Source code for snudda.neurons.neuron_morphology

# This open source software code was developed in part or in whole in
# the Human Brain Project, funded from the European Union’s Horizon
# 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Specific
# Grant Agreements No. 720270 and No. 785907 (Human Brain Project SGA1
# and SGA2).
# etc...

import numexpr
import numpy as np

from snudda.utils.snudda_path import snudda_parse_path

# Use np.random.choice for selecting

[docs]class NeuronMorphology: """ Neuron morphology object. Also see NeuronPrototype class which handles multiple morphology variations. """ # axonStumpIDFlag should be True if running # it should be False if we are running Neurodamus simulation. def __init__(self, name=None, position=np.zeros((1, 3)), rotation=None, # np.eye(3), swc_filename=None, param_filename=None, param_data=None, # TODO: Can we remove this? mech_filename=None, modulation=None, neuron_path=None, morphology_id=None, parameter_id=None, modulation_id=None, parameter_key=None, morphology_key=None, modulation_key=None, verbose=False, load_morphology=True, hoc=None, colour=None, use_cache=True, pickle_version=-1, logfile=None, virtual_neuron=False, axon_stump_id_flag=False, snudda_data=None): self.cache_version = 0.99 self.snudda_data = snudda_data self.position = np.array(position) if rotation is not None: self.rotation = np.array(rotation) else: self.rotation = None self.soma = np.array([]) self.axon = np.array([]) self.dend = np.array([]) # 0,1,2: x,y,z 3: radie, 4: dist to soma (all in meters) self.axon_density_type = None self.dend_density = None self.axon_density = None self.axon_density_bounds_xyz = None self.voxel_size = 5e6 self.density_bin_size = 10e-6 self.load_morphology = load_morphology # This tells if axon is indexed fully or if only as a stump # this affects sectionID for both axon and dendrites self.axon_stump_id_flag = axon_stump_id_flag # Meta data = name self.neuron_path = neuron_path self.swc_filename = swc_filename self.param_filename = param_filename self.param_data = param_data self.mech_filename = mech_filename self.modulation = modulation self.morphology_id = morphology_id self.parameter_id = parameter_id self.modulation_id = modulation_id self.parameter_key = parameter_key self.morphology_key = morphology_key self.modulation_key = modulation_key self.verbose = verbose self.use_cache = use_cache self.pickle_version = pickle_version self.log_file = logfile self.virtual_neuron = virtual_neuron self.rotated_flag = False if swc_filename: self.cache_filename = swc_filename.replace('.swc', '-cache.pickle') assert (self.cache_filename != swc_filename), f"Cached filename: {self.cache_filename} != {swc_filename}" else: self.cache_filename = None # This is used for Neurodamus, which instantiates through hoc files if hoc is None: hoc = "" self.hoc = hoc # This is useful when determining connectivity, to exclude pairs self.max_axon_radius = 0 self.max_dend_radius = 0 # Telling how the different points link together into lines self.axon_links = np.array((2, 0)) # These should never be changed after CLONE self.dend_links = np.array((2, 0)) self.dend_sec_id = np.array((1,)) self.dend_sec_x = np.array((2, 0)) # Lookup for section length for each section, based on sec_id self.sec_id_to_len = None # Lookup for index into self.dend_links based on sec_id self.sec_id_links = dict() self.sec_id_links_x = dict() if colour is None: self.colour = np.random.random((3,)) else: self.colour = colour if load_morphology and self.swc_filename: # This loads, rotates and places neuron self.load_neuron_morphology() ############################################################################
[docs] def load_neuron_morphology(self): """ Loads neuron morphology from SWC file or from cache file. """ if self.use_cache: if self.cache_exist(): # Load existing cache try: self.load_cache() except Exception as e: # import traceback # tstr = traceback.format_exc() # print(tstr) self.write_log(f"Failed to read cache file, loading: {self.swc_filename}") self.load_swc() self.save_cache() else: self.write_log("No cache found, create it.") # Load SWC and save cache file self.load_swc() self.save_cache() else: # Load SWC file self.write_log("Ignoring old cache, rewriting new cache file") self.load_swc() self.save_cache() # Updates position and rotation # Remove axonStumpIDFlag completely later... assert not self.axon_stump_id_flag, \ "axonStumpFlag is depricated, should be off"
