Source code for snudda.utils.load

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
import json
import timeit
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from snudda.neurons.neuron_prototype import NeuronPrototype
from snudda.utils.numpy_encoder import NumpyEncoder

[docs]class SnuddaLoad(object): """ Load data from network-neuron-positions.hdf5 or network-neuron-synapses.hdf5 into python dictionary """ ############################################################################ def __init__(self, network_file, snudda_data=None, load_synapses=True, verbose=False): """ Constructor Args: network_file (str) : Data file to load snudda_data (str, optional) : Snudda Data path, if you want to override the one specified in the hdf5 file load_synapses (bool, optional) : Whether to read synapses into memory, or keep them on disk (this keeps file open) verbose (bool, optional) : Print more info during execution """ # This variable will only be set if the synapses are not kept in # memory so we can access them later, otherwise the hdf5 file is # automatically closed self.hdf5_file = None self.verbose = verbose self.config = None self.network_file = None self.snudda_data = snudda_data if network_file: alt_file = os.path.join(network_file, "network-synapses.hdf5") if os.path.isdir(network_file) and os.path.isfile(alt_file): network_file = alt_file = self.load_hdf5(network_file, load_synapses) else: = None ############################################################################
[docs] def close(self): """ Close hdf5 data file. """ if self.hdf5_file: self.hdf5_file.close() self.hdf5_file = None
############################################################################ def __del__(self): if self.hdf5_file is not None: try: self.hdf5_file.close() except: print("Unable to close HDF5, already closed?") ############################################################################
[docs] @staticmethod def to_str(data_str): """ Helper function to convert data to string. """ if type(data_str) in [bytes, np.bytes_]: return data_str.decode() # Warn the user if they accidentally call to_str on an int or something else assert type(data_str) == str, "to_str is used on strings or bytes (that are converted to str)" return data_str
[docs] def load_hdf5(self, network_file, load_synapses=True, load_morph=False): """ Load data from hdf5 file. Args: network_file (str) : Network file to load data from load_synapses (bool) : Load synapses into memory, or read on demand from file (keeps file open) load_morph Returns: data (dictionary) : Dictionary with data. Data format. The top level of the data hierarchy are "meta", "morphologies", "network". "meta" hierarchy: "SlurmID" (int) : Run ID of Slurm job "axonStumpIDFlag" (bool) : Should axon be replaced by a axon stump "config" : Config data "configFile" : Config file "connectivityDistributions" : Information about connections allowed, including pruning information "hyperVoxelIDs" : List of all hyper voxels IDs "hyperVoxelSize" (int, int, int): Number of hyper voxels along each dimension x, y, z "hyperVoxelWidth" (float, float, float) : Size of hypervoxel in meters (x,y,z) "nHyperVoxels" (int) : Number of hyper voxels "positionFile" : Neuron position file "simulationOrigo" (float, float, float) : Simulation origo (x, y, z) in SI-units (m) "voxelSize" (float) : Voxel size in meters "morphologies" heirarchy: List of neuron names, contains the location of the morphologies (either SWC file or directory with multiple SWC files) "network" hierarchy: "gapJunctions" : Gap junction data matrix (see below for format) "nGapJunctions" (int) : Number of gap junctions "nSynapses" (int) : Number of synapses "neurons" : Neuron data structure (see below for format) "synapses" : Synapse data matrix (see below for format) Neuron data format: Synapse data format (column within parenthesis): 0: sourceCellID, 1: destCellID, 2: voxelX, 3: voxelY, 4: voxelZ, 5: hyperVoxelID, 6: channelModelID, 7: sourceAxonSomaDist (not SI scaled 1e6, micrometers), 8: destDendSomaDist (not SI scalled 1e6, micrometers) 9: destSegID, 10: destSegX (int 0 - 1000, SONATA wants float 