Source code for

# Johannes Hjorth, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
# Human Brain Project 2019
# This open source software code was developed in part or in whole in
# the Human Brain Project, funded from the European Union’s Horizon
# 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Specific
# Grant Agreements No. 720270 and No. 785907, No 945539
# (Human Brain Project SGA1, SGA2, SGA3).

import json
import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

import h5py
import numexpr
import numpy as np
import scipy.cluster

from snudda.utils.snudda_path import get_snudda_data
from snudda.neurons.neuron_prototype import NeuronPrototype
from import RegionMesh
from import SnuddaRotate
from snudda.utils.snudda_path import snudda_parse_path, snudda_path_exists

''' This code places all neurons in space, but does not setup their
    connectivity. That is done by and '''

[docs]class SnuddaPlace(object): """ Places neurons in 3D space. Use detect to add connections, and prune to remove redundant connections. """ def __init__(self, config_file=None, network_path=None, snudda_data=None, verbose=False, log_file=None, rc=None, d_view=None, h5libver=None, raytrace_borders=False, random_seed=None, griddata_interpolation=False): # Setting this to true is 5x slower """ Constructor. Args: config_file (str) : Path to config file, e.g. network-config.json in network_path network_path (str) : Path to network directory snudda_data (str): Path to snudda data verbose (bool) : Print extra information on screen log_file (str) : Log file for place rc : ipyparallel remote client d_view : ipyparallel direct view object h5libver : Version of h5py library raytrace_borders (bool) : Should positions in border voxels be raytraces, slower but more accurate random_seed (int) : Numpy random seed griddata_interpolation (bool) : Should we interpolate density data (5x slower) """ self.rc = rc self.d_view = d_view if self.rc and not self.d_view: self.d_view = self.rc.direct_view(targets='all') if not config_file and network_path: config_file = os.path.join(network_path, "network-config.json") if not network_path and config_file: network_path = os.path.dirname(config_file) if not log_file and network_path: log_dir = os.path.join(network_path, "log") os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) log_file = open(os.path.join(log_dir, "place-neurons.txt"), "w") self.network_path = network_path self.config_file = config_file self.snudda_data = get_snudda_data(snudda_data=snudda_data, config_file=self.config_file, network_path=self.network_path) self.verbose = verbose self.log_file = log_file if self.network_path: self.position_file = os.path.join(self.network_path, "network-neuron-positions.hdf5") else: self.write_log("No network_path given, not setting position_file. Remember to pass it to write_data.") self.position_file = None if h5libver is None: self.h5libver = "latest" else: self.h5libver = h5libver self.write_log("Using hdf5 version: " + str(self.h5libver)) self.griddata_interpolation = griddata_interpolation # List of all neurons self.neurons = [] self.neuron_prototypes = {} self.random_seed = random_seed self.random_generator = None self.rotate_helper = None self.raytrace_borders = raytrace_borders # This defines the neuron units/channels. The dictionary lists all the # members of each unit, the neuronChannel gives the individual neurons # channel membership self.nPopulationUnits = 1 self.population_unit_placement_method = "random" self.population_units = dict([]) self.population_unit = None # These are the dimensions of our space, dMin also needs a "padding" # region outside the space where fake neurons are placed. This is to # avoid boundary effects, without padding we would get too high density # at the edges self.volume = dict([]) # self.read_config() # -- Now called from def __del__(self): if self.rc: # Cleanup memory on workers from snudda.utils import cleanup cleanup(self.rc, "place") ############################################################################
[docs] def place(self): """ Place neurons in 3D space. """ self.parse_config() self.write_data()
[docs] def write_log(self, text): """ Write text to log file. """ if self.log_file is not None: self.log_file.write(text + "\n") if self.verbose: print(text, flush=True)