[docs] def clone(self, load_morphology=None, # True or False, None = same as parent position=np.zeros((1, 3)), rotation=None, morphology_id=None, parameter_id=None, modulation_id=None, parameter_key=None, morphology_key=None, modulation_key=None): """ Creates a clone copy of a neuron. Args: load_morphology (bool) : Load morphology into clone? position (float,float,float) : x,y,z coordinate of clone rotation (rotation matrix) : Rotation matrix for clone morphology_id: Morphology ID for the clone parameter_id: Parameter ID for the clone modulation_id: Neuromodulation parameter ID for the clone parameter_key (str): Parameter Key for clone morphology_key (str): Morphology Key for clone modulation_key (str): Modulation Key for clone """ if load_morphology is None: load_morphology = self.load_morphology # If these are explicitly set to None, reuse to original coordinates # and rotation if position is None: position = self.position if rotation is None: rotation = self.rotation new_neuron = NeuronMorphology(, position=position, rotation=rotation, swc_filename=self.swc_filename, param_filename=self.param_filename, param_data=self.param_data, mech_filename=self.mech_filename, modulation=self.modulation, neuron_path=self.neuron_path, morphology_id=morphology_id, parameter_id=parameter_id, modulation_id=modulation_id, parameter_key=parameter_key, morphology_key=morphology_key, modulation_key=modulation_key, verbose=self.verbose, load_morphology=False, hoc=self.hoc, virtual_neuron=self.virtual_neuron) if load_morphology: # Set the flag new_neuron.load_morphology = load_morphology # Copy the data new_neuron.axon = np.copy(self.axon) new_neuron.dend = np.copy(self.dend) new_neuron.soma = np.copy(self.soma) # Warn the user if the neuron is already rotated new_neuron.rotated_flag = self.rotated_flag # These dont change either, so skip np.copy new_neuron.axon_links = self.axon_links new_neuron.dend_links = self.dend_links new_neuron.dend_sec_x = self.dend_sec_x new_neuron.dend_sec_id = self.dend_sec_id new_neuron.sec_id_links = self.sec_id_links new_neuron.sec_id_links_x = self.sec_id_links_x new_neuron.sec_id_to_len = self.sec_id_to_len new_neuron.axon_stump_id_flag = self.axon_stump_id_flag new_neuron.max_axon_radius = self.max_axon_radius new_neuron.max_dend_radius = self.max_dend_radius if self.dend_density is not None: new_neuron.dend_density = self.dend_density if self.axon_density is not None: new_neuron.axon_density = self.axon_density new_neuron.voxel_size = self.voxel_size if self.axon_density_type is not None: new_neuron.axon_density_type = self.axon_density_type if self.axon_density_bounds_xyz is not None: new_neuron.axon_density_bounds_xyz = self.axon_density_bounds_xyz return new_neuron
[docs] def write_log(self, text, is_error=False): """ Write text to log file. Prints on screen if self.verbose or is_error """ if self.log_file is not None: self.log_file.write(f"{text}\n") if self.verbose or is_error: print(text)
############################################################################ #
[docs] @staticmethod def rand_rotation_matrix(deflection=1.0, rand_nums=None): """ Creates a random rotation matrix. deflection: the magnitude of the rotation. For 0, no rotation; for 1, competely random rotation. Small deflection => small perturbation. rand_nums: 3 random numbers in the range [0, 1]. If `None`, they will be auto-generated. """ # from if rand_nums is None: rand_nums = np.random.uniform(size=(3,)) theta, phi, z = rand_nums theta = theta * 2.0 * deflection * np.pi # Rotation about the pole (Z). phi = phi * 2.0 * np.pi # For direction of pole deflection. z = z * 2.0 * deflection # For magnitude of pole deflection. # Compute a vector V used for distributing points over the sphere # via the reflection I - V Transpose(V). This formulation of V # will guarantee that if x[1] and x[2] are uniformly distributed, # the reflected points will be uniform on the sphere. Note that V # has length sqrt(2) to eliminate the 2 in the Householder matrix. r = np.sqrt(z) vv = (np.sin(phi) * r, np.cos(phi) * r, np.sqrt(2.0 - z)) st = np.sin(theta) ct = np.cos(theta) rr = np.array(((ct, st, 0), (-st, ct, 0), (0, 0, 1))) # Construct the rotation matrix ( V Transpose(V) - I ) R. mm = (np.outer(vv, vv) - np.eye(3)).dot(rr) return mm
############################################################################ # We can specify a position and rotation
[docs] def place(self, rotation=None, position=None): """ Placing a neuron and rotating it. Will give a warning if it was previously rotated. Args: rotation: 3D rotation matrix position: x,y,z position for neuron """ if self.rotated_flag: self.write_log("!!! WARNING, rotating a rotated neuron...") if rotation is None: rotation = self.rotation elif type(rotation) is not np.ndarray: rotation = np.array(rotation) if position is None: position = self.position elif type(position) is not np.ndarray: position = np.array(position) # print("Place called! pos = " + str(position) + ", rot = " + str(rotation)) # rotation = self.randRotationMatrix() # We subtract soma before rotating to centre neuron if rotation is not None: assert np.abs(np.linalg.det(rotation) - 1) < 1e-6, \ (f"place: determinant of rotation matrix should be 1 (did you miss matmul when multiplying?)" f"rotation = {rotation}, det(rotation) = {np.linalg.det(rotation)}") self.rotated_flag = True if len(self.axon) > 0: self.axon[:, 0:3] = \ np.transpose(np.matmul(rotation, np.transpose(self.axon[:, 0:3] - self.soma[0, 0:3]))) if len(self.dend) > 0: self.dend[:, 0:3] = \ np.transpose(np.matmul(rotation, np.transpose(self.dend[:, 0:3] - self.soma[0, 0:3]))) if len(self.soma) > 0: self.soma[:, 0:3] = \ np.transpose(np.matmul(rotation, np.transpose(self.soma[:, 0:3] - self.soma[0, 0:3]))) # Place neuron in correct position if len(self.axon) > 0: self.axon[:, 0:3] = self.axon[:, 0:3] - self.soma[0, 0:3] + position if len(self.dend) > 0: self.dend[:, 0:3] = self.dend[:, 0:3] - self.soma[0, 0:3] + position if len(self.soma) > 0: self.soma[:, 0:3] = self.soma[:, 0:3] - self.soma[0, 0:3] + position # Track rotation and location self.rotation = rotation self.position = position # Plot neuron post rotation # self.plot_neuron() return self