0.0-1.0) 11: conductance (int, not SI scaled 1e12, in pS) 12: parameterID Note on parameterID: If there are n parameter sets for the particular synapse type, then the ID to use is parameterID % n, this way we can reuse connectivity if we add more synapse parameter sets later. Gap junction format (column in parenthesis): 0: sourceCellID, 1: destCellID, 2: sourceSegID, 3: destSegID, 4: sourceSegX, 5: destSegX, 6: voxelX, 7: voxelY, 8: voxelZ, 9: hyperVoxelID, 10: conductance (integer, in pS) """ assert not load_morph, "load_hdf5: load_morph=True currently disabled, does not handle morph variations" self.network_file = network_file if self.verbose: print(f"Loading {network_file}") start_time = timeit.default_timer() data = dict([]) # Save a reference to the name of the loaded network file data["networkFile"] = self.network_file # Blender notebook has hdf5 library/header file mismatch, so importing this only where needed # This allows us to use in snudda.utils import h5py f = h5py.File(network_file, 'r') # We need to keep f open if load_synapses = False, using "with" would close file if "config" in f["meta"]: if self.verbose: print("Loading config data from HDF5") data["config"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(f["meta/config"][()]) self.config = json.loads(f["meta/config"][()], object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) # Added so this code can also load the position file, which # does not have the network group yet if "network/synapses" in f: data["nNeurons"] = f["network/neurons/neuronID"].shape[0] data["neuronID"] = f["network/neurons/neuronID"][()] if "nSynapses" in f["network"]: if f["network/nSynapses"].shape == (): data["nSynapses"] = f["network/nSynapses"][()] else: data["nSynapses"] = f["network/nSynapses"][0] if data["nSynapses"] != f["network/synapses"].shape[0]: print(f"Expected {data['nSynapses']} synapses, found {f['network/synapses'].shape[0]} synapse rows") data["nSynapses"] = f["network/synapses"].shape[0] else: data["nSynapses"] = f["network/synapses"].shape[0] if "nGapJunctions" in f["network"]: if f["network/nGapJunctions"].shape == (): data["nGapJunctions"] = f["network/nGapJunctions"][()] else: data["nGapJunctions"] = f["network/nGapJunctions"][0] if data["nGapJunctions"] != f["network/gapJunctions"].shape[0]: print(f"Expected {data['nGapJunctions']} gap junctions, " f"found {f['network/gapJunctions'].shape[0]} gap junction rows") data["nGapJunctions"] = f["network/gapJunctions"].shape[0] else: data["nGapJunctions"] = f["network/gapJunctions"].shape[0] if data["nSynapses"] > 100e6: print(f"Found {data['nSynapses']} synapses (too many!), not loading them into memory!") load_synapses = False if "network/hyperVoxelIDs" in f: data["hyperVoxelIDs"] = f["network/hyperVoxelIDs"][()] if load_synapses: # 0: sourceCellID, 1: destCellID, 2: voxelX, 3: voxelY, 4: voxelZ, # 5: hyperVoxelID, 6: channelModelID, # 7: sourceAxonSomaDist (not SI scaled 1e6, micrometers), # 8: destDendSomaDist (not SI scalled 1e6, micrometers) # 9: destSegID, 10: destSegX (int 0 - 1000, SONATA wants float 0.0-1.0) # 11: conductance (int, not SI scaled 1e12, in pS) # 12: parameterID # # Note on parameterID: # If there are n parameter sets for the particular synapse type, then # the ID to use is parameterID % n, this way we can reuse connectivity # if we add more synapse parameter sets later. data["synapses"] = f["network/synapses"][:] data["gapJunctions"] = f["network/gapJunctions"][:] # !!! Convert from voxel idx to coordinates if f["network/synapses"].shape[0] > 0: data["synapseCoords"] = f["network/synapses"][:, 2:5] * f["meta/voxelSize"][()] \ + f["meta/simulationOrigo"][()] else: data["synapseCoords"] = np.zeros((3, 0)) else: # Point the data structure to the synapses and gap junctions on file # This will be slower, and only work while the file is open data["synapses"] = f["network/synapses"] data["gapJunctions"] = f["network/gapJunctions"] # We need to keep f alive, since we did not load synapses into # the memory self.hdf5_file = f else: data["nNeurons"] = f["network/neurons/neuronID"].shape[0] assert data["nNeurons"] == f["network/neurons/neuronID"][-1] + 