[docs] def add_neurons(self, swc_path, num_neurons, param_filename=None, mech_filename=None, modulation=None, name="Unnamed", hoc=None, volume_id=None, virtual_neuron=False, axon_density=None, parameter_key=None, morphology_key=None, modulation_key=None): """ Add neurons to volume specified. Args: swc_path (str): Path to morphology directory (or single morphology) num_neurons (int): Number of neurons to add param_filename (str): Path to parameter file mech_filename (str): Path to mechanism file modulation (str): Path to neuromodulation file name (str): Name of neuron population, e.g. DSPN (which will become DSPN_0, DSPN_1, etc...) hoc (str): Path to hoc file (currently disabled) volume_id (str): ID of the volume to place neurons in virtual_neuron (bool): Real or virtual neuron, the latter can be used to model axons giving input to network axon_density (str): Axon density parameter_key (str, optional): Parameter Key to use, default=None (Randomise between all available) morphology_key (str, optional): Morphology Key to use, default=None (Randomise between all available) modulation_key (str, optional): Key for neuromodulation, default=None (Randomise between all available) """ assert volume_id is not None, f"You must specify a volume for neuron {name}" assert hoc is None, "Currently only support hoc=None, since we can have multiple parameter, morph combos now" neuron_prototype = NeuronPrototype(neuron_name=name, neuron_path=None, snudda_data=self.snudda_data, morphology_path=swc_path, parameter_path=param_filename, mechanism_path=mech_filename, modulation_path=modulation, load_morphology=False, virtual_neuron=virtual_neuron) neuron_type = name.split("_")[0] neuron_positions = self.volume[volume_id]["mesh"].place_neurons(num_neurons, neuron_type) first_added = True neuron_rotations = self.rotate_helper.get_rotations(volume_name=volume_id, neuron_type=neuron_type, neuron_positions=neuron_positions, rng=self.random_generator) for coords, rotation in zip(neuron_positions, neuron_rotations): # We set loadMorphology = False, to preserve memory # Only morphology loaded for nm then, to get axon and dend # radius needed for connectivity # Pick a random parameter set # parameter.json can be a list of lists, this allows you to select the # parameter set randomly # modulation.json is similarly formatted, pick a parameter set here if parameter_key is None: parameter_id = self.random_generator.integers(1000000) else: parameter_id = None if modulation_key is None: modulation_id = self.random_generator.integers(1000000) else: modulation_id = None if morphology_key is None: morphology_id = self.random_generator.integers(1000000) else: morphology_id = None n = neuron_prototype.clone(position=coords, rotation=rotation, morphology_id=morphology_id, parameter_id=parameter_id, modulation_id=modulation_id, parameter_key=parameter_key, morphology_key=morphology_key, modulation_key=modulation_key) # self.writeLog("Place " + str(self.cellPos[i,:])) n.neuron_id = len(self.neurons) n.volume_id = volume_id assert axon_density is None or len(n.axon) == 0, \ "!!! ERROR: Neuron: " + str( + " has both axon and axon density." n.axon_density = axon_density self.neurons.append(n) # This info is used by workers to speed things up if first_added: first_added = False self.neuron_prototypes[] = n
[docs] def parse_config(self, config_file=None, resort_neurons=True): """ Parse network config_file """ if config_file is None: config_file = self.config_file if config_file is None: self.write_log("No configuration file specified") sys.exit(-1) if not os.path.exists(config_file): self.write_log(f"Config file does not exist: {config_file}") self.write_log("Run snudda init <your directory> first") assert os.path.exists(config_file), f"Config file does not exist: {config_file}, working directory is {os.getcwd()}" sys.exit(-1) self.write_log(f"Parsing configuration file {config_file}") cfg_file = open(config_file, 'r') try: config = json.load(cfg_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) finally: cfg_file.close() if not config: self.write_log("Warning, empty network config.") if self.random_seed is None: if "RandomSeed" in config and "place" in config["RandomSeed"]: self.random_seed = config["RandomSeed"]["place"] self.write_log(f"Reading random seed from config