[docs] def save_cache(self, cache_file=None): """ Saves cache_file with morphology """ if cache_file is None: cache_file = snudda_parse_path(self.cache_filename, self.snudda_data) if cache_file is None: self.write_log("Unable to save neuron cache file, no cache_file name specified.") return assert not self.rotated_flag, \ "saveCache: The neuron should not be rotated when saving cache" morph = dict([]) morph["swc_filename"] = self.swc_filename morph["soma"] = self.soma morph["axon"] = self.axon morph["dend"] = self.dend morph["axonLinks"] = self.axon_links morph["dendLinks"] = self.dend_links morph["dendSecX"] = self.dend_sec_x morph["dendSecID"] = self.dend_sec_id morph["axonStumpIDFlag"] = self.axon_stump_id_flag morph["maxAxonRadius"] = self.max_axon_radius morph["maxDendRadius"] = self.max_dend_radius morph["dendDensity"] = self.dend_density morph["axonDensity"] = self.axon_density morph["secIdToSecLen"] = self.sec_id_to_len morph["secIdLinks"] = self.sec_id_links morph["secIdLinksX"] = self.sec_id_links_x morph["version"] = self.cache_version assert (cache_file != self.swc_filename) self.write_log(f"Saving cache file: {cache_file}") import pickle with open(cache_file, 'wb') as cache_file: pickle.dump(morph, cache_file, self.pickle_version)
[docs] def cache_exist(self, cache_file=None): """ Checks if cache_file exists """ if cache_file is None: cache_file = snudda_parse_path(self.cache_filename, self.snudda_data) cache_flag = False import os if os.path.isfile(cache_file): swc_time = os.path.getmtime(snudda_parse_path(self.swc_filename, self.snudda_data)) cache_time = os.path.getmtime(cache_file) if cache_time > swc_time: self.write_log(f"Found cache file: {cache_file}") cache_flag = True else: self.write_log(f"Found old cache file: {cache_file}") else: self.write_log("No cache file found.") return cache_flag
[docs] def load_cache(self, cache_file=None): """ Loads morphology from cache_file. """ if cache_file is None: cache_file = snudda_parse_path(self.cache_filename, self.snudda_data) assert cache_file is not None, "Unable to open cache file, cache file name not set." import pickle with open(cache_file, 'rb') as cache_file: morph = pickle.load(cache_file) assert self.swc_filename == morph["swc_filename"], \ "Cached file had different path. Saving new version of cache." assert self.axon_stump_id_flag == morph["axonStumpIDFlag"], \ "axonStumpIDFlag must match cached version" # axonStumpIDFlag affects the section ID for the dendrites (and axon) # True when running and False if running Neurodamus. # self.axonStumpIDFlag = morph["axonStumpIDFlag"] # True or False self.soma = np.copy(morph["soma"]) self.axon = np.copy(morph["axon"]) self.dend = np.copy(morph["dend"]) self.axon_links = morph["axonLinks"] self.dend_links = morph["dendLinks"] self.dend_sec_x = morph["dendSecX"] self.dend_sec_id = morph["dendSecID"] assert morph["version"] == self.cache_version, \ "Cache version mismatch, regenerating cache" self.max_axon_radius = morph["maxAxonRadius"] self.max_dend_radius = morph["maxDendRadius"] if morph["dendDensity"] is not None: self.dend_density = morph["dendDensity"] else: self.dend_density = None if morph["axonDensity"] is not None: self.axon_density = morph["axonDensity"] else: self.axon_density = None self.sec_id_to_len = morph["secIdToSecLen"] self.sec_id_links = morph["secIdLinks"] self.sec_id_links_x = morph["secIdLinksX"]
# Place neuron -- Do not place neuron, loadNeuronMorphology does that # ############################################################################ # self.actionStumpIDFlag only affects the section ID. # If it is set to False, all sectionID are computed normally # if it is set to True, each axon will have the same sectionID throughout # if there are multiple axons they will have separate sectionIDs
[docs] def load_swc(self, swc_file=None): """ Loads morphology from swc_file """ if not swc_file: swc_file = snudda_parse_path(self.swc_filename, self.snudda_data) with open(swc_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() comp_type = {1: "soma", 2: "axon", 3: "dend", 4: "apic"} swc_vals = np.zeros(shape=(len(lines), 7)) num_comps = 0 for ss in lines: if ss[0] != '#': swc_vals[num_comps, :] = [float(s) for s in ss.split()] num_comps = num_comps + 1 # swcVals -- 0: compID, 1: type, 2,3,4: xyz coords, 5: radius, 6: parentID assert (1 <= swc_vals[:num_comps, 1]).all() and (swc_vals[:num_comps, 1] <= 4).all(), \ f"loadMorphology: Only types 1,2,3,4 are supported: {swc_file}" # Subtract 1 from ID and parentID, so we get easier indexing swc_vals[:, 0] -= 1 swc_vals[:, 6] -= 1 swc_vals[:, 2:6] *= 1e-6 # Convert to meter x,y,z, radie # Columns: # 0: ID, 1,2,3: x,y,z 4: radie, 5: type, 6: parent, 7: somaDist, # 8: nodeParent, 9: childCount, 10: sectionID, 11: sectionLen, # 12: segmentLen # -- careful with sectionID and sectionLen at branch points, # they belong to the parent section # -- also dont confuse sectionLen and segmentLen (the latter is # for the segment, which is a part of the larger section) points = np.zeros((num_comps, 13)) points[:num_comps, 0] = swc_vals[:num_comps, 0] # ID points[:num_comps, 1:5] = swc_vals[:num_comps, 2:6] # x,y,z,r points[:num_comps, 5] = swc_vals[:num_comps, 1] # type points[:num_comps, 6] = swc_vals[:num_comps, 6] # parent assert points[0, 5] == 1, \ "First compartment must be a soma: " + str(swc_file) # Create list of the links, # exclude soma -> first comp link (should be within soma radius) # Columns: 0: ID1, 1: ID2, 2: sectionID, 3: sectionX0, 4: sectionX1 # 5: nodeParent, 6:type links = np.zeros((num_comps, 7)) link_idx = 0 for idx in range(0, num_comps): id0 = int(points[idx, 6]) # parent id1 = int(points[idx, 0]) # point if id0 <= 0: # No parent or soma is parent, skip link continue links[link_idx, 0:2] = [id0, id1] links[link_idx, 5] = points[idx, 6] link_idx += 1 # Trim link list links = links[:link_idx, :] # Count children each node has for idx in range(1, num_comps): try: # Increment parents child counter points[int(points[idx, 6]), 9] += 1 except: self.write_log(f"Are there gaps in the numbering of the compartments in the SWC file: {swc_file}", is_error=True) import traceback tstr = traceback.format_exc() self.write_log(tstr) import pdb pdb.set_trace() # Make sure soma has a child count > 1 --- no we dont want soma as node # if(points[0,9] == 0): # points[0,9] = 100 # Also make sure all points with soma as parent get child count > 1 # (Child Count > 1 ==> start or end of segment) soma_child_idx = np.where(points[:, 6] == 0)[0] points[soma_child_idx, 9] += 50 # Mark node parent, and assign sectionID # -- this is used to set sectionID for links, the link # will use the end points sectionID # !!! Make sure sectionID is correct, and match what Neuron uses internally # Nodes are branch points (> 1 child), or end points (0 children) # and not soma node_idx = np.where((points[:, 9] != 1) & (points[:, 5] != 1))[0] # soma is section 0, but we dont include connection soma to first node # so let the first dend node be 0, since the section ID is taken from # the child ID section_id = 1 # Sonata specifies first axon, then basal, then apical sections axon_idx = node_idx[np.where(points[node_idx, 5] == 2)[0]] basal_idx = node_idx[np.where(points[node_idx, 5] == 3)[0]] apical_idx = node_idx[np.where(points[node_idx, 5] == 4)[0]] # If simulation will use an axon stump, where each axon branch is shortened # to a stump with the same section ID, then we need to make sure the # numbering is correct for the dendrites. # Update, set axonID to -1 for nIdx in axon_idx: points[nIdx, 10] = -1 # Set soma ID to 0 points[0, 10] = 0 # Calculate sectionID for dendrites section_id = 1 # Axon dealt with, only loop over dendrites next node_loop_list = [basal_idx, apical_idx] for idxList in node_loop_list: for nIdx in idxList: if points[nIdx, 6] > 0: # Set section ID, exclude soma, and compartments bordering to soma points[nIdx, 10] = section_id section_id += 1 # Assign node parents for nIdx in node_idx: # Find node parent parent_idx = int(points[nIdx, 6]) # While one child (= no node), keep following parent # But stop if parent is soma, or if grandparent is soma # !!! Here last link node to soma is not included in neurite morphology # since we assume it is inside the soma while points[parent_idx, 9] == 1 and parent_idx > 0 and points[parent_idx, 6] > 0: parent_idx = int(points[parent_idx, 6]) node_parent_idx = parent_idx points[nIdx, 8] = node_parent_idx section_id = points[nIdx, 10] parent_idx = int(points[nIdx, 6]) while points[parent_idx, 9] == 1 and parent_idx > 0: points[parent_idx, 8] = node_parent_idx assert points[parent_idx, 10] == 0, "SectionID should be unset prior" points[parent_idx, 10] = section_id parent_idx = int(points[parent_idx, 6]) for idx in range(1, num_comps): parent_idx = int(points[idx, 6]) # Calculate soma dist (and also save segLen) seg_len = np.sqrt(np.sum((points[idx, 1:4] - points[parent_idx, 1:4]) ** 2)) points[idx, 7] = points[parent_idx, 7] + seg_len points[idx, 12] = seg_len # Calculate section length (length between nodes) for idx in node_idx: node_parent_idx = int(points[idx, 8]) # Difference in soma distance is section length section_len = points[idx, 7] - points[node_parent_idx, 7] points[idx, 11] = section_len if section_len == 0: self.write_log("Section length is zero --- !!! ") import pdb