1, \ "Internal error, something fishy with number of neurons found" data["configFile"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(f["meta/configFile"][()]) if "meta/positionFile" in f: data["positionFile"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(f["meta/positionFile"][()]) if "meta/SlurmID" in f: if type(f["meta/SlurmID"][()]) in [bytes, np.bytes_]: data["SlurmID"] = int(f["meta/SlurmID"][()].decode()) else: data["SlurmID"] = int(f["meta/SlurmID"][()]) else: if self.verbose: print("No SlurmID set, using -1") data["SlurmID"] = -1 if "meta/simulationOrigo" in f: data["simulationOrigo"] = f["meta/simulationOrigo"][()] if "meta/voxelSize" in f: data["voxelSize"] = f["meta/voxelSize"][()] if "meta/axonStumpIDFlag" in f: data["axonStumpIDFlag"] = f["meta/axonStumpIDFlag"][()] if "meta/snuddaData" in f: data["SnuddaData"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(f["meta/snuddaData"][()]) if self.snudda_data is None: self.snudda_data = data["SnuddaData"] data["neurons"] = self.extract_neurons(f) # This is for old format, update for new format if "parameters" in f: # print("Parameters found, loading") data["synapseRange"] = f["parameters/synapseRange"][()] data["gapJunctionRange"] = f["parameters/gapJunctionRange"][()] data["minSynapseSpacing"] = f["parameters/minSynapseSpacing"][()] data["neuronPositions"] = f["network/neurons/position"][()] data["name"] = [SnuddaLoad.to_str(x) for x in f["network/neurons/name"][()]] if "populationUnitID" in f["network/neurons"]: data["populationUnit"] = f["network/neurons/populationUnitID"][()] else: if self.verbose: print("No Population Units detected.") data["populationUnit"] = np.zeros(data["nNeurons"], dtype=int) # TODO: Remove this, or make it able to handle multiple morphologies for each neuron_name, # ie when morphologies is given as a dir if load_morph and "morphologies" in f: data["morph"] = dict([]) for morph_name in f["morphologies"].keys(): data["morph"][morph_name] = {"swc": f["morphologies"][morph_name]["swc"][()], "location": f["morphologies"][morph_name]["location"][()]} data["connectivityDistributions"] = dict([]) if "connectivityDistributions" in f["meta"]: orig_connectivity_distributions = \ json.loads(SnuddaLoad.to_str(f["meta/connectivityDistributions"][()]), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) for keys in orig_connectivity_distributions: (pre_type, post_type) = keys.split("$$") data["connectivityDistributions"][pre_type, post_type] \ = orig_connectivity_distributions[keys] if "synapses" in data: if "gapJunctions" in data: print(f"Loading {len(data['neurons'])} neurons with {data['nSynapses']} synapses" f" and {data['nGapJunctions']} gap junctions") else: print(f"Loading {len(data['neurons'])} neurons with {data['synapses'].shape[0]} synapses") if self.verbose: print(f"Load done. {timeit.default_timer() - start_time:.1f}") if load_synapses: f.close() else: self.hdf5_file = f return data
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_neurons(hdf5_file): """ Helper function to extract neuron data from hdf5 file and put it in a dictionary. Args: hdf5_file : hdf5 file object Returns: List containing neurons as dictionary elements. """ neurons = [] for name, neuron_id, hoc, pos, rot, dend_radius, axon_radius, virtual, vID, \ axon_density_type, axon_density, axon_density_radius, \ axon_density_bounds_xyz, \ morph, neuron_path, \ parameter_id, morphology_id, modulation_id, \ parameter_key, morphology_key, modulation_key, population_unit_id \ in