # varicositites som täcker varandra så är volym-densiteten/mm³: 4.4*10⁷/mm3" # 1.7e6/24*0.01 = 708 ChIN per mm3 # 4.4e7 / 708 = 62000 varicosities per ChIN # # 325 ChIN synapser per MS # 2-5 ChIN per MS # --> 65-160 synapser between a ChIN-MS pair # --> Each ChIN connect to 400 - 950 MS # # Number of MS within 350 micrometer radius 4*pi*(350e-6)^3/3*1.76e6/24e-9 # --> 13100 MS reachable by ChIN at most (or rather number of MS somas # within radius of axonal arbour) # --> 3-7% connectivity probability?? # ChINaxonDensity = ("6*5000*1e12/3*np.exp(-d/60e-6)",350e-6) # func type, density function, max axon radius # OLD: ChIN_axon_density = ("r", "5000*1e12/3*np.exp(-r/120e-6)", 350e-6) ChIN_axon_density = ("r", "5000*1e12/3*exp(-r/120e-6)", 350e-6) self.add_neurons(name="ChIN", neuron_dir=ChIN_dir, num_neurons=self.num_ChIN, axon_density=ChIN_axon_density, volume_id="Striatum") ############################################################################ # Add LTS neuron # OBS, the SWC coordinates assume that the soma is centred at 0,0,0 # Func type, Density function, [[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax]], nAxonPoints # See # LTS_density_str = "12*3000*1e12*( 0.25*np.exp(-(((x-200e-6)/100e-6)**2 + ((y-0)/50e-6)**2 + ((z-0)/30e-6)**2)) + 1*np.exp(-(((x-300e-6)/300e-6)**2 + ((y-0)/15e-6)**2 + ((z-0)/10e-6)**2)) + 1*np.exp(-(((x-700e-6)/100e-6)**2 + ((y-0)/15e-6)**2 + ((z-0)/15e-6)**2)) )", LTS_density_str = ("12*3000*1e12*( 0.25*exp(-(((x-200e-6)/100e-6)**2 " "+ ((y-0)/50e-6)**2 + ((z-0)/30e-6)**2)) " "+ 1*exp(-(((x-300e-6)/300e-6)**2 + ((y-0)/15e-6)**2 + ((z-0)/10e-6)**2)) " "+ 1*exp(-(((x-700e-6)/100e-6)**2 + ((y-0)/15e-6)**2 + ((z-0)/15e-6)**2)) )") LTS_axon_density = ("xyz", LTS_density_str, [-200e-6, 900e-6, -100e-6, 100e-6, -30e-6, 30e-6]) # !!! Remember to update bounding box self.add_neurons(name="LTS", neuron_dir=LTS_dir, num_neurons=self.num_LTS, axon_density=LTS_axon_density, volume_id="Striatum") # Define FS targets # Szydlowski SN, Pollak Dorocic I, Planert H, Carlen M, Meletis K, # Silberberg G (2013) Target selectivity of feedforward inhibition # by striatal fast-spiking interneurons. J Neurosci # --> FS does not target ChIN # FS_dist_dep_pruning = "np.exp(-(0.5*d/60e-6)**2)" # updated 2019-10-31 FS_dist_dep_pruning = "exp(-(0.5*d/60e-6)**2)" # Using numexpr.evaluate now, so no np. needed # Temp disable dist dep pruning # FSDistDepPruning = None FS_gGABA = [1.1e-9, 1.5e-9] # cond (1nS Gittis et al 2010), condStd FS_to_LTS_gGABA = [1.1e-10, 1.5e-10] # cond (1nS Gittis et al 2010), condStd FS_gGapJunction = [0.5e-9, 0.1e-9] # (gap junctions: 0.5nS, P=0.3 -- Galarreta Hestrin 2002, Koos Tepper 1999) # total 8.4nS ?? Gittis et al 2010?? # File with FS->FS parameters (dont have one yet) pfFSFS = None # Gittis 2010? pfFSLTS = None # pfFSdSPN = "synapses/v1/trace_table.txt-FD-model-parameters.json" # pfFSiSPN = "synapses/v1/trace_table.txt-FI-model-parameters.json" pfFSdSPN = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "synapses", "striatum", "PlanertFitting-FD-tmgaba-fit.json") pfFSiSPN = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "synapses", "striatum", "PlanertFitting-FI-tmgaba-fit.json") # Increased from a3=0.1 to a3=0.7 to match FS-FS connectivity from Gittis self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="FS", target_name="FS", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=None, f1=0.15, soft_max=5, mu2=2, a3=1, conductance=FS_gGABA, cluster_synapses=cluster_FS_synapses, parameter_file=pfFSFS, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary={"tau1": (1.33e-3, 1e3), "tau2": (5.7e-3, 1e3)}) # !!! Double check that channelParamDictionary works, and SI units gets # converted to natural units self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="FS", target_name="dSPN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=FS_dist_dep_pruning, f1=0.5, soft_max=5, mu2=2, a3=1.0, conductance=FS_gGABA, cluster_synapses=cluster_FS_synapses, parameter_file=pfFSdSPN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary={"tau1": (1.2e-3, 