file: {self.random_seed}") else: # No random seed given, invent one self.random_seed = 1001 self.write_log(f"No random seed provided, using: {self.random_seed}") else: self.write_log(f"Using random seed provided by command line: {self.random_seed}") self.random_generator = np.random.default_rng(self.random_seed + 115) if self.log_file is None: mesh_log_filename = "mesh-log.txt" else: mesh_log_filename = + "-mesh" mesh_logfile = open(mesh_log_filename, 'wt') # First handle volume definitions volume_def = config["Volume"] # Setup random seeds for all volumes ss = np.random.SeedSequence(self.random_seed) all_seeds = ss.generate_state(len(volume_def)) all_vd = sorted(volume_def.keys()) vol_seed = dict() for vd, seed in zip(all_vd, all_seeds): vol_seed[vd] = seed for volume_id, vol_def in volume_def.items(): self.volume[volume_id] = vol_def if "meshFile" in vol_def: assert "dMin" in vol_def, "You must specify dMin if using a mesh" \ + " for volume " + str(volume_id) if "meshBinWidth" not in vol_def or not vol_def["meshBinWidth"]: self.write_log("No meshBinWidth specified, using 1e-4") mesh_bin_width = 1e-4 else: mesh_bin_width = vol_def["meshBinWidth"] self.write_log(f"Using mesh_bin_width {mesh_bin_width}") if "-cube-mesh-" in vol_def["meshFile"] or "slice.obj" in vol_def["meshFile"]: self.write_log("Cube or slice mesh, switching to serial processing.") d_view = None else: d_view = self.d_view if snudda_path_exists(vol_def["meshFile"], self.snudda_data): mesh_file = snudda_parse_path(vol_def["meshFile"], self.snudda_data) elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.network_path, vol_def["meshFile"])): mesh_file = os.path.join(self.network_path, vol_def["meshFile"]) else: self.write_log(f"Unable to find mesh file {vol_def['meshFile']}") sys.exit(-1) self.volume[volume_id]["mesh"] \ = RegionMesh(mesh_file, d_view=d_view, raytrace_borders=self.raytrace_borders, d_min=vol_def["dMin"], bin_width=mesh_bin_width, log_file=mesh_logfile, random_seed=vol_seed[volume_id]) if "density" in self.volume[volume_id]: # We need to set up the neuron density functions also # TODO: Here density for each neuron type in the volume is defined # as a numexpr evaluated string of x,y,z stored in a dictionary # with the neuron type as key. # Add ability to also specify a density file. for neuron_type in self.volume[volume_id]["density"]: density_func = None if "densityFunction" in self.volume[volume_id]["density"][neuron_type]: density_str = self.volume[volume_id]["density"][neuron_type]["densityFunction"] density_func = lambda x, y, z: numexpr.evaluate(density_str) if "densityFile" in self.volume[volume_id]["density"][neuron_type]: density_file = self.volume[volume_id]["density"][neuron_type]["densityFile"] # We need to load the data from the file from scipy.interpolate import griddata with open(snudda_parse_path(density_file, self.snudda_data), "r") as f: density_data = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) assert volume_id in density_data and neuron_type in density_data[volume_id], \ f"Volume {volume_id} does not contain data for neuron type {neuron_type}" assert "Coordinates" in density_data[volume_id][neuron_type] \ and "Density" in density_data[volume_id][neuron_type], \ (f"Missing Coordinates and/or Density data for " f"volume {volume_id}, neuron type {neuron_type}") # Convert to SI (* 1e-6) coord = np.array(density_data[volume_id][neuron_type]["Coordinates"]) * 1e-6 density = np.array(density_data[volume_id][neuron_type]["Density"]) if self.griddata_interpolation: density_func_helper = lambda pos: griddata(points=coord, values=density, xi=pos, method="linear", fill_value=0) else: density_func_helper = lambda pos: griddata(points=coord, values=density, xi=pos, method="nearest", fill_value=0) density_func = lambda x, y, z: density_func_helper(np.array([x, y, z]).transpose()) self.volume[volume_id]["mesh"].define_density(neuron_type, density_func) self.write_log("Using dimensions from config file") # Setup for rotations self.rotate_helper = SnuddaRotate(self.config_file) assert "Neurons" in config, \ "No neurons defined. Is this config file old format?" # Read in the neurons for name, definition in config["Neurons"].items(): neuron_name = name morph = definition["morphology"] param = definition["parameters"] mech = definition["mechanisms"] if "modulation" in definition: modulation = definition["modulation"] else: # Modulation optional modulation = None num = definition["num"] volume_id = definition["volumeID"] if "neuronType" in definition: # type is "neuron" or "virtual" (provides input only) model_type = definition["neuronType"] else: model_type = "neuron" if 'hoc' in definition: hoc = definition["hoc"] else: hoc = None if model_type == "virtual": # Virtual neurons gets spikes from a file mech = "" hoc = "" virtual_neuron = True else: virtual_neuron = False if "axonDensity" in definition: axon_density = definition["axonDensity"] else: axon_density = None if "parameterKey" in definition: parameter_key = definition["parameterKey"] else: parameter_key = None if "morphologyKey" in definition: morphology_key = definition["morphologyKey"] else: morphology_key = None if "modulationKey" in definition: modulation_key = definition["modulationKey"] else: modulation_key = None self.write_log(f"Adding: {num} {neuron_name}") self.add_neurons(name=neuron_name, swc_path=morph, param_filename=param, mech_filename=mech, modulation=modulation, num_neurons=num, hoc=hoc, volume_id=volume_id, virtual_neuron=virtual_neuron, axon_density=axon_density, parameter_key=parameter_key, morphology_key=morphology_key, modulation_key=modulation_key) self.config_file = config_file # We reorder neurons, sorting their IDs after position # -- UPDATE: Now we spatial cluster neurons depending on number of workers if resort_neurons: self.sort_neurons(sort_idx=self.cluster_neurons()) if False: # Debug purposes, make sure neuron ranges are ok self.plot_ranges() if "PopulationUnits" in config: self.define_population_units(config["PopulationUnits"]) mesh_logfile.close()
[docs] def all_neuron_positions(self): """ Returns all neuron positions as a n x 3 matrix. """ n_neurons = len(self.neurons) pos = np.zeros((n_neurons, 3)) for i in range(0, n_neurons): pos[i, :] = self.neurons[i].position return pos
[docs] def all_neuron_rotations(self): """ Returns all neuron rotations as a n x 3 x 3 matrix. """ n_neurons = len(self.neurons) rot = np.zeros((n_neurons, 3, 3)) for i in range(0, n_neurons): rot[i, :, :] = self.neurons[i].rotation return rot
[docs] def all_neuron_names(self): """ Returns all neuron names as a list. """ return map(lambda x:, self.neurons)
[docs] def write_data(self, file_name=None): """ Writes positition data to HDF5 file file_name. """ if not file_name: file_name = self.position_file assert len(self.neurons) > 0, "No neurons to save!" self.write_log(f"Writing data to HDF5 file: {file_name}") pos_file = h5py.File(file_name, "w", libver=self.h5libver) with open(self.config_file, 'r') as cfg_file: config = json.load(cfg_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # Meta data save_meta_data = [(self.config_file, "configFile"), (json.dumps(config), "config"), (snudda_parse_path("$DATA", self.snudda_data), "snuddaData")] meta_group = pos_file.create_group("meta") for data, dataName in save_meta_data: meta_group.create_dataset(dataName, data=data) network_group = pos_file.create_group("network") # Neuron information neuron_group = network_group.create_group("neurons") # If the name list is longer than 20 chars, increase S20 name_list = ["ascii", "ignore") for n in self.neurons] str_type = 'S' + str(max(1, max([len(x) for x in name_list]))) neuron_group.create_dataset("name", (len(name_list),), str_type, name_list, compression="gzip") neuron_id_list = np.arange(len(self.neurons)) neuron_group.create_dataset("neuronID", (len(neuron_id_list),), 'int', neuron_id_list) volume_id_list = [n.volume_id.encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in self.neurons] str_type_vid = 'S' + str(max(1, max([len(x) for x in volume_id_list]))) neuron_group.create_dataset("volumeID", (len(volume_id_list),), str_type_vid, volume_id_list, compression="gzip") hoc_list = [n.hoc.encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in self.neurons] max_hoc_len = max([len(x) for x in hoc_list]) max_hoc_len = max(max_hoc_len, 10) # In case there are none neuron_group.create_dataset("hoc", (len(hoc_list),), f"S{max_hoc_len}", hoc_list, compression="gzip") swc_list = [n.swc_filename.encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in self.neurons] max_swc_len = max([len(x) for x