zip(hdf5_file["network/neurons/name"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/neuronID"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/hoc"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/position"][()], hdf5_file["network/neurons/rotation"][()], hdf5_file["network/neurons/maxDendRadius"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/maxAxonRadius"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/virtualNeuron"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/volumeID"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/axonDensityType"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/axonDensity"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/axonDensityRadius"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/axonDensityBoundsXYZ"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/morphology"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/neuronPath"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/parameterID"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/morphologyID"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/modulationID"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/parameterKey"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/morphologyKey"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/modulationKey"][:], hdf5_file["network/neurons/populationUnitID"][:] ): n = dict([]) n["name"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(name) if morph is not None: n["morphology"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(morph) # Naming convention is TYPE_X, where XX is a number starting from 0 n["type"] = n["name"].split("_")[0] n["neuronID"] = neuron_id n["volumeID"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(vID) n["hoc"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(hoc) n["neuronPath"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(neuron_path) n["position"] = pos n["rotation"] = rot.reshape(3, 3) n["maxDendRadius"] = dend_radius n["maxAxonRadius"] = axon_radius n["virtualNeuron"] = virtual if len(axon_density_type) > 0: n["axonDensityType"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(axon_density_type) else: n["axonDensityType"] = None if len(axon_density) > 0: n["axonDensity"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(axon_density) else: n["axonDensity"] = None if n["axonDensityType"] == "xyz": n["axonDensityBoundsXYZ"] = axon_density_bounds_xyz else: n["axonDensityBoundsXYZ"] = None n["axonDensityRadius"] = axon_density_radius n["parameterID"] = None if parameter_id < 0 else parameter_id n["morphologyID"] = None if morphology_id < 0 else morphology_id n["modulationID"] = None if modulation_id < 0 else modulation_id # If the code fails here, use snudda/utils/ to upgrade your old data files n["parameterKey"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(parameter_key) n["morphologyKey"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(morphology_key) n["modulationKey"] = SnuddaLoad.to_str(modulation_key) n["populationUnit"] = population_unit_id neurons.append(n) return neurons
[docs] def load_config_file(self): """ Load config data from JSON file. """ if self.config is None: config_file =["configFile"] self.config = json.load(open(config_file, 'r'), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
[docs] def synapse_iterator(self, chunk_size=1000000, data_type="synapses"): """ Iterates through all synapses in chunks (default 1e6 synapses). Args: chunk_size (int) : Number of synapses per chunk data_type (string) : "synapses" (default) or "gapJunctions" Returns: Iterator over the synapses """ # data_type is "synapses" or "gapJunctions" assert data_type in ["synapses", "gapJunctions"] num_rows =[data_type].shape[0] if num_rows == 0: # No synapses return chunk_size = min(num_rows, chunk_size) num_steps = int(np.ceil(num_rows / chunk_size)) row_start = 0 for row_end in np.linspace(chunk_size, num_rows, num_steps, dtype=int): synapses =[data_type][row_start:row_end, :] row_start = row_end yield synapses
[docs] def gap_junction_iterator(self, chunk_size=1000000): """ Iterates through all gap junctions in chunks (default 1e6 gap junctions). Args: chunk_size (int) : Number of gap junctions per chunk Returns: Iterator over the gap junctions """ return self.synapse_iterator(chunk_size=chunk_size, data_type="gapJunctions")
############################################################################ # Helper methods for sorting @staticmethod def _row_eval_post_pre(row, num_neurons): return row[1] * num_neurons + row[0] @staticmethod def _row_eval_post(row, num_neurons): return row[1] ############################################################################
