Source code for snudda.detect.project

# In addition to adding synapses using touch detection we also want the ability to add connections
# when we do not have an axon, for example over long range between structures, to connect them together.
# This is what is responsible for.
import json
import os
from collections import OrderedDict

import h5py
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

from snudda.utils.snudda_path import get_snudda_data
from snudda.detect.detect import SnuddaDetect
from snudda.neurons.neuron_prototype import NeuronPrototype
from snudda.utils.load import SnuddaLoad

[docs]class SnuddaProject(object): """ Adds projections between neurons, useful for connecting different regions with long range connections. """ # TODO: Add support for log files!! # TODO: Add support for parallel execution def __init__(self, network_path, snudda_data=None, rng=None, random_seed=None, h5libver=None): """ Constructor. Args: network_path: Path to network directory rng: Numpy random stream random_seed: Random seed h5libver: Version of hdf5 driver to use """ self.network_path = network_path self.snudda_data = get_snudda_data(snudda_data=snudda_data, network_path=self.network_path) self.network_info = None self.work_history_file = os.path.join(self.network_path, "log", "network-detect-worklog.hdf5") self.output_file_name = os.path.join(self.network_path, "network-projection-synapses.hdf5") max_synapses = 100000 self.synapses = np.zeros((max_synapses, 13), dtype=np.int32) self.synapse_ctr = 0 self.connectivity_distributions = dict() self.prototype_neurons = dict() self.next_channel_model_id = 10 self.simulation_origo = None self.voxel_size = None # Parameters for the HDF5 writing, this affects write speed self.synapse_chunk_size = 10000 self.h5compression = "lzf" config_file = os.path.join(self.network_path, "network-config.json") with open(config_file, "r") as f: self.config = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) if not h5libver: self.h5libver = "latest" else: self.h5libver = h5libver # Setup random generator, # TODO: this assumes serial execution. Update for parallel version if rng: self.rng = rng elif random_seed: self.rng = np.random.default_rng(random_seed) else: random_seed = self.config["RandomSeed"]["project"] self.rng = np.random.default_rng(random_seed) self.read_neuron_positions() self.read_prototypes()
[docs] def read_neuron_positions(self): """ Reads in neuron positions from network-neuron-positions.hdf5 """ position_file = os.path.join(self.network_path, "network-neuron-positions.hdf5") self.network_info = SnuddaLoad(position_file) # We also need simulation origo and voxel size work_history_file = os.path.join(self.network_path, "log", "network-detect-worklog.hdf5") with h5py.File(work_history_file, "r") as work_hist: self.simulation_origo = work_hist["meta/simulationOrigo"][()] self.voxel_size = work_hist["meta/voxelSize"][()]
# This is a simplified version of the prototype load in detect
[docs] def read_prototypes(self): """ Reads in neuron prototypes. Simplified version of what same function in does. """ for name, definition in self.config["Neurons"].items(): morph = definition["morphology"] param = definition["parameters"] if "modulation" in definition: modulation = definition["modulation"] else: modulation = None mechanisms = definition["mechanisms"] # TODO: Need to update to use NeuronPrototype !!! self.prototype_neurons[name] = NeuronPrototype(neuron_name=name, neuron_path=None, snudda_data=self.snudda_data, morphology_path=morph, parameter_path=param, modulation_path=modulation, mechanism_path=mechanisms) # TODO: The code below is duplicate from, update so both use same code base for name, definition in self.config["Connectivity"].items(): pre_type, post_type = name.split(",") con_def = definition.copy() for key in con_def: if key == "GapJunction": con_def[key]["channelModelID"] = 3 else: con_def[key]["channelModelID"] = self.next_channel_model_id self.next_channel_model_id += 1 # Also if conductance is just a number, add std 0 if type(con_def[key]["conductance"]) not in [list, tuple]: con_def[key]["conductance"] = [con_def[key]["conductance"], 0] self.connectivity_distributions[pre_type, post_type] = con_def