in swc_list]) #neuron_group.create_dataset("morphology", (len(swc_list),), f"S{max_swc_len}", swc_list, # compression="gzip") neuron_group.create_dataset("morphology", (len(swc_list),), data=swc_list, dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=bytes), compression="gzip") neuron_path = [n.neuron_path.encode("ascii", "ignore") for n in self.neurons] max_np_len = max([len(x) for x in neuron_path]) neuron_group.create_dataset("neuronPath", (len(neuron_path),), f"S{max_np_len}", neuron_path) virtual_neuron_list = np.array([n.virtual_neuron for n in self.neurons], dtype=bool) virtual_neuron = neuron_group.create_dataset("virtualNeuron", data=virtual_neuron_list) # Create dataset, filled further down neuron_position = neuron_group.create_dataset("position", (len(self.neurons), 3), "float", compression="gzip") neuron_rotation = neuron_group.create_dataset("rotation", (len(self.neurons), 9), "float", compression="gzip") neuron_dend_radius = neuron_group.create_dataset("maxDendRadius", (len(self.neurons),), "float", compression="gzip") neuron_axon_radius = neuron_group.create_dataset("maxAxonRadius", (len(self.neurons),), "float", compression="gzip") neuron_param_id = neuron_group.create_dataset("parameterID", (len(self.neurons),), "int", compression="gzip") neuron_morph_id = neuron_group.create_dataset("morphologyID", (len(self.neurons),), "int", compression="gzip") neuron_modulation_id = neuron_group.create_dataset("modulationID", (len(self.neurons),), "int", compression="gzip") pk_list = [n.parameter_key.encode("ascii", "ignore") if n.parameter_key is not None else "" for n in self.neurons] pk_str_type = 'S' + str(max(1, max([len(x) for x in pk_list]))) mk_list = [n.morphology_key.encode("ascii", "ignore") if n.morphology_key is not None else "" for n in self.neurons] mk_str_type = 'S' + str(max(1, max([len(x) for x in mk_list]))) mok_list = [n.modulation_key.encode("ascii", "ignore") if n.modulation_key is not None else "" for n in self.neurons] mok_str_type = 'S' + str(max(1, max([len(x) for x in mok_list]))) neuron_param_key = neuron_group.create_dataset("parameterKey", (len(self.neurons),), pk_str_type, compression="gzip") neuron_morph_key = neuron_group.create_dataset("morphologyKey", (len(self.neurons),), mk_str_type, compression="gzip") neuron_modulation_key = neuron_group.create_dataset("modulationKey", (len(self.neurons),), mok_str_type, compression="gzip") for (i, n) in enumerate(self.neurons): neuron_position[i] = n.position neuron_rotation[i] = n.rotation.reshape(1, 9) neuron_dend_radius[i] = n.max_dend_radius neuron_axon_radius[i] = n.max_axon_radius neuron_param_id[i] = -1 if n.parameter_id is None else n.parameter_id neuron_morph_id[i] = -1 if n.morphology_id is None else n.morphology_id neuron_modulation_id[i] = -1 if n.modulation_id is None else n.modulation_id if n.parameter_key: neuron_param_key[i] = n.parameter_key if n.morphology_key: neuron_morph_key[i] = n.morphology_key if n.modulation_key: neuron_modulation_key[i] = n.modulation_key # Store input information if self.population_unit is None: # If no population units were defined, then set them all to 0 (= no population unit) self.population_unit = np.zeros((len(self.neurons),), dtype=int) neuron_group.create_dataset("populationUnitID", data=self.population_unit, dtype=int) # neuron_group.create_dataset("nPopulationUnits", data=self.nPopulationUnits, dtype=int) # Variable for axon density "r", "xyz" or "" (No axon density) axon_density_type = [n.axon_density[0].encode("ascii", "ignore") if n.axon_density is not None else b"" for n in self.neurons] ad_str_type2 = "S" + str(max(1, max([len(x) if x is not None else 1 for x in axon_density_type]))) neuron_group.create_dataset("axonDensityType", (len(axon_density_type),), ad_str_type2, data=axon_density_type, compression="gzip") axon_density = [n.axon_density[1].encode("ascii", "ignore") if n.axon_density is not None else b"" for n in self.neurons] ad_str_type = "S" + str(max(1, max([len(x) if x is not None else 1 for x in axon_density]))) neuron_group.create_dataset("axonDensity", (len(axon_density),), ad_str_type, data=axon_density, compression="gzip") axon_density_radius = [n.axon_density[2] if n.axon_density is not None and n.axon_density[0] == "r" else np.nan for n in