[docs] def find_synapses_slow(self, pre_id, n_max=1000000): """ Returns subset of synapses. Args: pre_id (int) : Pre-synaptic neuron ID (can also be a list) n_max (int) : Maximum number of synapses to return Returns: Subset of synapse matrix, synapse coordinates """ if self.verbose: print(f"Finding synapses originating from {pre_id}, this is slow") synapses = np.zeros((n_max, 13), dtype=np.int32) syn_ctr = 0 if np.issubdtype(type(pre_id), np.integer): for syn_list in self.synapse_iterator(): for syn in syn_list: if syn[0] == pre_id: synapses[syn_ctr, :] = syn syn_ctr += 1 else: for syn_list in self.synapse_iterator(): for syn in syn_list: if syn[0] in pre_id: synapses[syn_ctr, :] = syn syn_ctr += 1 synapse_coords = synapses[:, 2:5][:syn_ctr, :] *["voxelSize"] +["simulationOrigo"] return synapses[:syn_ctr, :], synapse_coords
############################################################################ # Either give preID and postID, or just postID
[docs] def find_synapses(self, pre_id=None, post_id=None, silent=True, return_index=False): """ Returns subset of synapses. Args: pre_id (int) : Pre-synaptic neuron ID post_id (int) : Post-synaptic neuron ID silent (bool) : Work quietly or verbosely Returns: Subset of synapse matrix. """ if["synapses"].shape[0] == 0: if not silent: print("No synapses in network") if return_index: return None, None, None else: return None, None if post_id is None: assert return_index is False, "You must specify pre_id and post_id if return_index is True" return self.find_synapses_slow(pre_id=pre_id) assert post_id is not None, "Must specify at least postID" num_rows =["synapses"].shape[0] num_neurons = len(["neuronID"]) if pre_id is None: row_eval = self._row_eval_post val_target = post_id else: row_eval = self._row_eval_post_pre val_target = post_id * num_neurons + pre_id idx_a1 = 0 idx_a2 = num_rows - 1 idx_found = None # We use idxA1 and idxA2 as upper and lower range within which we # hope to find one of the synapses. Once we found a synapse row # we go up and down in matrix to find the range of the synapses # matching the requested condition. This works because the matrix is # sorted on postID, and then preID if postID matches if row_eval(["synapses"][idx_a1, :], num_neurons) == val_target: idx_found = idx_a1 if row_eval(["synapses"][idx_a2, :], num_neurons) == val_target: idx_found = idx_a2 # -1 since if idx_a1 and idx_a2 are one apart, we have checked all values while idx_a1 < idx_a2 - 1 and idx_found is None: idx_next = int(np.round((idx_a1 + idx_a2) / 2)) val_next = row_eval(["synapses"][idx_next, :], num_neurons) if val_next < val_target: idx_a1 = idx_next elif val_next > val_target: idx_a2 = idx_next else: # We found a hit idx_found = idx_next break if idx_found is None: # No synapses found if self.verbose: print("No synapses found") if return_index: return None, None, None else: return None, None # Find start of synapse range idx_b1 = idx_found val_b1 = row_eval(["synapses"][idx_b1 - 1, :], num_neurons) while val_b1 == val_target and idx_b1 > 0: idx_b1 -= 1 val_b1 = row_eval(["synapses"][idx_b1 - 1, :], num_neurons) # Find end of synapse range idx_b2 = idx_found if idx_b2 + 1 <["synapses"].shape[0]: val_b2 = row_eval(["synapses"][idx_b2 + 1, :], num_neurons) while val_b2 == val_target and idx_b2 + 1 <["synapses"].shape[0]: idx_b2 += 1 val_b2 = row_eval(["synapses"][idx_b2 + 1, :], num_neurons) synapses =["synapses"][idx_b1:idx_b2 + 1, :].copy() if not silent and self.verbose: print(f"Synapse range, first {idx_b1}, last {idx_b2}") print(f"{synapses}") # Calculate coordinates synapse_coords = synapses[:, 2:5] *["voxelSize"] +["simulationOrigo"] if return_index: return synapses, synapse_coords, np.arange(idx_b1, idx_b2+1) else: return synapses, synapse_coords