1e3), "tau2": (8e-3, 1e3)}) self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="FS", target_name="iSPN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=FS_dist_dep_pruning, f1=0.5, soft_max=5, mu2=2, a3=0.9, conductance=FS_gGABA, cluster_synapses=cluster_FS_synapses, parameter_file=pfFSiSPN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary={"tau1": (1.2e-3, 1e3), "tau2": (8e-3, 1e3)}) self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="FS", target_name="LTS", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=None, f1=0.15, soft_max=3, mu2=2, a3=1.0, conductance=FS_to_LTS_gGABA, cluster_synapses=cluster_FS_synapses, parameter_file=pfFSLTS, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary=None) # FS-FS gap junction, currently without pruning # McKeon, ... , Matheur 2022, 6/78 -- coupling 0.0006 to 0.0789 if True: self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="FS", target_name="FS", connection_type="GapJunction", dist_pruning=None, f1=0.7, soft_max=8, mu2=2, a3=0.5, # Changed a1 from 1 to 0.5 conductance=FS_gGapJunction, cluster_synapses=False, channel_param_dictionary=None) ## Define MSD1 targets # 3e-6 voxel method MSP11 = 1.0 # 0.55 MSP12 = 1.0 # 0.20 # Taverna 2008, fig 3E&F: # D1D1 22.6+/-3pS per synapse, 37+/-15 synapses (approx) # D2D1 24.6+/-6pS per synapse, 75+/-30 synapses (approx) # D2D2 24+/-1.5pS per synapse, 78+/-11 synapses (approx) # !!! But Taverna 2008 analyse aggregates all synapses into a conductance # measure?? if so, we need to divide the values by 3 or 4. # # !!! UPDATE: Assume 24pS per channel, and 10 channels per synapse MSD1gGABA = [0.24e-9, 0.1e-9] # Koos, Tepper 1999 says max 0.75nS? MSD1GABAfailRate = 0.7 # Taverna 2008, figure 2 # OLD: Previously: 23pA * 50 receptors = 1.15e-9 -- Taverna 2008, fig3 # OLD: std ~ +/- 8 receptors, we used before: [1.15e-9, 0.18e-9] # !!! TODO: When this runs we do not know how many population units will be added... P11withinUnit = MSP11 * within_population_unit_SPN_modifier P11betweenUnit = MSP11 * between_population_unit_SPN_modifier P12withinUnit = MSP12 * within_population_unit_SPN_modifier P12betweenUnit = MSP12 * between_population_unit_SPN_modifier # pfdSPNdSPN = "synapses/v1/trace_table.txt-DD-model-parameters.json" # pfdSPNiSPN = "synapses/v1/trace_table.txt-DI-model-parameters.json" pfdSPNdSPN = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "synapses", "striatum", "PlanertFitting-DD-tmgaba-fit.json") pfdSPNiSPN = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "synapses", "striatum", "PlanertFitting-DI-tmgaba-fit.json") pfdSPNChIN = None # Argument for distance dependent SPN-SPN synapses: # Koos, Tepper, Wilson 2004 -- SPN-SPN more distally # From this paper,, # # This is in contrast to the axon collateral synapses between SPNs # (Tunstall et al., 2002), which typically evoke significantly # smaller IPSPs/IPSCs than FSI-evoked synaptic responses when # recorded somatically (Koós et al., 2004; Tepper et al., 2004, # 2008; Gustafson et al., 2006) due to a combination of # predominantly distal synaptic locations (88%; Wilson and Groves, # 1980) and relatively few synaptic (2–3) connections made by each # SPN on each postsynaptic SPN (Koós et al., 2004) # # Also, In Kai's Thesis on the first page, He used this reference, #, # # With Taverna conductances, we see that the response is much stronger than Planert 2010. # We try to introduce distance dependent pruning to see if removing strong proximal synapses # will give a better match to experimental data. # SPN2SPNdistDepPruning = "1-np.exp(-(0.4*d/60e-6)**2)" SPN2SPNdistDepPruning = "1-exp(-(0.4*d/60e-6)**2)" # Chuhma about 20pA response from 10% SPN, we need to reduce activity, try dist dep pruning # (already so few synapses and connectivity) # SPN2ChINDistDepPruning = "1-np.exp(-(0.4*d/60e-6)**2)" SPN2ChINDistDepPruning = "1-exp(-(0.4*d/60e-6)**2)" # old f1 = 0.15 