self.neurons] neuron_group.create_dataset("axonDensityRadius", data=axon_density_radius) # We also need to save axonDensityBoundsXYZ, and nAxon points for the # non-spherical axon density option axon_density_bounds_xyz = np.nan * np.zeros((len(self.neurons), 6)) for ni, n in enumerate(self.neurons): if n.axon_density is None: # No axon density specified, skip continue if n.axon_density[0] == "xyz": try: axon_density_bounds_xyz[ni, :] = np.array(n.axon_density[2]) except: import traceback tstr = traceback.format_exc() self.write_log(tstr) self.write_log(f"Incorrect density string: {n.axon_density}") sys.exit(-1) neuron_group.create_dataset("axonDensityBoundsXYZ", data=axon_density_bounds_xyz) pos_file.close()
[docs] def define_population_units(self, population_unit_info): """ Defines population units. Args: population_unit_info (dict): Has keys "AllUnitID" with a list of all Unit IDs, and <VolumeID> which points to a dictionary. This dictionary has keys: "method" : "random" or "radialDensity" " "unitID" : ID of population unit "fractionOfNeurons" : How large fraction of neurons belong to this unit (used by "random" method) "neuronTypes" : List of Neuron types that belong to this population unit "numNeurons" : Number of neurons in each population unit, only used with radialDensity method "structure" : Name of structure population unit is located in (VolumeID) "centres" : Centre of radial density "ProbabilityFunctions" : Probability function defining unit membership, function of radius """ method_lookup = {"random": self.random_labeling, "radialDensity": self.population_unit_density_labeling} for unit_id in population_unit_info["AllUnitID"]: self.population_units[unit_id] = [] for volume_id in population_unit_info: if volume_id in ["AllUnitID"]: continue # Not a population unit, metadata. neuron_id = self.volume_neurons(volume_id) method_name = population_unit_info[volume_id]["method"] assert method_name in method_lookup, \ (f"Unknown population placement method {method_name}. " f"Valid options are {', '.join([x for x in method_lookup])}") method_lookup[method_name](population_unit_info[volume_id], neuron_id)
[docs] def random_labeling(self, population_unit_info, neuron_id): """ Creates random labeling. Args: neuron_id (list) : All potential neuron ID population_unit_info (dict): Dictionary with "method" = "random" "unitID" = ID of population unit "fractionOfNeurons" = Fraction of neurons in this unit "neuronTypes" = List of neuron types that are in this unit "structure" = Name of the structure the unit is located in """ self.init_population_units() # This initialises population unit labelling if not already allocated unit_id = population_unit_info["unitID"] fraction_of_neurons = population_unit_info["fractionOfNeurons"] neuron_types = population_unit_info["neuronTypes"] # list of neuron types that belong to this population unit structure_name = population_unit_info["structure"] # First we need to generate unit lists (with fractions) for each neuron type units_available = dict() for uid, fon, neuron_type_list in zip(unit_id, fraction_of_neurons, neuron_types): for nt in neuron_type_list: if nt not in units_available: units_available[nt] = dict() units_available[nt]["unit"] = [] units_available[nt]["fraction"] = [] units_available[nt]["unit"].append(uid) units_available[nt]["fraction"].append(fon) all_neuron_types = ["_")[0] for n in self.neurons] # Next we check that no fraction sum is larger than 1 for neuron_type in units_available: assert np.sum(units_available[neuron_type]["fraction"]) <= 1, \ (f"Population unit fraction sum for Neuron type {neuron_type} " f"in structure {structure_name} sums to more than 1.") assert (np.array(units_available[neuron_type]["fraction"]) >= 0).all(), \ f"Population unit fractions must be >= 0. Please check {neuron_type} in {structure_name}" cum_fraction = np.cumsum(units_available[neuron_type]["fraction"]) neurons_of_type = [self.neurons[nid].neuron_id for (nid, n_type) in zip(neuron_id, all_neuron_types) if n_type == neuron_type] rand_num = self.random_generator.uniform(size=len(neurons_of_type)) for nid, rn in zip(neurons_of_type, rand_num): # If our randum number is smaller than the first fraction, then neuron in first pop unit # if random number is between first and second cumulative fraction, then second pop unit # If larger than last cum_fraction, then no pop unit was picked (and we get -1) idx = len(cum_fraction) - np.sum(rn <= cum_fraction) if idx < len(cum_fraction): unit_id = units_available[nt]["unit"][idx] self.population_unit[nid] = unit_id self.population_units[unit_id].append(nid) else: self.population_unit[nid] = 0