############################################################################ def get_neuron_population_units(self, neuron_id=None, return_set=False): if neuron_id is not None: neuron_population_units =["populationUnit"][neuron_id].flatten().copy() else: neuron_population_units =["populationUnit"].flatten().copy() if return_set: return set(neuron_population_units) else: return neuron_population_units def get_neuron_types(self, neuron_id=None, return_set=False): if neuron_id is not None: neuron_types = [["neurons"][x]["type"] for x in neuron_id] else: neuron_types = [x["type"] for x in["neurons"]] if return_set: return set(neuron_types) else: return neuron_types ############################################################################ # Returns neuron_id of all neurons of neuron_type # OBS, random_permute is not using a controled rng, so not affected by random seed set
[docs] def get_neuron_id_of_type(self, neuron_type, num_neurons=None, random_permute=False): """ Find all neuron ID of a specific neuron type. Args: neuron_type (string) : Neuron type (e.g. "FS") num_neurons (int) : Maximum number of neurons to return random_permute (bool) : Shuffle the resulting neuron IDs? Returns: List of neuron ID of specified neuron type """ neuron_id = np.array([x["neuronID"] for x in["neurons"] if x["type"] == neuron_type]) assert not random_permute or num_neurons is not None, "random_permute is only valid when num_neurons is given" if num_neurons is not None: if random_permute: # Do not use this if you have a simulation with multiple # workers... they might randomize differently, and you might # fewer neurons in total than you wanted keep_idx = np.random.permutation(len(neuron_id)) if len(keep_idx) > num_neurons: keep_idx = keep_idx[:num_neurons] neuron_id = neuron_id[keep_idx] else: neuron_id = neuron_id[:num_neurons] if len(neuron_id) < num_neurons: if self.verbose: print(f"get_neuron_id_of_type: wanted {num_neurons} only got {len(neuron_id)} " f"neurons of type {neuron_type}") # Double check that all of the same type assert np.array([["neurons"][x]["type"] == neuron_type for x in neuron_id]).all() return neuron_id
def get_neuron_id(self): neuron_id = np.array([x["neuronID"] for x in["neurons"]]) return neuron_id
[docs] def get_neuron_id_with_name(self, neuron_name): """ Find neuron ID of neurons with a given name. Args: neuron_name (str): Name of neurons (e.g. "dSPN_0") Returns: List of neuron ID """ neuron_id = np.array([x["neuronID"] for x in["neurons"] if x["name"] == neuron_name]) return neuron_id
[docs] def get_population_unit_members(self, population_unit, num_neurons=None, random_permute=False): """ Returns neuron ID of neurons belonging to a specific population unit. Args: population_unit (int) : Population unit ID num_neurons (int) : Number of neurons to return (None = all hits) random_permute (bool) : Randomly shuffle neuron IDs? Returns: List of neuron ID belonging to population unit. """ neuron_id = np.where(["populationUnit"] == population_unit)[0] if num_neurons: if random_permute: neuron_id = np.random.permutation(neuron_id) if len(neuron_id) > num_neurons: neuron_id = neuron_id[:num_neurons] # Just double check assert (["populationUnit"][neuron_id] == population_unit).all() return neuron_id
[docs] def load_neuron(self, neuron_id): """ Loads a specific neuron. Returns a NeuronMorphology object. Args: neuron_id (int): Neuron ID Returns: NeuronMorphology object. """ neuron_prototype = NeuronPrototype(["neurons"][neuron_id]["neuronPath"],["SnuddaData"],["neurons"][neuron_id]["name"]) neuron_object = neuron_prototype.clone(["neurons"][neuron_id]["parameterKey"],["neurons"][neuron_id]["morphologyKey"],["neurons"][neuron_id]["modulationKey"],["neurons"][neuron_id]["position"],["neurons"][neuron_id]["rotation"]) return neuron_object
def iter_neuron_id(self): for x in["neurons"].keys(): return x def get_neuron_keys(self, neuron_id): n =["neurons"][neuron_id] return n["parameterKey"], n["morphologyKey"], n["modulationKey"] def get_neuron_params(self, neuron_id): neuron_path =["neurons"][neuron_id]["neuronPath"] parameter_key =["neurons"][neuron_id]["parameterKey"] parameter_file = os.path.join(neuron_path, "parameters.json") with open(parameter_file, "r") as f: parameter_data = json.load(f) param_data = parameter_data[parameter_key] if "modulationKey" in["neurons"][neuron_id]: modulation_key =["neurons"][neuron_id]["modulationKey"] modulation_file = os.path.join(neuron_path, "modulation.json") with open(modulation_file, "r") as f: modulation_data = json.load(f) mod_data = modulation_data[modulation_key] else: mod_data = None return param_data, mod_data