self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="dSPN", target_name="dSPN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=SPN2SPNdistDepPruning, f1=0.38 * 0.75, soft_max=3, mu2=2.4, a3=P11withinUnit, a3_other=P11betweenUnit, conductance=MSD1gGABA, cluster_synapses=cluster_SPN_synapses, parameter_file=pfdSPNdSPN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary={"tau1": (1.3e-3, 1e3), "tau2": (12.4e-3, 1e3), "failRate": MSD1GABAfailRate}) # old f1 = 0.15 self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="dSPN", target_name="iSPN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=SPN2SPNdistDepPruning, f1=0.20 * 0.82, soft_max=3, mu2=2.4, a3=P12withinUnit, a3_other=P12betweenUnit, conductance=MSD1gGABA, cluster_synapses=cluster_SPN_synapses, parameter_file=pfdSPNiSPN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary={"tau1": (1.3e-3, 1e3), "tau2": (12.4e-3, 1e3), "failRate": MSD1GABAfailRate}) # Doig, Magill, Apicella, Bolam, Sharott 2014: # 5166 +/- 285 GABA synapses on ChIN (antag att 95% av dem är från MS?) # 2859 +/- Assymetrical (Glut) synapses on ChIN # Set a3 pruning to 0.1, to remove 90% of connected pairs # removed softMax = 3 (want to get 5000 MSD1+D2 synapses on ChIN) self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="dSPN", target_name="ChIN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=SPN2ChINDistDepPruning, f1=0.1, soft_max=3, mu2=2.4, a3=0.1, conductance=MSD1gGABA, cluster_synapses=cluster_SPN_synapses, parameter_file=pfdSPNChIN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary={"failRate": MSD1GABAfailRate}) ## Define MSD2 targets # 3e-6 voxel method MSP21 = 1.0 # 0.50 MSP22 = 1.0 # 0.95 # OLD: 24pA * 51 receptors = 1.15e-9 -- Taverna 2008, fig3 # OLD: std ~ +/- 10 receptors [1.24e-9, 0.24e-9] # Taverna 2008, fig 3E&F: # D1D1 22.6+/-3pS per synapse, 37+/-15 synapses (approx) # D2D1 24.6+/-6pS per synapse, 75+/-30 synapses (approx) # D2D2 24+/-1.5pS per synapse, 78+/-11 synapses (approx) # !!! But Taverna 2008 analyse aggregates all synapses into a conductance # measure?? if so, we need to divide the values by 3 or 4. # # !!! UPDATE: Assume 24pS per channel, and 10 channels per synapse # Because in Taverna 2008 iSPN has more receptors in total, we increase # softMax from 3 to 4 MSD2gGABA = [0.24e-9, 0.1e-9] MSD2GABAfailRate = 0.4 # Taverna 2008, 2mM # Voxel method P21withinUnit = MSP21 * within_population_unit_SPN_modifier P21betweenUnit = MSP21 * between_population_unit_SPN_modifier P22withinUnit = MSP22 * within_population_unit_SPN_modifier P22betweenUnit = MSP22 * between_population_unit_SPN_modifier pfiSPNdSPN = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "synapses", "striatum", "PlanertFitting-ID-tmgaba-fit.json") pfiSPNiSPN = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "synapses", "striatum", "PlanertFitting-II-tmgaba-fit.json") pfiSPNChIN = None # GABA decay från Taverna 2008 # old f1 = 0.15 self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="iSPN", target_name="dSPN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=SPN2SPNdistDepPruning, f1=0.3 * 0.93, soft_max=4, mu2=2.4, a3=P21withinUnit, a3_other=P21betweenUnit, conductance=MSD2gGABA, cluster_synapses=cluster_SPN_synapses, parameter_file=pfiSPNdSPN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary={"tau1": (1.3e-3, 1e3), "tau2": (12.4e-3, 1e3), "failRate": MSD2GABAfailRate}) # old f1 = 0.15 self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="iSPN", target_name="iSPN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=SPN2SPNdistDepPruning, f1=0.55, soft_max=4, mu2=2.4, a3=P22withinUnit, a3_other=P22betweenUnit, conductance=MSD2gGABA, cluster_synapses=cluster_SPN_synapses, parameter_file=pfiSPNiSPN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary={"tau1": (1.3e-3, 1e3), "tau2": (12.4e-3, 1e3), "failRate": MSD2GABAfailRate}) # See comment for dSPN to ChIN