[docs] def population_unit_density_labeling(self, population_unit_info, neuron_id): """ Creates population units based on radial density functions. Args: neuron_id (list) : All potential neuron ID population_unit_info (dict): "method" must be "radialDensity" "neuronTypes" list of neuron types "centres" of radial probabilityes, one per neuron type "numNeurons" : Number of neurons in each population unit, only used with radialDensity method "probabilityFunctions" list of probability functions of r (as str) "unitID" ID of population unit """ assert population_unit_info["method"] == "radialDensity" self.init_population_units() # This initialises population unit labelling if not alraedy allocated neuron_types = population_unit_info["neuronTypes"] centres = np.array(population_unit_info["centres"]) probability_functions = population_unit_info["ProbabilityFunctions"] unit_id = np.array(population_unit_info["unitID"]) if "numNeurons" in population_unit_info and population_unit_info["numNeurons"] is not None: num_neurons = population_unit_info["numNeurons"] if np.isscalar(num_neurons): num_neurons = np.full((len(centres),), num_neurons) else: num_neurons = [None for x in centres] assert len(neuron_types) == len(centres) == len(probability_functions) == len(unit_id) == len(num_neurons) # xyz = self.all_neuron_positions() unit_probability = np.zeros(centres.shape[0]) for nid in neuron_id: pos = self.neurons[nid].position neuron_type = self.neurons[nid].name.split("_")[0] for idx, (centre_pos, neuron_type_list, p_func) \ in enumerate(zip(centres, neuron_types, probability_functions)): if neuron_type in neuron_type_list: d = np.linalg.norm(pos - centre_pos) unit_probability[idx] = numexpr.evaluate(p_func) else: unit_probability[idx] = 0 # That unit does not contain this neuron type # Next we randomise membership rand_num = self.random_generator.uniform(size=len(unit_probability)) member_flag = rand_num < unit_probability # Currently we only allow a neuron to be member of one population unit n_flags = np.sum(member_flag) if n_flags == 0: self.population_unit[nid] = 0 elif n_flags == 1: self.population_unit[nid] = unit_id[np.where(member_flag)[0][0]] else: # More than one unit, pick the one that had smallest relative randnum idx = np.argmax(np.multiply(np.divide(unit_probability, rand_num), member_flag)) self.population_unit[nid] = unit_id[idx] # Also update dictionary with lists of neurons of that unit for uid in unit_id: # Channel 0 is unassigned, no channel, poor homeless neurons! self.population_units[uid] = np.where(self.population_unit == uid)[0] # Finally if num_neurons is specified, we need to reduce the number of neurons belonging to that unit for u_id, n_neurons in zip(unit_id, num_neurons): if n_neurons is not None: assert len(self.population_units[u_id]) >= n_neurons, \ f"Unable to pick {n_neurons} for population unit {u_id}, only {len(self.population_units[u_id])} ({neuron_types[np.where(unit_id == u_id)[0][0]]}) available." if n_neurons < len(self.population_units[u_id]): perm_nid = np.random.permutation(self.population_units[u_id]) keep_nid = perm_nid[:n_neurons] self.population_units[u_id] = keep_nid remove_nid = perm_nid[n_neurons:] for rid in remove_nid: self.population_unit[rid] = 0 if 0 in self.population_units: self.population_units[0] = np.sort(np.array(list(set(self.population_units[0]).union(remove_nid)))) else: self.population_units[0] = remove_nid
[docs] def init_population_units(self): """ Initialise population units. If none are given they are all set to 0.""" if not self.population_unit: # If no population units were defined, then set them all to 0 (= no population unit) self.population_unit = np.zeros((len(self.neurons),), dtype=int)