[docs] def find_gap_junctions(self, neuron_id, n_max=1000000, return_index=False): """ Find gap junctions associated with neuron_id Args: neuron_id (int) : Neuron with gap junction (can also be a list) n_max (int) : Maximum number of gap junctions to return return_index (bool): Should third return value index be present Returns: Subset of gap junction matrix, gap junction coordinates """ if self.verbose: print(f"Finding gap junctions connecting neuron {neuron_id}") gap_junctions = np.zeros((n_max, 11), dtype=np.int32) gj_ctr = 0 gj_index = 0 gj_index_list = np.zeros((n_max,), dtype=int) if np.issubdtype(type(neuron_id), np.integer): for gj_list in self.gap_junction_iterator(): for gj in gj_list: if gj[0] == neuron_id or gj[1] == neuron_id: gap_junctions[gj_ctr, :] = gj gj_ctr += 1 gj_index_list[gj_ctr] = gj_index gj_index += 1 else: for gj_list in self.gap_junction_iterator(): for gj in gj_list: if gj[0] in neuron_id or gj[1] in neuron_id: gap_junctions[gj_ctr, :] = gj gj_ctr += 1 gj_index_list[gj_ctr] = gj_index gj_index += 1 gj_coords = gap_junctions[:, 6:9][:gj_ctr, :] *["voxelSize"] +["simulationOrigo"] if return_index: return gap_junctions[:gj_ctr, :], gj_coords, gj_index_list[:gj_ctr] else: return gap_junctions[:gj_ctr, :], gj_coords
[docs] def get_centre_neurons_iterator(self, n_neurons=None, neuron_type=None, centre_point=None): """ Return neuron id:s, starting from the centre most and moving outwards Args: n_neurons (int) : Number of neurons to return, None = all available neuron_type (str) : Type of neurons to return, None = all available centre_point (np.array) : x,y,z of centre position, None = auto detect centre """ if centre_point is None: centre_point = np.mean(["neuronPositions"], axis=0) dist_to_centre = np.linalg.norm(["neuronPositions"] - centre_point, axis=-1) idx = np.argsort(dist_to_centre) neuron_ctr = 0 for neuron_id in idx: if neuron_type is not None and["neurons"]["type"] != neuron_type: continue yield neuron_id, dist_to_centre[neuron_id] neuron_ctr += 1 if n_neurons is not None and neuron_ctr >= n_neurons: return
[docs]def snudda_load_cli(): """ Command line parser for SnuddaLoad script """ from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description="Load snudda network file (hdf5)") parser.add_argument("networkFile", help="Network file (hdf5)", type=str) parser.add_argument("--listN", help="Lists neurons in network", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--listT", type=str, help="List neurons of type, --listT ? list the types.", default=None) parser.add_argument("--listPre", help="List pre synaptic neurons", type=int) parser.add_argument("--listPost", help="List post synaptic neurons (slow)", type=int) parser.add_argument("--listGJ", help="List gap junctions (slow)", type=int) parser.add_argument("--keepOpen", help="This prevents loading of synapses to memory, and keeps HDF5 file open", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--detailed", help="More information", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--centre", help="List n neurons in centre (-1 = all)", type=int) parser.add_argument("--listParam", help="List parameters for neuron_id", type=int) args = parser.parse_args() if args.keepOpen: load_synapses = False else: load_synapses = True nl = SnuddaLoad(args.networkFile, load_synapses=load_synapses) if args.listN: print("Neurons in network: ") if args.detailed: for nid, name, pos, par_key, morph_key, mod_key \ in [(x["neuronID"], x["name"], x["position"], x["parameterKey"], x["morphologyKey"], x["modulationKey"]) for x in["neurons"]]: print("%d : %s (x: %f, y: %f, z: %f), par_key: %s, morph_key: %s, mod_key: %s" % (nid, name, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], par_key, morph_key, mod_key)) else: for nid, name, pos, pid in [(x["neuronID"], x["name"], x["position"], x["populationUnit"]) for x in["neurons"]]: print("%d : %s [%d] (x: %f, y: %f, z: %f)" % (nid, name, pid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])) if args.listT is not None: if args.listT == "?": print("List neuron types in network:") n_types = np.unique([x["type"] for x in["neurons"]]) for nt in n_types: num = len([x["type"] for x in["neurons"] if x["type"] == nt]) print(f"{nt} ({num} total)") else: print(f"Neurons of type {args.listT}:") n_of_type = [(x["neuronID"], x["name"]) for x in["neurons"] if x["type"] == args.listT] for nid, name in n_of_type: print("%d : %s" % (nid, name)) if args.listPre is not None: print(f"List neurons pre-synaptic to neuronID = {args.listPre} " f"({['neurons'][args.listPre]['name']})") synapses, synapse_coords = nl.find_synapses(post_id=args.listPre) print(f"The neuron receives {synapses.shape[0]} synapses") if synapses is None: print("No pre synaptic neurons were found.") else: pre_id = np.unique(synapses[:, 0]) for nid, name in [(x["neuronID"], x["name"]) for x in["neurons"] if x["neuronID"] in pre_id]: n_syn = np.sum(synapses[:, 0] == nid) print(f"{nid} : {name} ({n_syn} synapses)") if args.detailed: idx = np.where(synapses[:, 0] == nid)[0] for i in idx: print(f" -- SecID {synapses[i, 9]}, SecX {synapses[i, 10] * 1e-3:.2f}, " f"Soma dist: {synapses[i,8]:.1f} μm, " f"Coord: ({synapse_coords[i, 0]*1e6:.1f}, " f"{synapse_coords[i, 1]*1e6:.1f}, " f"{synapse_coords[i, 2]*1e6:.1f}) μm, " f"Cond: {synapses[i, 11] * 1e-3:.2f} nS") print("") if args.listPost is not None: print(f"List neurons post-synaptic to neuronID = {args.listPost}" f" ({['neurons'][args.listPost]['name']}):") synapses, synapse_coords = nl.find_synapses(pre_id=args.listPost) print(f"The neuron makes {synapses.shape[0]} synapses on other neurons") if synapses is None: print("No post synaptic targets found.") else: post_id = np.unique(synapses[:, 1]) for nid, name in [(x["neuronID"], x["name"]) for x in["neurons"] if x["neuronID"] in post_id]: n_syn = np.sum(synapses[:, 1] == nid) print(f"{nid} : {name} ({n_syn} synapses)") if args.detailed: idx = np.where(synapses[:, 1] == nid)[0] for i in idx: print(f" -- SecID {synapses[i, 9]}, SecX {synapses[i, 10] * 1e-3:.2f}, " f"Soma dist: {synapses[i,8]:.1f} μm, " f"Coord: ({synapse_coords[i, 0]*1e6:.1f}, " f"{synapse_coords[i, 1]*1e6:.1f}, " f"{synapse_coords[i, 2]*1e6:.1f}) μm, " f"Cond: {synapses[i, 11] * 1e-3:.2f} nS") print("") if args.listGJ is not None: print(f"List gap junctions of neuronID = {args.listGJ}" f" ({['neurons'][args.listGJ]['name']})") gap_junctions, gap_junction_coords = nl.find_gap_junctions(neuron_id=args.listGJ) if gap_junctions.shape[0] == 0: print("No gap junctions on neuron.") else: connected_id = set(gap_junctions[:, 0]).union(gap_junctions[:, 1]) connected_id.remove(args.listGJ) for nid, name in [(x["neuronID"], x["name"]) for x in["neurons"] if x["neuronID"] in connected_id]: n_gj = np.sum(gap_junctions[:, 0] == nid) + np.sum(gap_junctions[:, 1] == nid) print(f"{nid} : {name} ({n_gj} gap junctions)") if args.detailed: idx1 = np.where(gap_junctions[:, 0] == nid)[0] for i in idx1: print(f" -- SecID {gap_junctions[i, 2]}, SecX {gap_junctions[i, 4] * 1e-3:.3f}, " f"Coord: ({gap_junction_coords[i, 0]*1e6:.1f}, " f"{gap_junction_coords[i, 1]*1e6:.1f}, " f"{gap_junction_coords[i, 2]*1e6:.1f}) μm, " f"Cond: {gap_junctions[i, 10] * 1e-3:.3f} nS") idx2 = np.where(gap_junctions[:, 1] == nid)[0] for i in idx2: print(f" -- SecID {gap_junctions[i, 3]}, SecX {gap_junctions[i, 5] * 1e-3:.3f}, " f"Coord: ({gap_junction_coords[i, 0]*1e6:.1f}, " f"{gap_junction_coords[i, 1]*1e6:.1f}, " f"{gap_junction_coords[i, 2]*1e6:.1f}) μm, " f"Cond: {gap_junctions[i, 10] * 1e-3:.3f} nS") if args.listParam is not None: param_data, mod_data = nl.get_neuron_params(neuron_id=args.listParam) print(f"Neuron ID {args.listParam}\n" f"parameters: {json.dumps(param_data, indent=4, cls=NumpyEncoder)}\n\n" f"modulation: {json.dumps(mod_data, indent=4, cls=NumpyEncoder)}\n") if args.centre: if args.centre < 0: n_neurons = None else: n_neurons = args.centre for neuron_id, centre_dist in nl.get_centre_neurons_iterator(n_neurons): pos =["neurons"][neuron_id]["position"] * 1e6 name =["neurons"][neuron_id]["name"] print(f"{neuron_id} {name}: ({pos[0]:.1f}, {pos[1]:.1f}, {pos[2]:.1f}) μm, distance to centre {centre_dist*1e6:.1f} μm")
if __name__ == "__main__": snudda_load_cli()