self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="iSPN", target_name="ChIN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=SPN2ChINDistDepPruning, f1=0.1, soft_max=3, mu2=2.4, a3=0.1, conductance=MSD2gGABA, cluster_synapses=cluster_SPN_synapses, parameter_file=pfiSPNChIN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary={"failRate": MSD2GABAfailRate}) ## Define ChIN targets # Nelson AB, Hammack N, Yang CF, Shah NM, Seal RP, Kreitzer AC # (2014) Striatal choliner- gic interneurons Drive GABA release # from dopamine terminals. Neuron # Mamaligas, Ford 2016 -- connectivity, 2-5ChIN per MS (in slice) ChINgGABA = 1e-9 # If just one value given, then gSTD = 0 ChINgACh = 1e-9 # FIXME # Run 1142 -- No mu2 # Run 1150 -- Mu2 2.4 # Run 1153 -- Mu2 D1: 5, D2: 10 (för att testa fler värden) # Guzman et al 2003 "Dopaminergic Modulation of Axon Collaterals Interconnecting Spiny Neurons of the Rat Striatum" # 325 ChIN inputs per MS (2500 * 0.13) # Do ChIN co-release GABA?!! otherwise should be ACh pfChINdSPN = None pfChINiSPN = None pfChINLTS = None # !!! SET RELEASE TO GABA FOR NOW # ================================================================ # commenting gabaergic ChIN -> SPN connections Feb. 25th 2020 (RL) if False: self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="ChIN", target_name="dSPN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=None, f1=0.5, soft_max=10, mu2=15, a3=0.1, # SM 15 conductance=ChINgGABA, cluster_synapses=False, parameter_file=pfChINdSPN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary=None) # TEST SETTING THIS TO ACh (SHOULD BE GABA), will this change? # !!! self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="ChIN", target_name="iSPN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=None, f1=0.5, soft_max=10, mu2=10, a3=0.1, # SM 12 conductance=ChINgGABA, cluster_synapses=False, parameter_file=pfChINiSPN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary=None) # ================================================================ # We got an increasing connection distribution with distance, looks fishy # !!! Should be ACh, lets try set it to GABA and see if that changes things # --- trying same pruning as for ChIN to MSD2 if False: self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="ChIN", target_name="LTS", connection_type="ACh", dist_pruning=None, f1=0.5, soft_max=None, mu2=10, a3=None, # SM 12 conductance=ChINgACh, cluster_synapses=False, parameter_file=pfChINLTS, mod_file="ACh", # !!! DOES NOT YET EXIST --- FIXME channel_param_dictionary=None) # !!! USE SAME PARAMS FOR FS AS FOR MS?? # ??? ChIN does not connect to FS and MS directly ??? # Add targets for LTS neurons LTSgGABA = 1e-9 # !!! FIXME # LTSgNO = 1e-9 # LTSDistDepPruning = "1-np.exp(-(0.4*d/60e-6)**2)" # updated 2019-10-31 LTSDistDepPruning = "1-exp(-(0.4*d/60e-6)**2)" # using numexpr.evaluate now, so no np. # !!! Straub, Sabatini 2016 # No LTS synapses within 70 micrometers of proximal MS dendrite # !!! ADD DISTANCE DEPENDENT PRUNING pfLTSdSPN = None pfLTSiSPN = None pfLTSChIN = None self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="LTS", target_name="dSPN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=LTSDistDepPruning, f1=1.0 * 0.3, soft_max=15, mu2=3, a3=0.3, conductance=LTSgGABA, cluster_synapses=False, parameter_file=pfLTSdSPN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary={"tau1": (3e-3, 1e3), "tau2": (38e-3, 1e3)}) # LTS -> SPN, rise time 3+/-0.1 ms, decay time 38+/-3.1 ms, Straub 2016 self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="LTS", target_name="iSPN", connection_type="GABA", dist_pruning=LTSDistDepPruning, f1=1.0 * 0.3, soft_max=15, mu2=3, a3=0.3, conductance=LTSgGABA, cluster_synapses=False, parameter_file=pfLTSiSPN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary={"tau1": (3e-3, 1e3), "tau2": (38e-3, 1e3)}) self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="LTS", target_name="ChIN", connection_type="GABA", # also NO, nitric oxide