pdb.set_trace() prev_idx = int(points[idx, 6]) while prev_idx > node_parent_idx: points[prev_idx, 11] = section_len prev_idx = int(points[prev_idx, 6]) # Calculate sectionX for idx in range(0, links.shape[0]): id0 = int(links[idx, 0]) id1 = int(links[idx, 1]) links[idx, 2] = points[id1, 10] # Section ID from point (not parent) node_parent = int(points[id1, 8]) node_parent_soma_dist = points[node_parent, 7] section_len = points[id1, 11] # segX0 and segX1 links[idx, 3] = (points[id0, 7] - node_parent_soma_dist) / section_len links[idx, 4] = (points[id1, 7] - node_parent_soma_dist) / section_len links[idx, 5] = node_parent links[idx, 6] = points[id0, 5] # type (use parent, # to avoid soma to dend link) # Store the soma, axon, dend and links in the object self.soma = np.zeros((1, 4)) self.soma[0, :] = swc_vals[0, 2:6] # save x,y,z,r if np.linalg.norm(self.soma[0, :3]) > 0: self.write_log(f"WARNING {swc_file} has soma which is not centered at (0,0,0)", is_error=True) dend_idx = np.where((points[:, 5] == 3) | (points[:, 5] == 4))[0] axon_idx = np.where(points[:, 5] == 2)[0] dend_link_idx = np.where((links[:, 6] == 3) | (links[:, 6] == 4))[0] axon_link_idx = np.where(links[:, 6] == 2)[0] # 0,1,2: x,y,z 3: radie, 4: dist to soma self.dend = np.zeros((len(dend_idx), 5)) self.axon = np.zeros((len(axon_idx), 5)) self.dend_links = np.zeros((len(dend_link_idx), 2), dtype=int) # ID0,ID1 self.axon_links = np.zeros((len(axon_link_idx), 2), dtype=int) # ID0,ID1 self.dend_sec_id = np.zeros((len(dend_link_idx),), dtype=int) # SectionID self.dend_sec_x = np.zeros((len(dend_link_idx), 2)) # SecX0, SecX1 dend_lookup = dict([]) axon_lookup = dict([]) for idx in range(0, len(dend_idx)): dend_lookup[dend_idx[idx]] = idx for idx in range(0, len(axon_idx)): axon_lookup[axon_idx[idx]] = idx for idx, d_idx in enumerate(dend_idx): self.dend[idx, 0:4] = points[d_idx, 1:5] # x,y,z,r self.dend[idx, 4] = points[d_idx, 7] # dist to soma for idx, a_idx in enumerate(axon_idx): self.axon[idx, 0:4] = points[a_idx, 1:5] # x,y,z,r self.axon[idx, 4] = points[a_idx, 7] # dist to soma for idx, d_idx in enumerate(dend_link_idx): self.dend_links[idx, 0] = dend_lookup[int(links[d_idx, 0])] # ID0 - parent self.dend_links[idx, 1] = dend_lookup[int(links[d_idx, 1])] # ID1 self.dend_sec_id[idx] = links[d_idx, 2] self.dend_sec_x[idx, :] = links[d_idx, 3:5] for idx, a_idx in enumerate(axon_link_idx): self.axon_links[idx, 0] = axon_lookup[links[a_idx, 0]] self.axon_links[idx, 1] = axon_lookup[links[a_idx, 1]] # We also have sectionID, secX0 and secX1 saved in links[:,2:5] # if needed in the future if self.virtual_neuron: # For virtual neurons, skip the dendrites (save space) self.dend = np.zeros((0, self.dend.shape[1])) self.dend_links = np.zeros((0, 2)) self.dend_sec_id = np.zeros((0,)) self.dend_sec_x = np.zeros((0, 2)) # Lookup for section length based on section id self.sec_id_to_len = np.ones((int(1 + np.max(points[:, 10])),)) for sec_id, sec_len in zip(points[:, 10].astype(int), points[:, 11]): if sec_id >= 0: self.sec_id_to_len[sec_id] = sec_len # Lookup table to find self.dend_links with a given section id tmp_id_lookup = dict() tmp_x_lookup = dict() for idx, (sec_id, sec_x) in enumerate(zip(self.dend_sec_id, self.dend_sec_x)): if sec_id not in tmp_id_lookup: tmp_id_lookup[sec_id] = [idx] tmp_x_lookup[sec_id] = [sec_x[1]] else: tmp_id_lookup[sec_id].append(idx) tmp_x_lookup[sec_id].append(sec_x[1]) for k in tmp_id_lookup.keys(): self.sec_id_links[k] = np.array(tmp_id_lookup[k]) self.sec_id_links_x[k] = np.array(tmp_x_lookup[k]) # self.dendriteDensity() # -- depricated self.find_radius()
# self.debug_plot() ############################################################################ def get_section_coordinates(self, section_id, section_x): if section_id == 0: return self.soma[0, 0:3] assert 0 <= section_x <= 1, f"section_x should be between 0, 1. section_x={section_x}" # Find the relevant dendrite link link_idx = np.where(np.logical_and(self.dend_sec_id == section_id, np.logical_and(self.dend_sec_x[:, 0] <= section_x, section_x <= self.dend_sec_x[:, 1])))[0] assert len(link_idx) == 1, \ (f"Unable to find a compartment matching section_id={section_id}, section_x={section_x}." f" Found {len(link_idx)}: {link_idx}") assert self.dend_sec_id[link_idx[0]] == section_id p1 = self.dend[self.dend_links[link_idx[0], 0], :3] p2 = self.dend[self.dend_links[link_idx[0], 1], :3] coords = p2 * section_x + (1 - section_x) * p1 return coords ############################################################################
[docs] def find_radius(self): """ Find finds maximum axon and dendrite radius of neuron. """ if len(self.axon) > 0: self.max_axon_radius = \ np.max(np.linalg.norm(self.axon[:, 0:3] - self.soma[0, 0:3], axis=1)) if len(self.dend) > 0: self.max_dend_radius = \ np.max(np.linalg.norm(self.dend[:, 0:3] - self.soma[0, 0:3], axis=1)) else: self.max_dend_radius = 0 if self.verbose: self.write_log(f"Max axon radius = {self.max_axon_radius}") self.write_log(f"Max dend radius = {self.max_dend_radius}")