[docs] def project(self, write=True): """ Create projections between neurons. """ for (pre_type, post_type), connection_info in self.connectivity_distributions.items(): self.connect_projection_helper(pre_type, post_type, connection_info) if write: self.write()
[docs] def connect_projection_helper(self, pre_neuron_type, post_neuron_type, connection_info): """ Helper function for project. Args: pre_neuron_type: Type of presynaptic neuron post_neuron_type: Type of postsynaptic neuron connection_info: Connection info """ for connection_type, con_info in connection_info.items(): if "projectionFile" not in con_info or "projectionName" not in con_info: # Not a projection, skipping continue projection_file = con_info["projectionFile"] with open(projection_file, "r") as f: projection_data = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) if "projectionName" in con_info: proj_name = con_info["projectionName"] projection_source = np.array(projection_data[proj_name]["source"]) * 1e-6 projection_destination = np.array(projection_data[proj_name]["destination"]) * 1e-6 else: projection_source = np.array(projection_data["source"]) * 1e-6 projection_destination = np.array(projection_data["destination"]) * 1e-6 if "projectionRadius" in con_info: projection_radius = con_info["projectionRadius"] else: projection_radius = None # Find the closest neurons # TODO: Add projectionDensity later # if "projectionDensity" in con_info: # projection_density = con_info["projectionDensity"] # else: # projection_density = None # All neurons within projection radius equally likely if "numberOfTargets" in con_info: if type(con_info["numberOfTargets"]) == list: number_of_targets = np.array(con_info["numberOfTargets"]) # mean, std else: number_of_targets = np.array([con_info["numberOfTargets"], 0]) if "numberOfSynapses" in con_info: if type(con_info["numberOfSynapses"]) == list: number_of_synapses = np.array(con_info["numberOfSynapses"]) # mean, std else: number_of_synapses = np.array([con_info["numberOfSynapses"], 0]) else: number_of_synapses = np.array([1, 0]) if "dendriteSynapseDensity" in con_info: dendrite_synapse_density = con_info["dendriteSynapseDensity"] if type(con_info["conductance"]) == list: conductance_mean, conductance_std = con_info["conductance"] else: conductance_mean, conductance_std = con_info["conductance"], 0 # The channelModelID is added to config information channel_model_id = con_info["channelModelID"] # Find all the presynaptic neurons in the network pre_id_list = self.network_info.get_neuron_id_of_type(pre_neuron_type) pre_positions =["neuronPositions"][pre_id_list, :] # Find all the postsynaptic neurons in the network post_id_list = self.network_info.get_neuron_id_of_type(post_neuron_type) post_name_list = [["name"][x] for x in post_id_list] post_positions =["neuronPositions"][post_id_list, :] # For each presynaptic neuron, find their target regions. # -- if you want two distinct target regions, you have to create two separate maps target_centres = griddata(points=projection_source, values=projection_destination, xi=pre_positions, method="linear") num_targets = self.rng.normal(number_of_targets[0], number_of_targets[1], len(pre_id_list)).astype(int) # For each presynaptic neuron, using the supplied map, find the potential post synaptic targets for pre_id, centre_pos, n_targets in zip(pre_id_list, target_centres, num_targets): d = np.linalg.norm(centre_pos - post_positions, axis=1) # !! Double check right axis d_idx = np.argsort(d) if projection_radius: d_idx = d_idx[np.where(d[d_idx] <= projection_radius)[0]] if len(d_idx) > n_targets: d_idx = self.rng.permutation(d_idx)[:n_targets] elif