dist_pruning=None, f1=0.5, soft_max=10, mu2=3, a3=0.4, conductance=LTSgGABA, cluster_synapses=False, parameter_file=pfLTSChIN, mod_file="tmGabaA", channel_param_dictionary=None) ############################################################################ def define_GPe(self, num_neurons, d_min=None, neurons_dir=None): if num_neurons <= 0: # No neurons specified, skipping structure return self.num_gpe_neurons = num_neurons self.num_neurons_total += num_neurons self.define_structure(struct_name="GPe", struct_mesh="mesh/GPe-mesh.obj", d_min=d_min) # !!! Need to add targets for neurons in GPe ############################################################################ def define_GPi(self, num_neurons, d_min=None, neurons_dir=None): if num_neurons <= 0: # No neurons specified, skipping structure return self.num_gpi_neurons = num_neurons self.num_neurons_total += num_neurons self.define_structure(struct_name="GPi", struct_mesh="mesh/GPi-mesh.obj", d_min=d_min) # !!! Need to add targets for neurons in GPi ############################################################################ def define_STN(self, num_neurons, d_min=None, neurons_dir=None): if num_neurons <= 0: # No neurons specified, skipping structure return self.num_stn_neurons = num_neurons self.num_neurons_total += num_neurons self.define_structure(struct_name="STN", struct_mesh="mesh/STN-mesh.obj", d_min=d_min) # !!! Need to add targets for neurons in STN ############################################################################ def define_SNr(self, num_neurons, d_min=None, neurons_dir=None): if num_neurons <= 0: # No neurons, skipping return self.num_snr_neurons = num_neurons self.num_neurons_total += num_neurons self.define_structure(struct_name="SNr", struct_mesh="mesh/SNr-mesh.obj", mesh_bin_width=1e-4, d_min=d_min) # !!! Need to add targets for neurons in SNr ############################################################################ # TODO: neurons_dir not used here yet def define_cortex(self, num_neurons, d_min=None, neurons_dir=None): if num_neurons <= 0: # No neurons specified, skipping structure return # Neurons with corticostriatal axons self.num_cortex_neurons = num_neurons self.num_neurons_total += num_neurons # Using start location of neuron DOI: 10.25378/janelia.5521780 for centre # !!! If we use a larger mesh for cortex, we will need to reduce # meshBinWidth to 1e-4 (or risk getting memory error) self.define_structure(struct_name="Cortex", struct_mesh="cube", struct_centre=np.array([7067e-6, 3007e-6, 2570e-6]), side_len=200e-6, mesh_bin_width=5e-5, d_min=d_min) cortex_dir = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "InputAxons", "Cortex", "Reg10") # Add cortex axon self.add_neurons("CortexAxon", cortex_dir, self.num_cortex_neurons, model_type="virtual", rotation_mode="", volume_id="Cortex") # Define targets cortex_glut_cond = [1e-9, 0.1e-9] # We should have both ipsi and contra, M1 and S1 input, for now # picking one cortexSynParMS = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "synapses", "striatum", "M1RH_Analysis_190925.h5-parameters-MS.json") cortexSynParFS = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "synapses", "striatum", "M1RH_Analysis_190925.h5-parameters-FS.json") self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="CortexAxon", target_name="dSPN", connection_type="AMPA_NMDA", dist_pruning=None, f1=1.0, soft_max=3, mu2=2.4, a3=None, parameter_file=cortexSynParMS, mod_file="tmGlut", conductance=cortex_glut_cond, cluster_synapses=False, channel_param_dictionary=None) self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="CortexAxon", target_name="iSPN", connection_type="AMPA_NMDA", dist_pruning=None, f1=1.0, soft_max=3, mu2=2.4, a3=None, parameter_file=cortexSynParMS, mod_file="tmGlut", conductance=cortex_glut_cond, cluster_synapses=False, channel_param_dictionary=None) self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="CortexAxon", target_name="FS", connection_type="AMPA_NMDA", dist_pruning=None, f1=1.0, soft_max=3, mu2=2.4, a3=None, parameter_file=cortexSynParFS, mod_file="tmGlut", conductance=cortex_glut_cond, cluster_synapses=False, channel_param_dictionary=None) # !!! No