[docs] def plot_neuron(self, axis=None, plot_axon=True, plot_dendrite=True, line_style='-', alpha=1.0, plot_origo=None, # Only use this when plotting hyper voxels plot_scale=1.0, axon_colour=None, dend_colour=None, soma_colour=None, show_plot=True): """ Plots neuron. Args: axis plot_axon plot_dendrite line_style alpha plot_origo plot_scale axon_colour dend_colour soma_colour show_plot """ if plot_origo is None: plot_origo = np.array([0, 0, 0]) self.write_log(f"Plotting neuron {self.swc_filename}") if axon_colour is None: axon_colour = self.colour if dend_colour is None: dend_colour = self.colour if soma_colour is None: soma_colour = self.colour import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if axis is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') else: ax = axis if len(self.axon) > 0 and plot_axon: ax_links = [] for row in self.axon_links[:, :2].astype(int): if len(ax_links) == 0: ax_links = list(row) elif row[0] == ax_links[-1]: ax_links.append(row[1]) elif row[1] == ax_links[-1]: ax_links.append(row[0]) else: ax.plot((self.axon[ax_links, 0] - plot_origo[0]) * plot_scale, (self.axon[ax_links, 1] - plot_origo[1]) * plot_scale, (self.axon[ax_links, 2] - plot_origo[2]) * plot_scale, linestyle=line_style, marker=',', alpha=alpha, c=axon_colour) ax_links = list(row) if len(ax_links) > 0: ax.plot((self.axon[ax_links, 0] - plot_origo[0]) * plot_scale, (self.axon[ax_links, 1] - plot_origo[1]) * plot_scale, (self.axon[ax_links, 2] - plot_origo[2]) * plot_scale, linestyle=line_style, marker=',', alpha=alpha, c=axon_colour) # TODO: Also connect first axon compartment to soma if plot_dendrite: dend_links = [] for row in self.dend_links[:, :2].astype(int): if len(dend_links) == 0: dend_links = list(row) elif row[0] == dend_links[-1]: dend_links.append(row[1]) elif row[1] == dend_links[-1]: dend_links.append(row[0]) else: ax.plot((self.dend[dend_links, 0] - plot_origo[0]) * plot_scale, (self.dend[dend_links, 1] - plot_origo[1]) * plot_scale, (self.dend[dend_links, 2] - plot_origo[2]) * plot_scale, linestyle=line_style, marker=',', alpha=alpha, c=dend_colour) dend_links = list(row) if len(dend_links) > 0: ax.plot((self.dend[dend_links, 0] - plot_origo[0]) * plot_scale, (self.dend[dend_links, 1] - plot_origo[1]) * plot_scale, (self.dend[dend_links, 2] - plot_origo[2]) * plot_scale, linestyle=line_style, marker=',', alpha=alpha, c=dend_colour) # TODO: Also connect dendrites to soma for plot if len(self.soma) > 0: if self.soma.shape[0] == 1: u, v = np.mgrid[0:2 * np.pi:20j, 0:np.pi:10j] x = (self.soma[0, 3] * np.cos(u) * np.sin(v) + self.soma[0, 0] - plot_origo[0]) * plot_scale y = (self.soma[0, 3] * np.sin(u) * np.sin(v) + self.soma[0, 1] - plot_origo[1]) * plot_scale z = (self.soma[0, 3] * np.cos(v) + self.soma[0, 2] - plot_origo[2]) * plot_scale ax.plot_wireframe(x, y, z, color=soma_colour, alpha=alpha) else: ax.scatter((self.soma[:, 0] - plot_origo[0]) * plot_scale, (self.soma[:, 1] - plot_origo[1]) * plot_scale, (self.soma[:, 2] - plot_origo[2]) * plot_scale, c=soma_colour, alpha=alpha) if axis is None: plt.title("Neuron: " + self.swc_filename.split("/")[-3] + "_" + self.swc_filename.split('/').pop()) if show_plot: plt.ion() plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) return ax
[docs] def set_axon_voxel_radial_density(self, density, max_axon_radius): """ Sets axon radial density Args: density: Axon density f(r), r = radius from soma max_axon_radius: Axon density is calculated within a sphere of radius max_axon_radius """ self.write_log("Only saving equation now") self.axon_density_type = "r" self.axon_density = density self.max_axon_radius = max_axon_radius
[docs] def set_axon_voxel_xyz_density(self, density, axon_density_bounds_xyz): """ Sets axon density Args: density: Axon density f(x,y,z), x,y,z = SWC coordinates in relative to soma axon_density_bounds_xyz: Bounding box for the axon density in x,y,z """ self.write_log("Only saving equation now") self.axon_density_type = "xyz" self.axon_density = density self.axon_density_bounds_xyz = axon_density_bounds_xyz
[docs] def compartment_length(self, comp_type="dend"): """ Calculates compartment length comp_type ("axon" or "dend") """ if comp_type == "dend": links = self.dend_links coords = self.dend elif comp_type == "axon": links = self.axon_links coords = self.axon else: assert False, "Unknown compartment type: " + str(comp_type) \ + ", valid types are 'axon' and 'dend'" comp_len = np.linalg.norm(coords[links[:, 0], :][:, :3] - coords[links[:, 1], :][:, :3], axis=1) return comp_len
############################################################################ # TODO: Update the code so that it gives exactly num_locations positions (currently it varies)