# TODO: In prune we later need to gather all synapses belonging to each neuron, which means opening # the hypervoxel files that contain the worker's neurons' synapses. Therefore it is good to have # only nearby neurons on the same worker. Come up with a better scheme for sorting neurons. # def plot_ranges(self): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt n_workers = len(self.d_view) if self.d_view is not None else 1 range_borders = np.linspace(0, len(self.neurons), n_workers + 1).astype(int) colours = np.zeros((len(self.neurons),)) r_start = 0 for idx, r_end in enumerate(range_borders[1:]): colours[r_start:r_end] = idx + 1 r_start = r_end xyz = self.all_neuron_positions() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') ax.scatter(xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2], c=colours, alpha=0.5)
[docs] def cluster_neurons(self, n_trials=5): """ Cluster neurons, so that nearby neurons are grouped on same worker, to speed up simulations. Args: n_trials (int) : Number of trials for k-means clustering (default 5) """ n_workers = len(self.d_view) if self.d_view is not None else 1 n_clusters = np.maximum(n_workers * 5, 100) n_clusters = np.minimum(n_clusters, len(self.neurons)) xyz = self.all_neuron_positions() centroids, labels = scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2(xyz, n_clusters, minit="points", seed=self.random_generator) n_centroids = centroids.shape[0] assert n_centroids == n_clusters cluster_member_list = [[] for x in range(n_centroids)] # Find the members of each cluster for idx, val in enumerate(labels): cluster_member_list[val].append(idx) num_neurons = xyz.shape[0] range_borders = np.linspace(0, num_neurons, n_workers + 1).astype(int) global_centroid_order = list(np.argsort(np.sum(centroids, axis=1))) neuron_order = -np.ones((num_neurons,), dtype=int) neuron_order_ctr = 0 range_start = 0 for range_end in range_borders[1:]: # While within a range, we want the clusters closest to the current primary cluster current_cluster = global_centroid_order[0] d = np.linalg.norm(centroids - centroids[current_cluster, :], axis=1) local_centroid_order = list(np.argsort(d)) while range_start < range_end and len(local_centroid_order) > 0: while len(cluster_member_list[local_centroid_order[0]]) == 0: del local_centroid_order[0] current_cluster = local_centroid_order[0] take_n = np.minimum(len(cluster_member_list[current_cluster]), range_end - range_start) neuron_order[neuron_order_ctr:neuron_order_ctr + take_n] = cluster_member_list[current_cluster][:take_n] neuron_order_ctr += take_n del cluster_member_list[current_cluster][:take_n] range_start += take_n while len(global_centroid_order) > 0 and len(cluster_member_list[global_centroid_order[0]]) == 0: del global_centroid_order[0] if len(global_centroid_order) == 0: break # Sometimes the original cluster is bad? Try again... if np.count_nonzero(neuron_order < 0) > 0 and n_trials > 1: self.write_log(f"Redoing place:neuron_clustering, {np.count_nonzero(neuron_order < 0)} " f"neurons unaccounted for", is_error=True) self.write_log(f"incorrect neuron_order={neuron_order} (printed for debugging)") neuron_order = self.cluster_neurons(n_trials=n_trials - 1) # TODO: This occured once on Tegner, why did it happen? assert np.count_nonzero(neuron_order < 0) == 0, \ "cluster_neurons: Not all neurons accounted for. Please rerun place." # Just some check that all is ok assert (np.diff(np.sort(neuron_order)) == 1).all(), "cluster_neurons: There are gaps in the sorting, error" # TODO: Verify that sort order is ok return neuron_order
[docs] def sort_neurons(self, sort_idx=None): """ Sorting neurons. If no argument is given they will be sorted along x,y,z axis. To use cluster sorting, use: sp.sort_neurons(sort_idx=sp.cluster_neurons()) Args: sort_idx (list, optional) : Sort order """ if sort_idx is None: # This changes the neuron IDs so the neurons are sorted along x,y or z xyz = self.all_neuron_positions() sort_idx = np.lexsort(xyz[:, [2, 1, 0]].transpose()) # x, y, z sort order self.write_log("Re-sorting the neuron IDs") for newIdx, oldIdx in enumerate(sort_idx): self.neurons[oldIdx].neuron_id = newIdx self.neurons = [self.neurons[x] for x in sort_idx] for idx, n in enumerate(self.neurons): assert idx == self.neurons[idx].neuron_id, \ "Something went wrong with sorting"
def volume_neurons(self, volume_id): return [n.neuron_id for n in self.neurons if n.volume_id == volume_id]
############################################################################ if __name__ == "__main__": assert False, "Please use place networks/yournetwork"