input for LTS and ChIN right now... ############################################################################ # TODO: neurons_dir not used here yet def define_thalamus(self, num_neurons, d_min=None, neurons_dir=None): if num_neurons <= 0: # No neurons specified, skipping structure return # Neurons with thalamustriatal axons self.num_thalamus_neurons = num_neurons self.num_neurons_total += num_neurons # Using start location of neuron DOI: 10.25378/janelia.5521765 for centre self.define_structure(struct_name="Thalamus", struct_mesh="cube", struct_centre=np.array([4997e-6, 4260e-6, 7019e-6]), side_len=200e-6, mesh_bin_width=5e-5, d_min=d_min) # Define neurons thalamus_dir = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "morphology", "InputAxons", "Thalamus", "Reg10") self.add_neurons("ThalamusAxon", thalamus_dir, self.num_thalamus_neurons, model_type="virtual", rotation_mode="", volume_id="Thalamus") # Define targets thalamus_syn_par_ms = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "synapses", "striatum", "TH_Analysis_191001.h5-parameters-MS.json") thalamus_syn_par_fs = os.path.join("$SNUDDA_DATA", "synapses", "striatum", "TH_Analysis_191001.h5-parameters-FS.json") thalamus_glut_cond = [1e-9, 0.1e-9] self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="ThalamusAxon", target_name="dSPN", connection_type="AMPA_NMDA", dist_pruning=None, f1=1.0, soft_max=3, mu2=2.4, a3=None, conductance=thalamus_glut_cond, cluster_synapses=False, parameter_file=thalamus_syn_par_ms, mod_file="tmGlut", channel_param_dictionary=None) self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="ThalamusAxon", target_name="iSPN", connection_type="AMPA_NMDA", dist_pruning=None, f1=1.0, soft_max=3, mu2=2.4, a3=None, conductance=thalamus_glut_cond, cluster_synapses=False, parameter_file=thalamus_syn_par_ms, mod_file="tmGlut", channel_param_dictionary=None) # Picked D1 parameters, lack self.add_neuron_target(neuron_name="ThalamusAxon", target_name="FS", connection_type="AMPA_NMDA", dist_pruning=None, f1=1.0, soft_max=3, mu2=2.4, a3=None, conductance=thalamus_glut_cond, cluster_synapses=False, parameter_file=thalamus_syn_par_fs, mod_file="tmGlut", channel_param_dictionary=None) ############################################################################ @staticmethod def setup_random_seeds(random_seed=None): seed_types = ["init", "place", "detect", "project", "prune", "input", "simulate"] # print(f"Seeding with rand_seed={random_seed}") ss = np.random.SeedSequence(random_seed) all_seeds = ss.generate_state(len(seed_types)) rand_seed_dict = collections.OrderedDict() if random_seed is not None: rand_seed_dict["masterseed"] = random_seed for st, s in zip(seed_types, all_seeds): rand_seed_dict[st] = s # print(f"Random seed {st} to {s}") init_rng = np.random.default_rng(rand_seed_dict["init"]) return rand_seed_dict, init_rng
if __name__ == "__main__": full_striatum = True # False #True # Striatum has about 1.73 million neurons in mouse # Rat data (Oorschot 1996 J Comp Neurol 366) # --> mouse estimated from scaling down to mouse from rat # Striatum: 2.79M --> 1.73M # GPe: 46,000 --> 28500 # GPi: 3,200 --> 2000 # STN: 13,600 --> 8400 # SNRpc : 7,200 --> 4500 # SNRpr : 26,300 --> 16300 # --> SNr = 20800 # Nd1=Nd2=9493 # Nfsi=400 # Nstn=97 # Nta=82 # Nti=247 # Nsnr=189 if full_striatum: struct_def = {"Striatum": 1730000, "GPe": 28500, "GPi": 2000, "SNr": 20800, "STN": 8400, "Cortex": 1, "Thalamus": 1} # !!! TEMP, only do stratium for now struct_def = {"Striatum": 1730000, "GPe": 0, "GPi": 0, "SNr": 0, "STN": 0, "Cortex": 0, "Thalamus": 0} else: struct_def = {"Striatum": 100000, "GPe": 0, "GPi": 0, "SNr": 0, "STN": 0, "Cortex": 0, "Thalamus": 0} nTotals = 0 for x in struct_def: nTotals += struct_def[x] fName = os.path.join("config", f"basal-ganglia-config-{nTotals}.json") SnuddaInit(struct_def=struct_def, config_file=fName)