[docs] def dendrite_input_locations(self, synapse_density, rng, num_locations=None, cluster_size=None, cluster_spread=20e-6): """ Randomises input locations on dendrites. Args: synapse_density : Synapse density as a function f(d), d=distance from soma rng : Numpy random stream num_locations : Number of input locations (this is average number returned, results vary) cluster_size (int): Number of synapse clusters to place (None = no clusters, all placed independently) """ if num_locations is not None: # This function returns the exact number of synapses specified return self.dendrite_input_locations_helper(synapse_density=synapse_density, rng=rng, num_locations=num_locations, cluster_size=cluster_size, cluster_spread=cluster_spread) expected_synapses = self.get_expected_synapses_per_compartment(synapse_density=synapse_density) if num_locations is not None: expected_synapses *= num_locations / np.sum(expected_synapses) if cluster_size is not None: expected_synapses /= cluster_size else: cluster_size = 1 # Number of input synapses on each compartment number_of_synapses = (expected_synapses + ((expected_synapses % 1) > rng.random(len(expected_synapses)))).astype(int) n_syn_tot = np.sum(number_of_synapses) dist_syn_soma = [] # x,y,z, secID, secX input_loc = np.zeros((n_syn_tot * cluster_size, 5)) d = self.dend[:, 4] # Iterate over each compartment syn_ctr = 0 for i_comp, n_syn in enumerate(number_of_synapses): # Add synapses to that compartment for j in range(0, n_syn * cluster_size): # print('Compartment containing a synapse',iComp) # print('Distance from soma',self.dend[iComp][4]*1e6,'$mum$') input_loc[syn_ctr, 3] = self.dend_sec_id[i_comp] # Cant have at endpoints 0 or 1 comp_x = rng.random() dist_syn_soma = np.append(dist_syn_soma, d[self.dend_links[i_comp, 0]] * (1 - comp_x) + d[self.dend_links[i_comp, 1]] * comp_x) coords = (self.dend[self.dend_links[i_comp, 0], :3] * (1 - comp_x) + self.dend[self.dend_links[i_comp, 1], :3] * comp_x) input_loc[syn_ctr, :3] = coords # Use compX (where between comp endpoints) to calculate sectionX # (where between section end points) input_loc[syn_ctr, 4] = self.dend_sec_x[i_comp, 0] * (1 - comp_x) + comp_x * self.dend_sec_x[i_comp, 1] syn_ctr += 1 assert syn_ctr == input_loc.shape[0], f"Not all input_loc was set. Rows {input_loc.shape[0]}, syn_ctr={syn_ctr}" # if return_density: # # Return xyz,secID,secX,iDensity,distSynSoma # return input_loc[:, :3], input_loc[:, 3], input_loc[:, 4], i_density, dist_syn_soma # Return xyz,secID,secX, dist_to_soma (update: now also added distance synapse to soma) return input_loc[:, :3], input_loc[:, 3], input_loc[:, 4], dist_syn_soma
############################################################################ def get_expected_synapses_per_compartment(self, synapse_density): # Calculate the input density at each point in dendrite morphology d = self.dend[:, 4] try: # d is now distance from some, so synapseDensity is a func of d i_density = numexpr.evaluate(synapse_density) except: self.write_log(f"Bad synapse density string: {synapse_density}") import traceback tstr = traceback.format_exc() self.write_log(tstr) assert False, f"Problem with synapse density {synapse_density}" # if type(i_density) in (int, float): -- this worked for eval, but not for numexpr.evaluate if i_density.ndim == 0: # If iDensity is a constant, we need to set it for all points i_density = float(i_density) * np.ones(d.shape) comp_density = (i_density[self.dend_links[:, 0]] + i_density[self.dend_links[:, 1]]) / 2 comp_len = self.compartment_length(comp_type="dend") # comp_density is in synapses per micrometer, multiply by 1e6 expected_synapses = comp_density * comp_len * 1e6 return expected_synapses ############################################################################
[docs] def cluster_synapses(self, sec_id, sec_x, count, distance, rng): """ Randomize sec_x for cluster of 'count' synapses with centre placed at 'sec_id', 'sec_x' spread over 'distance' (but constrained to current section extent). Args: sec_id : Section id of cluster centre sec_x : Section x of cluster centre count : Number of synapses in cluster distance : Maximal spread of cluster along dendrite rng : Numpy random stream Returns: cluster_sec_x : Section x for cluster synapse coords : Coordinates for synapse (in meters) soma_dist : Distance to soma (in meters) """ sec_len = self.sec_id_to_len[sec_id] min_sec_x = np.maximum(1e-3, sec_x - 0.5 * distance / sec_len) max_sec_x = np.minimum(1 - 1e-3, sec_x + 0.5 * distance / sec_len) cluster_sec_x = rng.uniform(low=min_sec_x, high=max_sec_x, size=count) syn_coords = np.zeros((count, 3)) soma_dist = np.zeros((count,)) for i, sx in enumerate(cluster_sec_x): if sec_id == 0: syn_coords[i, :] = self.soma[0, :3] soma_dist[i] = 0 # We are on the soma else: # We also need to calculate the x,y,z coordinates and distance to soma idx = len(self.sec_id_links_x[sec_id]) - np.sum(sx < self.sec_id_links_x[sec_id]) link_idx = self.sec_id_links[sec_id][idx] assert self.dend_sec_id[link_idx] == sec_id x_start, x_end = self.dend_sec_x[link_idx] comp_x = (x_start - sx) / (x_start - x_end) start_info = self.dend[self.dend_links[link_idx, 0], :] # x,y,z,radie,soma dist end_info = self.dend[self.dend_links[link_idx, 1], :] syn_info = start_info * (1 - comp_x) + end_info * comp_x syn_coords[i, :] = syn_info[:3] soma_dist[i] = syn_info[4] # OBS, syn_coords in meters, and soma dist in meters also return cluster_sec_x, syn_coords, soma_dist