len(d_idx) > n_targets: d_idx = d_idx[:n_targets] target_id = [post_id_list[x] for x in d_idx] target_name = [post_name_list[x] for x in d_idx] axon_dist = d[d_idx] n_synapses = self.rng.normal(number_of_synapses[0], number_of_synapses[1], len(target_id)).astype(int) for t_id, t_name, n_syn, ax_dist in zip(target_id, target_name, n_synapses, axon_dist): # We need to place neuron correctly in space (work on clone), # so that synapse coordinates are correct morph_prototype = self.prototype_neurons[t_name] position =["neurons"][t_id]["position"] rotation =["neurons"][t_id]["rotation"] parameter_id =["neurons"][t_id]["parameterID"] morphology_id =["neurons"][t_id]["morphologyID"] modulation_id =["neurons"][t_id]["modulationID"] morph = morph_prototype.clone(parameter_id=parameter_id, morphology_id=morphology_id, modulation_id=modulation_id, position=position, rotation=rotation) # We are not guaranteed to get n_syn positions, so use len(sec_x) to get how many after # TODO: Fix so dendrite_input_locations always returns n_syn synapses xyz, sec_id, sec_x, dist_to_soma = morph.dendrite_input_locations(dendrite_synapse_density, self.rng, num_locations=n_syn) # We need to convert xyz into voxel coordinates to match data format of synapse matrix xyz = np.round((xyz - self.simulation_origo) / self.voxel_size) # -- lognormal # TODO: Precompute these mu = np.log(conductance_mean ** 2 / np.sqrt(conductance_mean ** 2 + conductance_std ** 2)) sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(1 + conductance_std ** 2 / conductance_mean ** 2)) cond = self.rng.lognormal(mu, sigma, len(sec_x)) cond = np.maximum(cond, conductance_mean * 0.1) # Lower bound, prevent negative. param_id = self.rng.integers(1000000, size=len(sec_x)) # TODO: Add code to extend synapses matrix if it is full for i in range(len(sec_id)): self.synapses[self.synapse_ctr, :] = \ [pre_id, t_id, xyz[i, 0], xyz[i, 1], xyz[i, 2], -1, # Hypervoxelid channel_model_id, ax_dist * 1e6, dist_to_soma[i] * 1e6, sec_id[i], sec_x[i] * 1000, cond[i] * 1e12, param_id[i]] self.synapse_ctr += 1
[docs] def write(self): """ Writes projection data to file. """ # Before writing synapses, lets make sure they are sorted. # Sort order: columns 1 (dest), 0 (src), 6 (synapse type) sort_idx = np.lexsort(self.synapses[:self.synapse_ctr, [6, 0, 1]].transpose()) self.synapses[:self.synapse_ctr, :] = self.synapses[sort_idx, :] # Write synapses to file with h5py.File(self.output_file_name, "w", libver=self.h5libver) as out_file: out_file.create_dataset("config", data=json.dumps(self.config)) network_group = out_file.create_group("network") network_group.create_dataset("synapses", data=self.synapses[:self.synapse_ctr, :], dtype=np.int32, chunks=(self.synapse_chunk_size, 13), maxshape=(None, 13), compression=self.h5compression) network_group.create_dataset("nSynapses", data=self.synapse_ctr, dtype=int) network_group.create_dataset("nNeurons",["nNeurons"], dtype=int) # This is useful so the merge_helper knows if they need to search this file for synapses all_target_id = np.unique(self.synapses[:self.synapse_ctr, 1]) network_group.create_dataset("allTargetId", data=all_target_id) # This creates a lookup that is used for merging later synapse_lookup = SnuddaDetect.create_lookup_table(data=self.synapses, n_rows=self.synapse_ctr, data_type="synapses",["nNeurons"], max_synapse_type=self.next_channel_model_id) network_group.create_dataset("synapseLookup", data=synapse_lookup) network_group.create_dataset("maxChannelTypeID", data=self.next_channel_model_id, dtype=int) # We also need to update the work history file with how many synapses we created # for the projections between volumes with h5py.File(self.work_history_file, "a", libver=self.h5libver) as hist_file: if "nProjectionSynapses" in hist_file: hist_file["nProjectionSynapses"][()] = self.synapse_ctr else: hist_file.create_dataset("nProjectionSynapses", data=self.synapse_ctr, dtype=int)