[docs] def dendrite_input_locations_helper(self, synapse_density, rng, num_locations, cluster_size=1, cluster_spread=20e-6): """ Helper function. Places num_location clusters, each containing cluster_size synapses. Density is relative, scaled. Args: synapse_density : Synapse density as a function f(d), d = distance on dendrite from soma rng : Numpy random stream num_locations (int) : Number of locations cluster_size (int) : Size of synapse clusters """ expected_synapses = self.get_expected_synapses_per_compartment(synapse_density=synapse_density) p_cum = np.cumsum(expected_synapses) rand_vals = rng.uniform(0, p_cum[-1], num_locations) if cluster_size is None: cluster_size = 1 num_synapses = num_locations * cluster_size input_loc = np.zeros((num_synapses, 6)) d = self.dend[:, 4] syn_ctr = 0 assert np.all(expected_synapses >= 0), f"Check your synapse density {synapse_density}, found negative values." exp_sum = np.sum(expected_synapses) assert exp_sum > 0, f"Check your synapse density {synapse_density}, all elements zero." syn_idx = rng.choice(len(expected_synapses), size=num_locations, replace=True, p=expected_synapses / exp_sum) for comp_idx in syn_idx: # Cluster centre sec_id: sec_id = self.dend_sec_id[comp_idx] # We place cluster centre in the middle of the 5 micrometer morphology piece sec_x = (self.dend_sec_x[comp_idx, 0] + self.dend_sec_x[comp_idx, 1]) / 2 if cluster_size is None or cluster_size == 1: comp_x = rng.random() coords = (self.dend[self.dend_links[comp_idx, 0], :3] * (1 - comp_x) + self.dend[self.dend_links[comp_idx, 1], :3] * comp_x) input_loc[syn_ctr, :3] = coords input_loc[syn_ctr, 3] = self.dend_sec_id[comp_idx] input_loc[syn_ctr, 4] = (self.dend_sec_x[comp_idx, 0] * (1 - comp_x) + comp_x * self.dend_sec_x[comp_idx, 1]) input_loc[syn_ctr, 5] = (d[self.dend_links[comp_idx, 0]] * (1 - comp_x) + d[self.dend_links[comp_idx, 1]] * comp_x) syn_ctr += 1 else: syn_info = self.cluster_synapses(sec_id=sec_id, sec_x=sec_x, count=cluster_size, distance=cluster_spread, rng=rng) input_loc[syn_ctr:syn_ctr + cluster_size, :3] = syn_info[ 1] # Synapse x,y,z -- in global coordinate system(!) input_loc[syn_ctr:syn_ctr + cluster_size, 3] = sec_id # Sec id input_loc[syn_ctr:syn_ctr + cluster_size, 4] = syn_info[0] # Sec x input_loc[syn_ctr:syn_ctr + cluster_size, 5] = syn_info[2] # Soma distance syn_ctr += cluster_size assert syn_ctr == input_loc.shape[0], f"Not all input_loc was set. Rows {input_loc.shape[0]}, syn_ctr={syn_ctr}" # Return xyz,secID,secX, dist_to_soma (update: now also added distance synapse to soma) return input_loc[:, :3], input_loc[:, 3], input_loc[:, 4], input_loc[:, 5]
############################################################################ def place_cluster_helper(self, cluster_xyz, cluster_radius, cluster_size): raise NotImplementedError("This is not yet implemented") # 1. Identify points on neuron within the cluster radius (length) # 2. Pick n synapses from the positions available, restrict choice to segment id of # parent/child/grandparent/grandchild segments # help: lookup matrix --> 1 x 5 ############################################################################ def debug_plot(self, wait_flag=False, plot_step=1, plot_axon_flag=False): ax = self.plot_neuron(plot_axon=plot_axon_flag, show_plot=False) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if plot_axon_flag: for a in self.axon_links: x0 = self.axon[int(a[0]), 0:3] x1 = self.axon[int(a[1]), 0:3] x = (x0 + x1) / 2 # ax.text(x=x0[0],y=x0[1],z=x0[2],s=str(np.around(a[3],2)),color='blue') # ax.text(x=x1[0],y=x1[1],z=x1[2],s=str(np.around(a[4],2)),color='red') ax.text(x=x[0], y=x[1], z=x[2], s=str(a[2]), color='black') self.write_log(f"ID: {a[2]}") # input(" ") ctr = 0 for (d, dID, dX) in zip(self.dend_links, self.dend_sec_id, self.dend_sec_x): x0 = self.dend[int(d[0]), 0:3] x1 = self.dend[int(d[1]), 0:3] x = (x0 + x1) / 2 # ax.text(x=x0[0],y=x0[1],z=x0[2],s=str(np.around(dX[0],2)),color='blue') # ax.text(x=x1[0],y=x1[1],z=x1[2],s=str(np.around(dX[1],2)),color='red') if ctr % plot_step == 0: ax.text(x=x[0], y=x[1], z=x[2], s=f"{dID}:{np.mean(dX):.2f}", color='black') ctr += 1 self.write_log(f"ID: {dID} X = {np.around(dX[0], 2)} - {np.around(dX[1], 2)}") if wait_flag: input(" ") return ax
############################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("file_name", help="Path to neuron file") parser.add_argument("--step", default=None, help="Display segment ID and segment X for sections with segment step for text output (e.g. 10)", type=int) args = parser.parse_args() nm = NeuronMorphology(swc_filename=args.file_name, verbose=True, use_cache=False), position=np.array([0, 0, 0])) if args.step is not None: nm.debug_plot(plot_step=args.step) else: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt nm.plot_neuron(show_plot=False)